Another Saturday had brought the girls together, with the exception of Amy. The four other Sailor Scouts had met at Raye's, now repaired, temple in a state of euphoria.

"This is what I've been waiting for a while!" Lita said excitedly throwing the leaflet down on the table.

"Oh....the interschool dance to mark the end of the year. Yeah, this will be great," Raye said.

"What's even better is I actually have someone to go with this year," Mina said.

"We all do," Serena said.

"Hey, we should all go pick out our dresses together!" Lita said.

"Yeah," Mina said.

"I'm game," Raye said.

"I'm there," Serena said.

And as the girl talk was going on, several blocks away, Mike and Steve were building another rocket.

"Guys, if this one blows up, we will have successfully disproved the theory of evolution," Rick said.

"There is no room for dissension in my rocket program. Leave or keep your mouth shut," Steve said.

"Your rocket program," Rick said with a sneer.

"So....Rick, have you asked Raye to the dance yet? Mike asked.

"Oh, I should shouldn't I? Well it's such a formality anyway, I can take my time," Rick said.

"That's risky. You know how girls are. If it's a formality you might as well just ask. I plan on asking Mina later today," Mike said. "Assuming I can find her."

"Yeah, those girls are always running off somewhere," Steve said.

"You're right though Mike. Especially after that business with Chad, I have to reaffirm my devotion to her," Rick said.

"I wouldn't have used such colorful words, but you've got a point," Mike said. "Besides, it'll give the girls a thrill, they get so into that romance stuff. It's like they've got nothing else to do with themselves then fantasize. We men on the other hand..."

"Are building a rocket we all know will probably explode and yet trying to put that possibility out of our minds," Steve muttered.

"Okay, so maybe the gender gap isn't so great on this issue," Mike admitted.

"Hm...Raye's probably buying a dress right now," Rick mused.

"What do you think of this one?" Raye asked holding out a black and red outfit.

"Hey, I like it," Lita said.

"Yeah, it fits your personality," Serena said harmlessly. Raye didn't seem to mind.

"You know, I'm sick of orange. I want to go with a new color," Mina said emerging from a dressing room. "What do you think?" she said. She was wearing a dark black dress, which was a rapid departure from her usual lightly colored attire. The other three girls did a double take.

"Wow...that's a bit different," Lita said.

"Yeah, you look weird," Serena said.

"I don't know Mina, it is a change, but it's not like it looks bad or anything," Raye said.

"What about if I do this," Mina said and narrowed her eyes and scowled.

"Ah!" Serena shouted. "She looks evil!"

Mina began to laugh.

"Hey...I like it," she said returning her eyes to their normal size and letting a massive smile appear on her face.

After the four had finished their shopping they left the store only to hear a whizzing sound.

"What's that?" Lita asked.

"I don't know, it sounds like something's falling," Raye said.

"Yeah....." Mina said.

"Up there!" Serena said and pointed. A small rocket was whizzing towards the street. It hit the center of the road and was immediately run over by a truck. Mike, Rick, and Steve soon appeared walking down the street casually.

"Hmmm...looks like they're at it again," Mina said.

"I'm so glad those three are not part of any space program," Raye muttered.

"Say didn't by chance see a rocket fly by here did ya?" Mike asked.

The four pointed at the few remains lying in the street.

"Ah...there it is," Steve said sarcastically.

" least it flew far," Rick said.

"In the wrong direction," Mike added.

"Never mind that, Lita, do you want to go to the dance with me?" Steve asked.

"Wow, that was abrupt," Lita said.

"Well..I wanted to off the subject as rockets as soon as I could," Steve replied.

"Oh..of course I want to go with you," Lita said.

"Great," Steve said.

"Hey Mina," Mike said.

"I know what you're going to say, and, yes," Mina said anticipating his question.

"Really, you like strawberry jelly too?" Mike asked.

"Mike!" Mina said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know...I'm glad you said yes. Otherwise I would have had take my mother to the dance...ehh.....she is a good dancer though," Mike said.

"Glad I saved you some heartache," Mina said.

" know we've had some trouble lately, but I'd be honored if you'd go with me to the dance," Rick said.

"You could have simplified the question and I would have given you the same answer," Raye said. "Why is it that you think you have to be so knightly when you're around me?"

"Because I thought that's what you crazy girls wanted!" Rick shouted in frustration.

