Vaalmeeki Raamaayan

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7 - Uttar Kaand


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 1. Sarg 1-2 - Coming of Muni to see and thank Shree Raam for relieving them from Raavan's tortures. Muni said that Meghnaad was more powerful than his father and uncle. Raam gets surprised to hear this. At this Agastya Muni tells the story of birth of Raavan's father - Vishravaa.
 2. Sarg 3-4 - Kuber is born to Vishravaa, he is appointed as the Lokpaal and goes to Lankaa to live there. Then he  tells about the origin of Raakshas, i.e. Raavan's ancestors from his mother's side. Brahmaa's creation: Heti and Praheti. Heti's son was Sukesh.
 3. Sarg 5 - Sukesh's marriage and they have three sons - Maalyavaan, Sumaalee, and Maalee. They also get Var from Brahmaa Jee, become powerful and have many children. 
 4. Sarg 6-7 - Devtaa complaint to Vishnu about Raakshas and Vishnu kills Maalee.
 5. Sarg 8 - Bhagvaan defeat Maalyavaan and Sumaalee, and they run away to Paataal. That is how Lankaa was empty and Kuber comes to live there.
 6. Sarg 9-10 - Sumaalee marries his daughter Kaikasee to Pulastya's son Vishravaa, and Vishravaa then has three sons and one daughter from her - Raavan, Kumbhkarn, Vibheeshan and Shoorpankhaa. The three brothers do Tapasyaa and get there desired Var.
 7. Sarg 11-12 - Sumaalee instigates Raavan to take Lankaa from Kuber. Kuber gives Lankaa to him and he himself goes to Kailaash Parvat to live. Raavan marries himself, Kumbhkarn and Vibheeshan after the marriage of Shoorpankhaa. Meghnaad is born to Raavan.
 8. Sarg 13 - Raavan troubles everybody, so his half brother Kuber sends a messenger to warn him for his sinful activities, but Raavan kills the messenger and starts his journey to win Trilok from Kuber himself.
 9. Sarg 14-15 - Raavan attacks Kuber , wins him and brings his Pushpak Vimaan.
10. Sarg 16 - Raavan laughs seeing Nandee in Vaanar form, Nandee gives him Shaap to be destroyed by Vaanar. (That is why Raakshas were destroyed by Vaanar). He lifts the Parvat on which Shiv was playing with Paarvatee Jee so Raavan has to worship Him for 1,000 years and gets Var of more age plus a sword.
11. Sarg 17-18 - Raavan gets another Shaap - this time of a girl. That she will born as his death. (That is how Seetaa was born to destroy him). Then he comes to Raajaa Marut who was doing Yagya so he didn't fight. But Indra, Dharmraaj, Kuber and Varun had to save themselves and gave Var to peacock, crow, swan and chameleon.
12. Sarg 19-21 -  Then Raavan go to Ayodhyaa where Anranya was ruling. He came to fight and gave him Shaap before dying that "Raam, born in Ikshwaaku Vansh will kill you". Then Naarad Jee advices him to win Yam Raaj first. Raavan arrives Yam Puree and breaks in war by freeing all people there. 
13. Sarg 22 - Yam Doot are killed so Yam Raaj  himself comes out to fight with Raavan along with Death and Kaal Dand. As Yam Raj wants to kill Raavan Brahmaa Jee saves him. Raavan goes to Daitya also to fight, Brahmaa Jee intervenes there also and they become friends. Then Raavan goes to Varun  Puree. There he defeats Varun and returns to Lankaa after winning the whole world. 
14. Sarg 23 P1 - Raavan goes to Bali to fight in pride but comes back embarrassed when he can't pick up even an earring of his great grandfather Hiranyakashyap.
15. Sarg 23 P2-3 - Raavan gets victory over Soorya and extends friendship with Ayodhyaa king Maandhaataa.
16. Sarg 23 P4-5 - Raavan goes to win Chandramaa. Brahmaa Jee saves Chandramaa in return of a Mantra. Raavan meets Bhagvaan Kapil Dev. He wishes that "If I will be killed, then I should be killed by you."
17. Sarg 24-25 - Shoorpankhaa complains to Raavan of her being widow, so Raavan sends her to Dandak Van area along with her brother Khar and 14,000 Raakshas army. Meghnaad  becomes very powerful by doing special Yagya. Raavan gets the news of his mother's cousin sister Kumbheenasee's abduction by Madhu. He goes to kill Madhu but on the request of his Mausee they become friends and he takes him along to win Dev Lok. He camps on Kailaash Parvat.
18. Sarg 26-27 - There he sees Rambhaa going to Nal-Koobar's palace. He gets attracted to her, rapes her, and bags another Shaap from Nal-Koobar, "If you will touch any woman without her consent, your head will break in seven pieces".
