第三十一課下: 呂布、白門楼に散る(二)
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

赤兎馬(Red Hare)にまたがり、方天戟(Trident Halberd)を抱え、向かうところ敵なしの呂布(Lu Bu)でしたがついに最期のときがやってきます。呂布は命を助ければ力になれると命乞いをするのですが、劉備(Liu Bei)は「丁原(Ding Yuan)、董卓(Dong Zhuo)を裏切ったことを忘れてはなりませぬぞ」と曹操(Cao Cao)に釘を刺し、呂布は絞殺されてしまいます。あまりにも哀しくあっけない最期でした。張遼(Zhang Liao)は曹操を罵倒し、食って掛かりますが、関羽(Guan Yu)、劉備の命乞いにより曹操の部下となります。白門楼(White Gate Tower)での処断はそれぞれ対照的な運命をたどることとなります。なお、貂蝉(Diao Chan)は呂布の家族とともに許昌(Xuchang)に送られます。それ以降は三国志演義に登場することはなくなります。

Ding Yuan 丁原 Dong Zhuo 董卓
Zhang Liao 張遼 Zang Ba ゾウ覇
White Gate Tower 白門楼 Xuchang 許昌
Xuzhou 徐州

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻 白門楼始末


Chapter XIX: Cao Cao Fights In Xiapi; Lu Bu Perishes At The White Gate Tower
ChapterXX: Cao Cao Organizes A Hunting Expedition In Xutian;Dong Cheng Receives A Secret Command In The Palace.

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

While Cao Cao sadly escorted Chen Gong on the way to death, Lu Bu appealed to Liu Bei, "Noble Sir, you sit there an honored guest while poor I lie bound at your feet. Will you not utter one word to alleviate my lot?"

Liu Bei nodded.

As Cao Cao returned to his place, Lu Bu called out, "Your only trouble, Illustrious Sir, is myself, and I am on your side now. You take the lead, I will help you, and together the world is at our feet."

"What do you think?" said Cao Cao turning to Liu Bei.

"You are willing to forget the episodes of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo?"

"Truly the lout is not to be trusted!" said Lu Bu, looking at Liu Bei.

"Strangle and expose!" ordered Cao Cao.

As he was led away, Lu Bu turned once more to Liu Bei, "You long-eared lout, you forget now the service I rendered you that day at my camp gate, when my arrow hit the mark!"

Just then someone shouted, "Lu Bu, O fool! Death is but death, and why are you scared at it?"

Everyone turned to look: The guards were hustling Zhang Liao to the place of judgment. Cao Cao ordered Lu Bu's execution.

The last chapter said that Cao Cao was checked in his angry attack upon Zhang Liao. They were Liu Bei who held his arm and Guan Yu who knelt before him.

"A man as generous-hearted as he is should be saved," said Liu Bei.

Guan Yu said, "I know him well as loyal and righteous. I will vouch for him with my own life!"

Cao Cao threw aside his sword and smiled.

"I also know Zhang Liao to be loyal and good. I was just testing him," said he.

Cao Cao loosed the prisoner's bonds with his own hands,had a change of dress brought in, and clothed him therewith. Then he was led to a seat of honor.This kindly treatment sank deep into Zhang Liao's heart, and he hastened to declare formally that he yielded. And then he was given the rank of Imperial Commander and the title of Lordship.

Zhang Liao was sent on a mission to win over the bandit leader Zang Ba, who hearing what had happened, came forthwith and gave in his submission. He was graciously received, and his former colleagues---Sun Guan, Wu Dun, and Yin Li---also yielded, with the exception of Chang Xi, who remained obdurate. All these former enemies who came over were kindly treated and given posts of responsibility wherein they might prove the reality of their conversion. Lu Bu's family were sent to the capital.

After the soldiers had been rewarded with feasting, the camp was broken up and the army moved away to Xuchang. Passing through Xuzhou the people lined the roads and burned incense in honor of the victors. They also petitioned that Liu Bei should be their protector.

Cao Cao replied, "Liu Bei has rendered great services. You must wait till he has been received in audience and obtained his reward. After that he shall be sent here."

The people bowed low to the ground to express their thanks. Che Zhou, General of the Flying Cavalry, was given command of Xuzhou for the moment.



