The Old Religion

The Old Religion

Important Terms and Definitions

The art and science of working within natural laws to shape the world around oneself. Often spelled with a "k" to differentiate it from illusions and stage magic.
Literally "secret" or "hidden." Matters occult are called such because they have been declared outside the realm of mainstream science. Occult practices work within the same laws of nature as everything else, they are merely more difficult to measure or comprehend. "Beyond current understanding" does not mean "beyond nature or science." 200 years ago, computers were unheard of. The principles involved were not yet understood. What was once considered impossible is now commonplace. It's the same idea with the occult. Perhaps once science advances sufficiently, matters once considered supernatural or occultish will be accepted as real and legitimate.
Any Earth-based or nature-centered religion. In general, Paganism is often defined as any religion which is not a part of the Judeo/Christian/Islamic tradition. More accurately, though, the Pagan tradition is European in origin. Hindus and Native Americans, for example, are not considered Pagan although their belief systems have some things in common. "Pagan" is not synonymous with "irreligious" or "athiest." The word comes from the Latin "paganus," meaning "country dweller." Where else would a nature religion originate but among people who lived close to nature? Not all Pagans are Witches, but all Witches are Pagan.
The pentacle, which symbolizes Witchcraft in the same way the cross symbolizes Christianity or the yin-yang symbolizes Taoism, is not the sign of Devil-worship. Each of the star's five points represent the sacred Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit, or Soul. It is enclosed in a circle to further symbolize their interdependence, without which there would be no life. Witches advanced in the Craft might wear an upside-down pentacle as an indication of their mastery. This is not a sign of Devil-worship. Read here for more information on the pentacle.
The organized use of magick. A spell is much like a prayer, only instead of appealing to a higher power to grant the wish, Witches believe they themselves are setting the course of events into action. Many Witches believe that a spell is little more than applied psychology, or "mind over matter." These Witches believe that the only person who can cast a spell for you is you, because you are merely empowering yourself to do what needs to be done.
One of the many different forms of Witchcraft. The word "wicca" originally meant "witch," or more literally, "wit, wisdom." In days of old, the Witches were the wise women of the community. They were the herbalists, healers, midwives, and even provided legal counsel.
One of the many Pagan religions. Witches are ordinary people who follow the Old Religion, as it is sometimes referred to. These people seek to live in harmony with nature and the world around them. They are not warty hags or supernatural beings. Witchcraft is not Satanism or Devil-worship. Read here for more information on true Satanism. Not all Witches are Wiccan, but all Wiccans are Witches.

[In Memory of the Burning Times] [Never Again the Burning Times] [The Witches' Voice]

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