19. Sarg 28-29 - Raavans fights with Indra, but he gets wounded, so Meghnaad takes Raavan's place. Indra's son Jayant also comes to fight but his Naanaa takes him away, so Indra Himself comes to fight. Meghnaad fights with Indra and arrests Him.
20. Sarg 30-31 - Brahmaa Jee gets Indra freed from Meghnaad in return of partial immortality Var to him and gives him a name as Indrajeet. Brahmaa Jee tells Indra His Paap - to have Ahilyaa and Gautam Rishi's Shaap, to be imprisoned like this.  On asking by Raam, whether there was any brave king or not, Muni tells the incident of Sahastraarjun. Arriving in Mahishmatee Nagaree Raavan comes to know that their king has gone somewhere, so he comes to Narmadaa River and starts doing Shiv Worship.
21. Sarg 32-33 - While taking bath in Narmadaa Arjun playfully stops the water flow which causes its water flowing back and flowing Raavan's worship material. He understands, that this can be done by Arjun so he went to fight and got arrested. Then Pulastya Muni got him freed from Arjun. Raavan and Arjun become friends
22. Sarg 34-35 - Raavan again wanders for fight and come to Baali and gets defeated and extends friendship with him. On asking by Raam Muni tells Hanumaan's story, as how he wanted to eat Soorya and then was hit by Indra's Vajra. Pavan takes him to a cave.
23. Sarg 36-37 - Then Brahmaa Jee pacifies Pavan and tells Devtaa about Hanumaan's future and then all Devtaa bestows him with many kinds of boons.
24. Sarg 37/1-2 - How Baali and Sugreev were born from Riksh Raaj and how they got these names. Raavan meets with Sanat Kumaar and asks about other Raakshas as what has happened to them after they were killed by Devtaa.
25. Sarg 37/3-5 - Then Sanat Kumaar tells him the identification of Vishnu and the way to meet Him. Once Raavan asks Naarad Jee about the place where mightiest people of the world can be found. Then he goes there, but even a woman throws him in the sea.
26. Sarg 38-39 - Raam sends off Raajaa Janak, Maamaa Yudhaajit and other kings to their homes. Then He respects all Vaanar by giving them gifts.
27. Sarg 40-42 - Raam bids farewell to Sugreev, Angad, Hanumaan, other Vaanar, Vibheeshan etc. Kuber sends Pushpak Vimaan back in service of Raam.  Raam accepts its services but politely asks to wait for a good time. Raam spends 10,000 years ruling Ayodhyaa. Seetaa gets pregnant and wishes to visit Tapovan.
28. Sarg 43-45 - Raam gets the news about Seetaa's living in Raakshas' house for so long from His city people. Worried from this He orders His brother to leave Seetaa near Vaalmeeki Jee's Aashram.
29. Sarg 46-48 - Lakshman takes Seetaa to forest. She doesn't know about it, that is why Lakshman is very sad. On asking by Seetaa, when Lakshman tells the reason to leave Her in the forest. Seetaa
30. Sarg 49-50 - Vaalmeeki Jee takes Seetaa to his Aashram. Lakshman gets very sad after leaving Seetaa in the forest. So Sumantra pacifies Him telling a secret story.
31. Sarg 51-52 - Seeing Lakshman sad on leaving Seetaa in forest, Sumantra tells Him the conversation of Durvaasaa Muni and Dashrath and then not to worry too much about Raam and Seetaa. On returning Ayodhyaa Lakshman also consoles sad Raam.
32. Sarg 53-54 - Story of Raajaa Nrig - as how he became a chameleon by neglecting his duties.
33. Sarg 55-57 - Story of Raajaa Nimi. Rebirth of Raajaa Nimi and Muni Vashishth as how they got their body again.
34. Sarg 58 - According to the Shaap of Mitraa, -- has to take birth on Prithvi and become the wife of Budh's son Pururavaa. Pururavaa had a son named Aayu, Aayu had the son named Nahush and Nahush had the son named Yayaati who pardoned his father-in-law Shukraachaarya Jee for his Shaap. Yayaati gave Shaap to his eldest son Yadu that there would be no king in his Vansh.
35. Sarg 59/1-2 - First comes a dog with a complain and prescribes the punishment himself. Raam accepts it and dog explains its reason to the court. 
36. Sarg 59/3 - Then come an owl and a vulture. Vulture is cunning and wants to take owls nest, but Raam does justice with the help of Shaastra. But the divine voice requests Raam not to punish vulture any more so Raam liberates him by touching.
37. Sarg 60-62 - Maharshi Chyavan comes with many Rishi to Raam to request to kill Lavanaasur. On asking by Raam, Bharat gets ready but Shatrughn intercepts and he himself gets ready to kill him.
