The Rules

Here are the basic rules for the Halo Awards. Please, read carefully before you nominate a story. Nominations that do not follow these rules will be deleted!

1. Stories of any rating are allowed, but an accurate rating must be specified on the nomination form no matter what.

2. Stories must be complete. Series don't have to be, unless they are more like chapters of one story. Then the series should reach a satisfactory conclusion, even if it might be added to later.

3. Any one story can be nominated for a maximum of three categories. If a story is nominated more times than that, it will only be considered in the first three categories received.

4. Any author may be nominated only once per category. Come on, this is pretty common sense - If you're nominated more than once per category, you are essentially competing against yourself and annoying the judges. So why do that to yourself?

5. New Rule! A maximum of five stories by any author can be nominated. Only the first five stories nominated by any author will be accepted, unless the author specifically asks otherwise. Think about it - 5 stories, up to 3 categories each...that's as many as 15 nominations for one author. So, that should definitely be enough!

6. An author may nominate themselves or be nominated by another. If an author is nominated and wishes to remove themselves from consideration or change the categories they are in, they may email me and I will do this for them.

7. Modified Rule! Stories must fit the categories in which they were nominated in order to win...or even really be considered. Check the categories page before you nominate a story! Series are only eligible for the "Best Series" award. Individual stories within a series, however, may be nominated in other categories if they are capable of standing on their own.

8. Modified Rule! Any story that has won a previous round may not win again, to better leave the awards open to newer stories. A winning author from the Winter 2002 round may not win the same category this round. Check the winners list if you are uncertain.

9. At least five stories must be nominated in any category for the competition to run.

10. An email address for the author must be included in the nomination.

11. The address given should be the direct URL of the story - I don't have time to go fishing through a website to try and find all of the stories.

Remember, if the information in the nomination is not complete - author's email, story rating, and direct URL - I will not include the nomination. So please make sure you include all of that!

If the story you wish to nominate is not posted on a website, you may send the story to me and I will post it on this site for the duration of the contest. Only authors may send their stories for archiving, however! Don't send a story to me by email that's not yours.

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