"Oh...well....yes, I'd like to go to dance with you," Raye said a bit surprised.

"Good," Rick said.

Boy Lita, Mina, and Raye have some weirdos for boyfriends. Serena thought.

The next morning.

"This is becoming annoying," Jaedite said as he sat in his darkened office.

"I understand your frustration," Argosante said.

"How can you? It should be so easy to take this world. Yet look at all the trouble. We have an army of troops, three warriors, and you, one of the best swordsmen in the negaverse. Yet...wait....a minute..I've made a mistake," Jaedite said in realization.

"What is it Jaedite?"

"I've been doing my best to conceal my that the Sailor Scouts didn't learn who they were. That was so they couldn't deal with them in real life and deprive me of a fighting force...but those three don't remember what they do when they're in my power."

"I don't follow."

"Don't you see....if those Sailor Scouts knew the dark warriors could they attack? They would hesitate, yet my warriors wouldn't and they could beat the scouts before they knew it."

"Of course Jaedite. But what of Sailor Moon and Mercury. Our warriors have no ties to them," Argosante said.

"That is more tricky. I suppose you would have to keep those two busy. But if you did while the warriors finished off the other three, then the whole group of you could finish those two off."

"Yes sir. A brilliant plan. The only risk is if the warriors reveal themselves, and were to fail the scouts would know who they were and could attempt to destroy them."

"No, Argosante. They wouldn't destroy them. How could they? They're fellow humans. Furthermore since the warriors have no idea who they are when they're mere humans, they would appear innocent victims. The scouts would never destroy them just to get at the evil force I have put inside them."

"And what of Sailor Moon's healing power?"

"Ahh...if she manages to hit them with it, I'll just take them over again. But if everything goes according to plan she won't get the chance."

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jaedite asked.

"Tempkin," a voice replied.

"Come in," Jaedite said. Tempkin strode in and placed a leaflet on Jaedite's desk.

"You ordered me to keep an eye on everything going on at Crossroads Junior High. They are having a dance. The scouts will surely be there," Tempkin said.

"And no doubt with their boyfriends," Argosante said.

"Excellent!" Jaedite said and slammed his hands on the table. "We will not fail!"

"Yes sir!" the two minions said.

Meanwhile at Crossroads Junior High. Patterson sat leaning against the back of his chair. Amy was reading a book calmly. Melvin strode into the room.

"Greetings," he said. "Have to get here early to avoid all my fifty two potential girlfriends."

"Do you? What hardship you must feel Melvin," Patterson muttered.

"Melvin? That name's old's 'The Melv' now," Melvin said.

"No it's not," Patterson replied.

"Hah...your problem Patterson is that you just don't have the social life I do."

"Right now my problem is you," Patterson said.

"Oh..did I strike a nerve..sorry..when you're me..the affairs of romance..come easily."

Amy stood up and walked out of the room. Neither of them noticed.

"Melvin...go away," Patterson said.

"Very well..." Melvin said. Serena popped in the door.

"Helllloo everyone!" she said. "All two of you," She added happily.

"Did I ever tell you how beautiful you looked when you're happy?" Melvin asked.

"No, but I don't mind you saying so now," Serena said joyfully.

At lunch later.

"I'll pick you up at six thirty," Steve said.

"Six thirty? Okay," Lita said.

"Lita, would you mind if I picked you up at six forty?" Mike asked.

"No, but why?" Mina asked.

"Well in our family, six thirty has always been a bad time. It's a really long story that involves several cases of root beer and an angry mob of Irish pacifists, but it would make my heart rest easier if I picked you up a little later," Mike said.

"Suit yourself," Mina said.

"Look at this," Raye said showing her arm to Serena. On it was a bracelet with shaped like a flame that wound around her wrist.

"Wow..that's nice," Serena said. "Look at this, Darrien bought it for me because he wanted me to wear it to the dance," she said and pulled out a pin shaped like a crescent moon, the gold was shiny and reflected the sunlight right into Raye's eye.

"Ow!" Raye said.

"Sorry," Serena said. Heh heh, I didn't mean to do it, but it's still funny.

Amidst all this Amy sat quietly reading through one of her books.

"So our history teacher has given us another tough assignment. That guy is out to get us, I know it," Lita said.

"Yeah...well we'll fix him. Every time we turn in a good paper it's a win for the good guys," Steve said.

