
    Legend has it that two powerful kings once ruled Kitcharao, Mangipikan, who ruled the north and Busaylan, who ruled the south. A dispute over their respective hunting territories eventually broke out into an open war where each side fought furiously until the subjects of King Busaylan were driven to the hills. The victorious King Mangipikan ordered his mighty hoard to uproot crops and other plants on their way, crushing, biting and scattering their stems on the ground to show their victory. Kit-kit ug Isarao (bite and Scatter the Plants), the King's order, thus became associated with the name of the unsettled plain of abundance. Time has shortened this famous battlecry to Kitcharao, the name by which the same place is known today.

The municipality of Kitcharao was created by Republic Act No. 3842 sponsored by Congressman Guillermo Sanchez. It was once a barrio of Jabonga but through the initiative of the then Vice Mayor Francisco Tuozo of Jabonga, who sponsored a resolution petitioning Congress for the creation of the municipality of Kitcharao, Republic Act No. 3842 was passed.

Kitcharao is in the northernmost town of the province and lies on the boundary line between Surigao del norte and Agusan del Norte.

Kitcharao lies north of the regional capital. Its boundaries are Alegria, Surigao del Norte to the north; Gicaguit, Surigao del Norte to the west; Jabonga to the south and Claver, Surigao del Norte to the east. It is 73.9 kms. away from Butuan City.

The townsfolk celebrated the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22. Both the municipal government and the church plan out the activities days before the 22nd.

Kitcharao has kamia for its municipal flower; nangka for its fruit; Gmelina for its trees, oriole for its bird and yellow for its color.

Source: Agusan del Norte Brochure
Produced by the Provincial Government of Agusan del Norte
in cooperation with Community Affairs Public Assistance and Information Office
and the Provincial Planning and Development Office.

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