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Fenton's baaa ba-baa conquests

Famous ba baa baa-ba minions

Ba-baa a Minion
Minionship baa baa privileges

Fenton ba athletes

Ewe World Order
Sheepcentric sites

Sheepocracy Project
Links ba Fenton-approved sites

Baaa ba Doom
Earth ba baa ba baaa-ba baa ba

Baa Ba Baa
Baaa Fenton's baa-ba servants



Minionship Has Its Privileges

Fenton is proud to offer a special package to the first humans who submit to his authority and aid him in establishing Ewe World Order.

First, a t-shirt. Fenton gets a lot of mail and everybody seems to want to show the world how much they respect and fear the overlord of the Ovis by wearing his face on their torsos. Fenton has ordered us to also include his URL so that others may submit as soon as possible.

Second, stickers. The classic Fenton pose, eyes aglow with the burning fires of Hell itself, will be yours to stick on flat surfaces, books, good friends, or priceless works of art. KIDS! Be sure to get permission before sticking these stickers to anything, especially priceless works of art. This early show of submission to authority will please Fenton.

Third, a certificate. Suitable for framing, this certificate attests that you have submitted to Fenton and pledge to advance the Sheepocratic cause. This certificate also features a genuine replica of Fenton's hoof print! Your friends will be more amazed at this than some musty old degree. (Especially since some of those used to be printed on sheepskin--a sensitive topic here in the offices...)

Fourth, a minionship card. Keep this in your wallet at all times. Show this to law enforcement personnel and they will treat you with a new level of respect and admiration.

Fifth, e-mail forwarding. The first 100 people who submit to Fenton will be guaranteed a forwarding e-mail address at no additional charge for as long as Fenton deems fit. What business card wouldn't be livened up with an address at

Fenton has yet to decree a price for this package but watch this space for details. You can also e-mail Fenton for more information.

Text and images Copyright 1998, 2000 by PunJustice Productions.
"Fenton" and "Death Sheep From Hell" and Copyright and Trademark 1992, 2000 by Tom Smith and Pretzel Productions. Used with permission. All rights reserved.