"Yeah...I'm sure our secret weapon Amy will be glad to help us ace this next project right Amy?" Lita said. Amy said nothing. Lita glanced at Steve a second then turned back.

"Amy?" Lita asked.

"What?" Amy asked quietly, not looking up from her book.

"You're going to help us with our history project right?" Lita asked.

"It's a group assignment, I'm supposed to, so I will," Amy replied just as quietly and continued to read her book.

She must not have gotten enough sleep last night or something. Lita thought and turned back to Steve and soon they were onto other matters. The entire table hadn't really noticed Amy throughout their conversations. The upcoming dance had them all excited. Her relative silence just added to the lack of attention she received.

" feeling okay?" Melvin asked walking up to her, his hair still slicked back.

"Oh..hi Melvin, keeping up your new look I see," Molly said.

"Sure's slickness, and by the way it's not Melvin, it's the "Melv" now," Melvin said.


"Say...I've been getting a lot of calls from women, but you know my hearts always gone out towards you. Why don't you and me go to this dance together?"

"Melvin, I don't think so."

"What? Molly, who do you think I changed for? The clothes, the personality, the's all for you."

"To be honest Melvin, the old you was much more attractive," Molly said.

"What?" Melvin said in shock and hurried off.

"You're even more excited then usual Serena. Is something up?" Luna asked.

"Didn't I tell you? The school dance is tomorrow," Serena said happily.

"Oh, is it important?"

"It's the social event of the least for Junior High School students, and I can take Darrien," Serena said.

"Oh of course that's important," Luna said skeptically.

"Don't you cats have any interest in these sort of things?" Serena asked.

"Well Serena, don't you think it would be hard for cats to throw a party?" Luna asked. "Also think about it. The only two cats on this planet capable of human speech are me and Artemas, and we talk all the time.."

"Tell me about it," Serena muttered.

"Not like that," Luna snapped. "It would be a pretty boring party, needless to say."

"Yeah, well we humans have our own quirks and going to parties is one of them," Serena said.

"By the way Serena. Have you found out any more about Jade Corp?" Luna asked.

"Well no, I've been so busy planning for this," Serena said.

"I can understand that," Luna said. "But don't you think you should try and find out more about them?"

"Sure Luna, but it can wait till after the dance," Serena said.

"Of course Serena," Luna muttered.

"You know Luna. It just occurred to me that a dance is one of those places the negaverse might think of attacking," Serena said.

"You actually thought that. You must be maturing, at least a little," Luna said.

"But why would the negaverse attack a place they know we're going to be?" Serena asked. "I mean we know Patterson will tell the army it's a potential place to attack because he's paranoid."

"He's not usually wrong Serena," Luna said.

"But Luna, bear with me. Jaedite will know that the army and we will be at the dance, so he won't attack it, because he knows it has a low probability of success."

"Did you just say probability?"

"Yeah, I'm not an idiosyncracy," Serena said.

"What?" Luna asked. "Don't you mean idiot?"

"Isn't an idiosyncracy just a really big idiot," Serena said.

"Maybe in your case," Luna muttered.

"Ahem... anyway...Jaedite's been trying to sneak around and get energy. He wouldn't just attack us," Serena said.

"But he has been doing that," Luna said.

"Hmm...true, but how long can he keep that up?""

"You do have a point," Luna said.

Unless the negaverse has a trump card it's going to play, but I won't know for sure. Let her have her fun. I just hope she's right. Luna thought.

"Okay...we're about to go on our biggest dates yet. What can and can't we do?" Mina asked.

"What do you mean?" Lita asked.

"Well I mean..what are the guidelines?"

"Oh...well...I guess that's a good point...something this important should be managed carefully," Lita said.

"Don't fall into the punch bowl I think would be number one."

"I doubt it, but if that's a major concern of yours..." Lita said.

"Uh no it's not...but I figure it's one of those things that could happen given the romantic comedic climate we're in," Mina said.

"Romantic comedic climate?" Lita asked in surprise.

"Uh..I'm just guessing you don't follow..." Mina said.

"No..what is a romantic comedic climate?"

" couldn't very well be a comedic romantic climate. That would stress the importance of the comedic over the romantic."

"That sounds logical, but I still have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh come on Lita...we're a bunch of junior high school students in pursuit of love...there can't be any real seriousness behind it."

"Sure there is. Why do you suddenly think that just because we're fifteen we can't be serious."

