333  11th  Street,  San Francisco,  California
phone  -  415/255-0333

===>    an  ALL  AGES  venue    <===
(ID  is  checked  at  door,  if  21-or-over,  hand  is  stamped,  allowing  alcohol  purchase)

One of the best venues in San Francisco,  SLIM's  (co-owned by Boz Scaggs)
books popular  indie bands,  blues,  jazz,  punk,  funk,  and reggae  (both local
and national touring acts)  most nights of the week.

I saw my first three  Melissa Etheridge  shows here,
as well as  Jewel,  Jonatha Brooke,  Catie Curtis,
Aimee Mann,  Amanda Marshall,  Yo La Tengo,
Melissa Ferrick,  Laurie Anderson,  the Indigo Girls,
      the Butchies,  many others too numerous to mentiom...      
(and I saw many of them multiple times)
and when  Marianne Faithful  resumed her solo
career several years ago  (and I was there),
this is the venue she chose.

SLIM's  often  showcases  new  talent  just  breaking  into  the  mainstream.

SLIM's  provides an intimate  up close  feeling,  as the stage is about  4  feet
above  the  floor,  and  there  is  no  barrier  between  stage  and  audience
(unlike,   for  example,   The  Edge   in  Palo  Alto).

SLIM's  is  definitely  one  of  my  very  favorite  venues  in  San  Francisco,
I've  always  had  a  great  time  here,   since  it  opened  in  1988,
I've  been  here  more  than  any  other  venue  in  the  city,
I  just  love  this  place!

SLIM's  stage
The  stage  at  the  far  north  end  of  the  club.

Venue security policies are artist-friendly,  and  Stage Diving,  Slam Dancing,
Head Surfing,  and  Moshing  are  not allowed  and will cause your removal.

Several big-name artists have chosen  SLIM's  when they want an intimate show
while being assured of performing in a safe high-quality venue.

Indigo Girls,  Laurie Anderson,  PRINCE,  and many others
have made  SLIM's  their small-venue-of-choice.

   Not  just  music  . . .  SLIM's  hosts several  spoken word  shows each year,   
with regular appearances by Susie Bright,  Lydia Lunch,  and  Exene Cervanka.

Sound  system  is  excellent  (see  the  *note*  at  page  botton),
especially if you let the staff do their job  (some artists interfere),
and they feed artists well,  in fact everything is good,
including the artist's quarters...  a class act!

LOCATION  -  333  11th  Street,  San Francisco,  CA  94103
(11th  Street  between  Folsom  and  Harrison)


PHONE  -  415/255-0333
FAX  -  415/255-0427

CAPACITY  -  436

FOOD  -  dinners available with advance reservations (seating upstairs),
and simple snacks, soft drinks, usual alcoholic beverages from bar

TICKETS  -  Advance from box-office  (call for hours),

BOOKING  CONTACT  -  Dawn Holiday,  leave message

    Visit  the  SLIM's  web  site  for  more  info    

PARKING  -  parking  garage  one  block  south  on  11th  Street
between  Harrison  and  Townsend,
but  check  to  make  sure  they  will  be  open
(open  until  2am  MOST  nights)

Street  parking  sometimes  available  within  adjacent  blocks,
I  usually  park  along  10th,   between  Howard  &  Folsom.


Here  is  the  new  website  for  all  Bay  Area  transit.
Please  confirm  the  schedules  I  give  here  are  current.

MUNI . . . 47-VAN  NESS,   9-SAN  BRUNO,   12-FOLSOM
several other  MUNI  routes within a few blocks

BART . . . several blocks away  (3  blocks  North,  3  blocks  East,   to  Civic Center)
but regular as clockwork.

CALTRAIN . . . take  47-VAN  NESS  to  4th  and  Townsend  (approx  11:35),
catch last  CALTRAIN  at  11:59pm

GOLDEN  GATE  TRANSIT . . . to the  north bay,  all mainline bus routes,
especially route  80,  goes from  (1) Folsom and 7th  (bus stop),
to  (2) Mission and 1st (bus stop),
to  (3) McCallister and Polk (bus stop),
then  (4) along Van Ness (and makes a few stops there),
then  (5) onto Lombard to Golden Gate Bridge Plaza,
then  (6) points north on the freeway (stops at major places),
ultimately ending in  Santo Rosa  three hours later ...
last two buses are approximately  11:45  and  12:45  (from  7th  and  Folsom)

SAMTRANS  . . .  the  SamTrans  bus  starts  at  1st  and  Mission,
then  goes  west  on  Mission  to  10th  (last  Mission  stop  at  7th),
then  goes  south  along  10th  (last  stop  at  Howard),
then  goes  to  the  101  Freeway  to  the  Peninsula ...
there  is  a  SamTrans  bus  stop  at  10th  and  Howard
it's  hard  to  see,  but  it's  the  last  stop  in  SF
(and  only  a  block-and-a-half  from  SLIM's),
you  must  sometimes  get  the  driver's  attention
because  he's  headed  for  the  freeway.

KX-PALO ALTO      (10:26  last bus for night,  don't miss it)
292-HILLSDALE      (12:03  last bus for night,  don't miss it)
397-PALO ALTO      (1:22am,  2:22am,  3:22am,  4:22am)

      SLIM's  sound system is possibly the  cleanest  and most distortion-free of any venue in the area,  however as in most venues,      
        speakers are placed at the leading edge of the stage . . .  if you stand against the stage,  the speakers are aimed  behind  you.        
While bass notes tend to be omni-directional,   treble notes are focused in the direction the speaker is aimed.
Therefore,  standing against the stage will result in  'muddy'  vocals,  since the treble notes
needed for clear vocals are aimed  behind  you.
This is not just a problem at this venue,  but is true for most venues where you stand too close to the stage,
it  is  just  more  obvious  and  extreme  at  this  venue.
I  find  the  sound  at  SLIM's  is  best  if  you  stand  several  feet  from  the  stage,
about  as  far  as  the  first  row  of  "columns"   (see  the  floorplan  below).
Other places for good sound are along the sides  (stage right/house left),  near the downstairs railing,  or near
the  stools  placed near the stagedoor  (which often allows me to meet performers before/after their set).
Sound further back in the main room is still excellent,  though I find there's likely to be more  talkers  back there.

 Floorplan  of  SLIM's

[ enter ]    stools                                               ]
[ stage ]           ===========================================   ]
[     ----]         =================  B A R  =================   ]
[         ]                                             [---------]
[    S    ]*          *          *          *          *[         ]
[    T    ]                                             [    B    ]
[    A    ]                                             [    A    ]
[    G    ]                                             [    L    ]
[    E    ]*          *          *          *          *[    C    ]
[         ]                                             [    O    ]
[-------  ]                                             [    N    ]
[ sound   ]    [----------]      ]     [     [----------[    Y    ]
[ board   ]    [ <---down        ]     [          up--->          ]
---------------------------------]     [----------------------------

Note  -  the  *  above  represent  support  columns

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