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His big blue eyes, floppy blonde hair and exceptional voice make thousands girls on the whole world crazy. But if you think that’s another page to glorify Nick Carter - you’re really wrong. Here you can find out, how he changed for last years and why he’s so special for the most Backstreet Boys’ fans. For me of course, too. That’s why I’ve made this extra Nick’s site!


On 28th January 1998 Nicholas Gene Carter became a jung but grown-up man. He doesn’t need a nanny anymore.nick „At least I can go out with the other guys. Earlier I had to stay alone in the hotel or to be with somebody, who looked after me” - said the youngest member of Backstreet Boys a year ago. To celebrate Nick’s 18th birthday his friends made a big party for him. Nick received a few fantastic computer games, which he always wanted to have. This party took place a couple days before 28th January, ‘cause on that day BSB had to perform at the concert in Connecticut. Nicky celebrated his birthday also with family (mum-Jane, dad-Bob, brother-Aaron and sisters-Angel, BJ,Leslie), but in Ruskin (Florida), where he lived until last year. During the party they recalled the 13-years-old Nick, who with Kevin, Howie D., A.J. and B-Rok started the band called Backstreet Boys. Nick believed the most in their future success and from the begging he was the most popular and likely member of the group.

It’s hart for us to imagine, that only a few years ago Nick was very shy and no girl looks at him as at boy to fall in love. „I was one of the smallest boys in my class” - says Nick - „And it wasn’t nice at all! I also hated sport!”. The girls and boys in his class didn’t like him very much - probably because of his success that he had on TV. Nick appeared in many commercials, musicals and TV-series. In 1990 he played even a small role in „Edward Scissorhands” next to Johnny Deep.

nick & brianBut the most important thing in Nick’s life for now had happen in 1993 - the Backstreet Boys started their great career! Nick Carter became an idol for thousands girls on the whole world. A big help to get round with his timidity gave him B-Rok. „Brian was and still is a model and very important friend for me. Without him I  would missing my home a lot more and I couldn’t be so selfconfident as I am now.” Thanks the band Nick could evolve his all talents. „Suddenly I’ve noticed, that my ideas are accepted. That made me feel better.” His selfconfidence you can see also on the stage. Nick surprises fans with his cool look and sexy moves. „You know, it’s really funny when you’re sexy” - laughs Nick - „Earlier it seemed to me, that it looks stupid and unnatural. But I got round with that.” One thing is sure - girls like it.

Earlier he was even too shy to talk first with any girl. „I always didn’t know what to say and I started to stammer. Today I know that you should be just straightforward.” Hemandy takes the initiative first, goes to them and easy talks about everything. Nick fought his timidity to girls and you can often see him with them. He was always frightened to be pushed away, but not no longer. His new cool image girls like very much. „Nick is great and he has a strong grit. He became a real personality and he can much.” - says A.J. and adds with a smile: „That’s why we’re not surprised that he fell in love for a first time...” Nick knew always what he expects from the girl of his dreams: „I like girls with blond long hair. She doesn’t have to be gorgeous pretty like Claudia Schiffer. I just want her to be nice. And she has to have such sense of humour as mine. That’s very important!” It seems that Mandy fits that image, at least when it goes about her looks.

nickIn private life Nicky is very busy, too. He plays on drums, draws a lot and that’s not all: „I got so many ideas for a film about our band and for video clips” - confides Nick - „So many interesting things are going around us!” With Brian he wrote a song „Ain’t That Cute” for Aaron’s first album. Nick would like also help Leslie, who wants to sing as well as her two brothers. Besides music Nick is interested also in movies. He already received many offers. „I guess it’ll be my next role, when someday there will be no more Backstreet Boys. I would like to be rather a director like Ridley Scott than an actor. But we’re not about to finish anytime soon!”

Nick’s performances are now more rock but also emotional. The romantic ballad „Heaven In Your Eyes”, which now is called „I Need You Tonight” on the „Millennium” album, Nick sings very convincing. His voice and moves are so touching like he was really in love. For sure Nick changed a lot from the cute youngest member of BSB to a young and selfconfident man. nickHis image changed also - he’s haircut is different, he growned to 1,91 m and his body is definitely a body of a grown-up man. But Nick changed not only physical. When he got his driver’s license nobody can stops him! „It’s incredible, how many and how good ideas he has now!” - says Kevin about Nicky. Just during BSB’s holidays on Hawaii you could notice, that Nick isn’t a reckless young boy anymore. He made decisions, arranged the trips and sport games for the other Backstreet Boys. He made also with the technical men the show for the tour in 1998. He works on a screenplay to a movie about their band. Nick helped also to make costumes for „Everybody (Backstreet’s back)” video clip, which was his idea, too!