"Because that's what all the books I read say."

"Oh, I see."

"What we're going through right now is an experiment in experimentation."

Lita just glanced at her.

"Yeah...see we're out there trying to find out how romance works, but until we do we have to deal with the comedic consequences. Like your fascination with guys who look like your old boyfriend."

"What about it?" Lita said and grimaced.

"Well, I thought you hated your old boyfriend."

"I do."

"So why are you so hung up on him?"

"I hardly find that you put it."

"But everyone else does."

"Do they?" Lita snapped.

"Bad example," Mina said quickly.

"Yes, and you're still no closer to proving what you said before."

"Hmm...well...then let's just table this emotion for the time being."

"Table this emotion? Mina, you do know what alcohol is don't you?"


"And you know you shouldn't drink it?"

"Yes...what's your point?"

"The way things are going, I don't have one, it's just a blunt end," Lita muttered.

Molly answered the door and found Melvin standing there. Not "The Melv" but Melvin once again wearing his glasses, and his original hairstyle.

"Melvin? Why are you here?" Molly asked.

"Molly, you were right, I'm so sorry," he said bending down on his knees. "Please forgive me."

"Forgive you? Okay..Melvin..enough with the act."

"No, I'm truly sorry, I really meant to become the perfect gentleman for you...but when you turned me down..well..I realized that maybe I'm not perfect."

"That is an understatement..." Molly said. "But I'm glad to see you've realized your mistake."

"Yes I have....please go to the dance with me."

"All right..all right..sure..I'll go with you."

"Oh..thank you!" Melvin said.

"Now get up off the ground for god's sakes," Molly said.

At six forty, all the scouts were either at the dance or en route. All that is except Amy. She sat in her room at her house reading through a physics textbook.

I wouldn't expect my friends to notice that I was depressed. After all, they were excited. This was the dance. And why would I be upset? It's not like I care about things like that. No, I'm all seriousness. Work and more work. That's why my life revolves around. School dance? Love? Why would I bother with such a thing? Amy thought and wiped a solitary tear from her eye.

The doorbell rang. Amy was the only one in the house. Her mother had surgery duty that night and her father was out of the country at a conference.. Amy didn't want to answer the door. It's probably a Jehovah's witness, she thought. The doorbell rang again. She didn't move.

Go away. She thought.

The doorbell rang for a third time.

I don't care who it is. When I get down there, they're going to regret this. Amy said with rare anger and got up and walked down the stairs. She swung the door open and prepared to yell something at the expected door to door salesman or whatever. Only it wasn't what she expected. It was Greg standing there with some roses in his hand.

"Uh..hi...Amy," he said. Amy's eyes widened and before she realized what was happening she was hugging him.

Meanwhile, at one of Tokyo's many convention centers, the dance was occurring. It was a large building with massive glass windows stretching from top to bottom. Inside was a dance floor, and a massively long buffet table.

" you're on a desert island," Mike was saying.

"Right," Steve said.

"Would you rather have a helicopter or a boat?" Mike asked.

"What kind of dilemma is that?" Rick asked.

"Well..I just made it up," Mike said.

"Oh I see," Steve said.

The three guys were leaning up against the buffet table. Serena and Darrien were on the dance floor and the other three girls were eating.

"Okay..okay...this is easy. If I'm on a desert island that probably means I was on a boat that sank probably in a storm or something, so I don't want another boat. Give me the helicopter," Rick said.

"That makes sense, I want the helicopter too," Steve said.

"You guys are fools. You don't have any gas!" Mike said and burst out laughing. At least you can row the boat. All you'd guys have is this helicopter that couldn't fly!"

As he continued to laugh, Rick and Steve both glanced at the punch bowl as a possible place to dip Mike's head into, but then shook there heads.

"It's not worth it," Rick said.

"Come to think of it Mike, you didn't say the boat had oars did you?" Steve asked.

"Oh..well...I just assumed," Mike said.

"Uh huh," the two muttered.

"Are you three going to dance with us or what?" Lita asked walking up with Raye and Mina said.

"We'd better or we'll kill Mike before the end of the night," Steve said and took Lita in arm and headed out to the floor.

"Personally I think we could do a better job than that band," Rick said walking with Raye.

"Maybe later we could try," Raye said.

"You think so?"

"Sure, we'll catch them during a break. We've opened for Deep Six now, remember?"

