Tailed Emperor
wpe1A.jpg (25919 bytes) 
Polyura pyrrhus, wingspan 80mm 
We found a green butterfly pupa in our backyard in late summer. We check that this looked like a Tailed Emperor Butterfly pupa. However, about two weeks later, we saw there are many holes on the pupa and more than 20 Chalcid Wasps had came out from the pupa. Later, we found that the Tailed Emperor Butterflies are easily be seen on top of White Hill. They rest on the top of the trees, fly strong and high. Usually two males are seen chasing each other high in the sky. The caterpillars are green in colour with four-horned head. They feed on various species of Wattle.

Reference and Link:
1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p897.

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Last updated: January 14, 2006.