Australian Leafwing - Doleschallia bisaltide


This page contains information and pictures about Australian Leafwing Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Wingspan 70mm 
We saw this butterfly once in Daisy Hill Forest during late summer. The butterfly was flying closely on the ground, sometimes rested on leaf for a short time. 
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When rested, the butterfly closed its wings. The wings bottom sides camouflages with dry leaf pattern. When there was the sun shine, it opened its wings to display the rich orange and brown colours.
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 The Caterpillar is black with white spots and red markings. It is covered with black spines. Caterpillar feeds during the night, hide on ground during the day. 

The larval food plant is Pastel Flower ( Pseuderanthemum variable ), which is a perennial herb with white-pink flowers, dark green leaves purple underside. The leaves are from narrow to oval shapes. This plant can be found in moist shaded areas of eucalypt forest. 
Pastel Flower
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Pseuderanthemum variable  

Reference and Link:
1. Butterflies of Australia and New Guinea - Barrett, Charles and A. N. Burns, Melbourne, N. H. Seward, 1951, p122.
2. Doleschallia bisaltide - Australian Caterpillars, Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2005.
3. Wild Plants of Greater Brisbane -  Queensland Museum, 2003, p200. 

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Last updated: January 15, 2006.