"Yeah, we kick butt."

"Why do you always embarrass me at parties?" Mina said with a laugh to Mike.

"Hey I was fine at the bar mitzvah," Mike said.

"No one had a bar mitzvah," Mina said.

"That's okay, I wasn't fine either," Mike said.

"Come on," Mina said and dragged Mike onto the floor.

Amy and Greg arrived at the dance at that point. Fortunately Amy had her own dress, and Greg had come well prepared.

"You still haven't told me how you got here, and how you knew," Amy said. "Did you use your powers or something?"

"No, I didn't. I just had some help," Greg said.

"From who?" Amy asked.

"They didn't want that information released," Greg said.

"Was it my friends?" Amy asked.

"Well I'd consider this person a friend, but I don't think it's who you think."

"Who is it?"

"Amy, let's just have some fun," Greg said.

"All right," Amy said and the two began to dance.

"Is that Amy and Greg?" Serena said in surprise noticing the new couple over Darrien's shoulder.

"I guess it is," Darrien said as he turned that way. "Wonder how he knew to come."

"You know what Darrien, I just realized that Amy was awfully quiet. I didn't understand it at first, but it may have been because we were all talking about this dance and she didn't think she'd be going with him," Serena said.

"You're perceptive," Darrien said.

"Well she's fine now. I wish I had figured it out sooner. I could have helped her or something," Serena said.

"Don't worry. Just enjoy yourself," Darrien said.

"Okay, we're taking over the next number," Rick said mounting the stage with Raye, Mike, and Steve. The band that had been hired had graciously given them an opportunity to play a song.

"Hey how's it going," Rick said. Most of the people there cheered. "Hey that's great," he said. "I know they've been playing the slow stuff a lot, but how would you hear something a little more upbeat?"

The crowd began to chant for one of their songs.

"Okay, we've got a new one tonight," Rick said. "We like to call it Moon Revenge.'s all in a different language, but Raye's been working on it, so we think it'll work out."

The crowd cheered. Mike began to play the synthesizer opening and the song began. Raye then went into the song. The students got into it and by the time the band was finished they were cheering madly.

"Thank you very much," Raye said.

"Told you we could do better," Rick whispered.

"I never doubted it," Raye replied.

"Excuse me, there's a telephone call for you," a staff member said to Raye.

"What?" She asked.


"Oh, I'll be right back," Raye said and hurried after the staff person. She reached the phone and found the other scouts arriving at about the same time along with Darrien. Greg was also standing nearby.

"What are you all doing here?" Raye asked.

"They said there was a phone call," Serena said.

"For all of us?" Lita asked.

"But there's only one phone," Raye said. Suddenly a glass window blew apart.

"Oh no," Serena said with dread as Argosante stepped through the debris followed by Tempkin. The negaverse army followed smashing more windows as they entered.

"Quick into the bathroom, we've got to transform," Amy said and the five girls rushed into the ladies room. Darrien ducked into the men's room. Greg followed simply because he didn't want to get blasted.

"Typical negaverse," he muttered.

"I know what you mean," Darrien said and took out his transformation rose.

"Mars Star Power!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"Venus Star Power!"

"Jupiter Star Power!"

"Moon Crystal Power!"

The five scouts, and Tuxedo Mask emerged from the restroom area. The students were all lying unconscious. Argosante and the negaverse army stood on one side of the room and Rick, Mike, and Steve were still standing on the stage.

"Hey! Come on and fight us you jerks!" Rick yelled in anger.

"Yeah negatrash!" Mike yelled.

"Heh, they're just scared," Steve said.

"Scared huh?" Argosante said. "Take a look at this Sailor Scouts!" he said and pulled out an energy crystal. He blasted the three boys with it before they could move. In front of the scouts they began to change and became the three dark warriors.

The scouts eyes widened in fear.

"They're the dark warriors?" Mars said in shock.

"They...can'" Venus stammered.

"No!" Jupiter yelled.

Argosante began to laugh. The three dark warriors walked off the stage and stood beside him.

" looks like the plot has thickened to use your terminology," Argosante said. The sound of sirens and trucks signaled the approach of the newly named, Anti-Negaverse-Rapid-Reaction-Force.

"Oh..and looks like the parties just getting started!" Argosante yelled and laughed.

                CHAPTER 21 CHAPTER 22  CHAPTER 23 CHAPTER 24





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