38. Sarg 63-65 - Raam prepares Shatrughn for the fight, gives a special arrow to kill Lavanaasur.  He instructs Shatrughn to kill Lavanaasur only when he doesn't have the trident in his hand. On Shatrughn's asking, Vaalmeeki Jee tells the story of king Sudaas (Kalmaashpaad).
39. Sarg 66-68 - Shatrughn stays at Vaalmeki's Aashram and the same night Lav and Kush are born to Seetaa. Then Shatrughn comes to Chyavan Rishi and the Rishi tells him about the powers of Lavanaasur's trident by telling the story of his ancestor Maandhaataa and tells the way to kill him. Shatrughn obeys him.
40. Sarg 69-71 - Shatrughn kills Lavanaasur. Devtaa are very happy. He habitats Madhu Puree. It takes some 12 years. Then Shatrughn remembers Raam so he starts for Ayodhyaa. On the way he stays at Vaalmeeki's Aashram and hears Vaalmeeki's Raamaayan in poetry. 
41. Sarg 72-74 - Shatrughn comes back to Ayodhyaa, but soon goes back to Madhu Puree. One day a Braahman brings the dead body of his 5-years son at Raam's gate and blames Him for his untimely death. Raam consults great Rishi.
42. Sarg 75-76 - Naarad tells Raam why the Braahman's boy should have died, so Raam goes to look for such a sin. He finds a Shoodra doing Tapasyaa in south. He kills him immediately. He meets Agastya Muni. He wants to give Raam a piece of jewelry. On Raam's refusal  he tells Him how a Raajaa was born., and He should accept it. On asking how did he get that jewelry,
43. Sarg 77-79 - Agastya Muni tells Raam the story of king Shwet as how he freed him from a sin, and that is how he got that piece of jewelry from him. Then Muni tells the reason as why that Van was called Dandak Van and why it was like that. Manu's son Ikshwaaku's youngest son Dand was ruling, he appointed Shukraachaarya Jee as his Purohit. He raped Shukraachaarya's daughter Arajaa.
44. Sarg 80-85 - Shukraachaarya Got very angry at this and gave Shaap to Dand that his wealth and kingdom will be destroyed. That is nothing is here. Raam goes back to Ayodhyaa. He is advised to do Ashwamedh Yagya as Indra did it after killing Vritraasur.
45. Sarg 86-87 - Indra got afflicted by the sin of Brahm Hatyaa. Vishnu advices to do Ashwamedh Yagya; and after that Indra gets clean and Brahm Hatyaa lives in four parts on earth. So Lakshman thus confirms His idea to do Ashwamedh Yagya. Then Raam tells king Il's story as how he  passes his life as man and woman. Budh sees him as woman and is attracted to her. 
46. Sarg 89-90 - As a result he gives birth to a son named Pururavaa. He have him to Budh. After one year, many Rishi did Ashwamedh Yagya to please Shiv Jee and freed Il from his Shaap and gets back his manhood.
47. Sarg 91-94 - Raam also prepares for Ashwamedh Yagya so He invites many people, including Sugreev and his army and Vibheeshan and Raakshas. Yagya's horse is released with Lakshman. lav and Kush also come to see this Yagya with Vaalmeeki Jee. On hearing their recitation of Raamaayan, Raam invites them to sing it before Him.
48. Sarg 95-97 - Lav and kush recited Raamaayan daily. Then Raam came to know that they were Seetaa's sons, so He called Seetaa to proe Herself as pure and clean. So next day Seetaa proves Herself by praying - "If I have even thought about any other man than Raam then this earth should split and I fall into it." And She went to Rasaatal.
49. Sarg 98-100 - Brahmaa Jee consoles sad Raam. Raam rules for 10,000 years. Bharat goes to win Gandharv. He habited two cities for his two sons and comes back after settling them.
50. Sarg 101-104 - Raam arranges kingdoms for Lakshman's two sons also. Kaal comes to Raam. He delivers the message o Atibal Muni on the condition that whosoever would see them talking and hear their talks Raam will kill him. That message is a call for Raam from Brahmaa Jee.
51. Sarg 105-107 - As Raam's Kaal was talking to Him, Lakshman's Kaal comes in the form of Durvaasaa Muni, because of whom Lakshman has to go in Raam's room and Raam has to fulfill His condition to kill Him. Lakshman Himself goes to Sarayoo River. From there Indra takes Him to Swarg with His body. Raam also declares of His going. Bharat also gets ready to go with Him.
52. Sarg 108-111 - Shatrughn also comes fro Madhu Puree to go to Swarg. Sugreev, and all Vaanar also get ready to go with Him. Then everybody goes to Swarg.

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Created by Sushma Gupta on 5/27/03
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