The Old Religion

The Old Religion

Links to More Information on Paganism

Charge of the God
A poetic description of the Pagan God. This is one of many different versions that exist.
Charge of the Goddess
A poetic description of the Pagan Goddess. This is one of many different versions that exist.
Creation Myth
An oral teaching of the Færy tradition of Witchcraft. As taken from p31-32 of Starhawk's Spiral Dance, ©1989 HarperCollins.
I Am Pagan
A descriptive essay by Selena Fox explaining what it means to her to be a Pagan.
Odyssey: One Witch's Self-Discovery
An essay I wrote for a class I was taking in Fall semester, 1996. I got an A :-)
Pagan Culture Never Died
A historical explanation for modern customs we take for granted, but often don't understand.
Principles of Wiccan Belief
Set down by the American Council of Witches in 1974, these thirteen principles outline the basic worldview of Witchcraft.
Vulnerability of Women to Witchcraft Accusations
A well-researched essay exploring the origins and evolution of misogyny.
We Are the Other People
An essay written by Oberon Zell, explaining how Paganism is different from Christianity. The tone is humorous, with a little irony (sarcasm) but it makes its points well.
Why Pagans Should Come Out of the Broom-Closet
A well-written essay by Sophia X. Pharou regarding why Pagans and other minority groups should unite and work together towards positive change, rather than sit "safely" and anonymously at home.
Wiccan Rede
A poem that delineates the observances, traditions, and ethical code of Witches. Often written in pseudo-archaic English. This is one of the many different versions that exist.
Alt.Pagan FAQ version 4.0
An indexed hyper-FAQ from the alt.pagan newsgroup, answering common questions about Paganism and Wicca/Witchcraft.
Burning Times Official Homepage
This site is dedicated to educating people about the Burning Times, also known as the Women's Holocaust. It was a time of horrible religious persecution, and we are still feeling its effects today.
Circle in the Sand
Formerly the High Plains Pagan and Magick Page. Another well-organized site on Paganism and the community. The webmaster is based in Arizona, and that flavor is reflected in the page design.
Denver Pentagram
An on-line, paper-free, Pagan magazine.
Earth Wisdom
An eye-catching and well-organized site full of information, poetry, and links relating to various Pagan religions. (Unfortunately, the server sometimes doesn't respond right away.)
Honor the Earth, Sun, & Moon, the Goddess & the God
Willowkendra's philosophies regarding Wicca, morality, rituals, spells, and magick.
Meagan Stories
A collection of children's stories written by a Pagan mother. Each story chronicles the life events of a little girl named Meagan who is learning what it's like to grow up Pagan.
Moondaughter's Way
An index of seven essays on Pagan philosophy, each dealing with a different aspect of nature and life.
Nothing to Sphere
Jump page for information and links to other Pagan-oriented sites. Thanks to these people at the Circle of Nyne for the "Knowledge Controls Fear" and "Harm None" graphics on this page.
U.S. Army on Wicca
Excerpted from the Chaplain's Handbook.
Wiccan's World of Witchcraft
Jacqueline Chabot's personal page and her own philosophies on the world and Wicca.
Witch Hunt
This site has been erected in memory of all those who perished as a result of the Burning Times.
Witch's Brew: For All of Mother's Children
Hosted by Lady Morgan Moonstone, this site features a Book of Shadows (magickal diary), a dictionary of terms, an index of Goddesses, and lots of other information and "how-to"s.
Witches' Voice
The official Witch site out of Salem, Massachusetts. Thanks to Wren Walker for providing the information regarding "Thou shalt not suffer..."
Witches' Web of Days
Loads of information regarding Pagan beliefs, myths, and holidays.

[In Memory of the Burning Times] [Never Again the Burning Times] [The Witches' Voice]

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