„Earlier when I had some free time, I always played Nintendo” - relates Nick - „Now I’ve almost droped that. I think it’s already behind me. A couple months ago I started up my own firm on Florida. So now I’m a businessman and I have to be responsible.” Nick’s change impressed Brian, too. „We still can go crazy together, but I see that Nick had change himself. During last months he showed us, how much strength and fantasy he has. We all - Kev, Howie, A.J. and I - respect him for that!”

nickThanks the bigger selfconfidence Nick is more open to other people. He goes to them first, talks with them about many interesting things and asks. Good relationship between Nicky and his family helped him to face the huge popularity that he has. „During first years of our career my mum, dad, Aaron or BJ were with me on the road. I was terribly missing my home, but with a help from my family I lerned how to cope with that.” During all this time he was protected against the fame, which arounds pop stars. Nick never thought that he’s somebody special, more important than another Backstreet Boy and that he can behave arrogant.

The selfconfidence and faith in himself, which brought Nick the credit from his fans, became a positiv strength for him. He is the youngest one Backstreet Boy and he matures all the time.nick & kevin That’s why to cope with the success was for him harder than for Brian, A.J., Kev or Howie. „Nick was always very concentrated on his performances. Just after them he understood that he’s the most adored member of our group. After the concerts he went to his room and wanted to have peace.”- says Kevin. The guys are cool with Nick’s number 1 status. „We all appeal to different people” - explains A.J. - „We’re not jealous of Nicky, ‘cause he gets the attention. It’s really good for the group.”

Well, Nick is really fascinating. He becames famous as a „cuddle toy” of Backstreet Boys: he was the youngest, the most handsome, shy and tender. Now in interviews for magazines and TV shows you can see a complitely new man. But let’s Nick say about himself. I’m sure that when you’ll read it, you’ll get a completely new image of Nick Carter:


nick„I don’t think that what had changed me is our success, but it’s the life that I’m living right now. In the last years I was living always in the lights of cameras, journalists and fans. Honestly - I haven’t got any persons of the same age around me and I didn’t do this, what normal young people do. That’s why I growned up so quick, also physical - I’m already taller than Kev! Last year I finished also my school. It was a big satisfaction for me - I did it although we have so many things to do as a group. I put on that a lot of work, but it was worth that...Besides it made my parents so happy. They always believed in me and I’m glad, that I didn’t let them down. Now I believe in myself, too and I know, how worth I am. I’m not ashamed of my new ideas, even in the areas, that I don’t know good yet - for example choosing costumes or scenery to a video clip or show. Once when I had some good ideas I was scared to tell about them. I told myself: ‘No, Nick, you shouldn’t. Calm down, you have to only sing!’ nickNow I understand that you can’t quietly sit down only because you’re afraid to make a mistake. My change isn’t a one decision, which I made sitting behind the desk. I didn’t wake up and decide - now I’ll be responsible and clever. It goes step by step. I think that the other are proud of me - my family and the rest of Backstreet Boys...I guess I do get more letters from fans than the guys. But I don’t go around bragging about it. You know, what I'm sayin'? I love getting fan mail, but I don’t go to Brian, Howie, A.J. or Kev to say ‘Look I got more fan letters than you!’. I’d never do that. Ever since I’ve been in Backstreet Boys I’ve always been known as the cute, little blonde one. It’s never bothered me - in fact I’ve always quite liked it. But now I’m 19 and I feel, that I outgrowned that image. I mean, don’t get me wrong - I love all the attention, but I also worry that all some people see in me is this kid with floppy blonde hair and they don’t take me seriously! It’s quite flattering in some ways - I guess I come across as kinda approachable and easy-going, but there’s more to me than just the guy you see in all the photos. I really hope that now I'm almost 20 so people will start seeing me as more mature, as an adult! I hope also as well as pinning my picture on their walls, the fans listen to my vocals and what I’ve got to say - that’s just as important to me as what I look like...”



   Nick Carter  

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