
| Summer/Fall 2002 Winners | Winter 2002 Winners | Summer 2001 Winners | Winter 2001 Winners | Summer 2000 Winners |

Comments from the judges are included under each winner. Congratulations to everyone! As always, a huge thank you to all of my judges!

Summer/Fall 2002 Winners

415 stories and 40 sites nominated

Best Buffy
Something True by Astraea NC-17
"I definitely would recommend this story to others." "This was a thoroughly enjoyable piece! It was funny and fun to read."

Honorable Mention:

Best Angel
In the Waiting by Rheanna PG-13
"How is a story told by an original-character narrator one of the best ATS fics ever? Because the outsider's perpective is used to make us truly see into Angel, Wesley and Cordelia in a way we haven't before. This story has profundity, humor, intensity and edgings of horror -- despite the fact that it takes place in just a few rooms. The story of the Fang Gang's impromptu camping trip in the mountains is just a detail, but it captures my imagination every time. This has long been a favorite of mine, and it's exciting to be able to recommend it so highly."

Best Buffy/Angel Crossover
Ties That Bind by HonorH PG-13
"Very Imaginative. Inventive and Original. Well written. An all around great story." "Each person was perfectly believable - from Wesley to Willow, Dawn to Fred - lovely. I could so see this story as an episode between S5 and 6. ... Just the right amount of youthful pride and adult loss. Really, I can't say enough about this story." 

Best Short Story - Buffy
Expedite by Annie Sewell-Jennings PG-13
"Superb characterizations and good plot. A super example of what a short story can be. As usual, this author has an incredible gift with words which makes her work riveting."

Honorable Mention:

Best Short Story - Angel
Free by Felicity PG-13
" I feel [Faith] is misunderstood, and I loved this piece because I can see how she would feel all these insecurities about being released from prison." 

Best Humor
Super Food World by Valerie X R
"Valerie has a subtle approach to her comedy. It'll be dead serious one minute and then Buffy'll run into a bush and in a few seconds: (and not a now-my-evil-minions-will-destroy-you laugh, a real, genuine laugh) when describing sex between the two....If this fic doesn't make you laugh by part three- I'll go throw away my Buffy DVD's!"

Honorable Mentions:

Best Action
Ever After by Alexandra Huxley NC-17
"This plot is very absorbing and, together with some solid characterization, makes for an extremely compelling read. ... this is a quality piece, with enough action, intrigue, romance, and eroticism to satisfy all but the most Riley-phobic of readers." "The energy of this story is fabulous! It builds and builds; one puzzle is solved and another unfolds. Half way through the story, I found I was holding my breath by the end of each chapter. This was superb. I have absolutely no complaints about the characterization of Buffy, Riley or Angel. I really liked this one."

Best Romance
Domestication by Indie NC-17
"If you haven't yet read Domestication, you must go immediately to indie's site. Indie has a wonderful style, a great imagination and a fully developed, detailed world." "" OH. MY. JOSS. That was SO good! It is an exquisite fic, very very well written, enjoyable, thorough. Tells you everything, with loads of details, just like I love them. The idea is totally original and the B/A romance part of the plot is not underlined by the other plot. They go totally together, they mesh, extremely well. Once couldn’t exist without the other. This is one of the bestest fics I’ve read in a long time, maybe even in ever. A must for B/A lovers all around!"

Honorable mention:

Best Unconventional Romance
Sidelines by Anna S NC-17
"It captures the initial antagonism between Spike and Xander brilliantly, while at the same time making it believable that they would end up together. Describes a romantic relationship between two erstwhile enemies without resorting to soppiness or digressing too wildly from the characters on screen. "

Honorable mention:

Best Drama - Buffy
It's a tie!
Daemons Luminati by by Kalima NC-17
"Really just completely awesome fic. ... Loved the whole Spike taking care of Dawn after she snuck into the cemetery, the imagery in the words, the plot, everything. Lots of originality and heart wrenching."
What She Deserves by Herself NC-17
"Excellently crafted and paced from beginning to end. Gloriously and convincingly angsty, romantic despite the darkness, and an ending full of hope. Loved it." "Angsty and dramatic. A dark, sexy piece."

Best Drama - Angel
It's a Tie!
Another Life by Inamorata NC-17
"A beautifully poignant what-if with a stellar Cordelia characterization." " " Bittersweet love story that pulls you in and sets you up, but still manages to have a hopeful ending."
Betrayer by Regala Electra NC-17
"A dark, dark look into a downward spiral of our favorite Watcher and yet… there are twists. Now if only ME had the guts to follow through with a plot remotely like this…"

Honorable Mentions:

Best Future
Ever Seeking Solace by Sunny D PG-13
"All happy smiles. Wow. Great Therapy. Real solutions/ scenarios for current & future problems. Three cheers for coffee shop healing."

Honorable Mention:

Best Past/History
Ang-Nuo by Corinna PG-13
"I really think this is an outstanding story and a prime example of everything stories in this category ought to be. We go to a very interesting moment in Angel's past -- one right after our canonical knowledge of his post-curse past leaves off -- and get a fascinating glimpse into how Angel tries to find human contact, and why he fails. I think the unusual setting and the original-character narrator work wonderfully well, leaving Angel as unfamiliar and, at times, threatening as he should be at this point. Outstanding work at every level. "

Honorable mention:

Best Crossover
Donna the Vampire Slayer by Nomad PG
"What a delightful idea, and how beautifully executed! The West Wing voices are dead-on and smashingly funny; a jolt of power like this is just what Donna needs, and this story proves it rather convincingly. I laughed out loud more than once. ... Kudos to the writer."

Honorable mentions:

Best Characterization - Buffy
Rise (He Buys Cigarettes) by Kawcrow (Spike) PG
"Really, really good. Excellent glimpse of post-Gift, pre-soul Spike."

Honorable mentions:

Best Characterization - Angel
Black by Dazzle (Angel) PG-13
"Great, indepth look at Angel's feelings. Expresses strong character viewpoint and is wonderfully poignant. One of the best Angel fics I have ever read." "A truly inspired "missing scene" piece. Every thought, every action, every emotion of Angel's is true to his character. Dazzle has a style of writing that is clear and crisp, letting us experience everything with Angel, but never getting us bogged down in sorrow or questionable situations."

Best Episodic Story
Ever After by Alexandra Huxley NC-17
"I would love to see this as an episode! I liked the balance of angst and humor. Excellent pacing and nice interaction between the Scoobs and Angel, plus an actual believable, original Initiative plot!"

Best Alternate Reality
Masquerade by Kim R

Honorable Mentions:

Best Series


Best Fan Fiction Site
Better Buffy Fiction Archive
"This was a really fantastic site. The colors are easy on the eyes and the graphics are not overpowering. The font is easy to read. The layout makes sense. The fictions can be searched in a myriad of ways, and the fics themselves are laid out with lots of detail: author, rating, summary, review, size and more. Quite a varied selection of styles and types of fiction. A lot of work I bet, with a good payoff: easy to find fics and lots of details on a pretty, easy to navigate site."

Honorable Mention:

Winter 2002 Winners:
187 stories and 16 sites nominated!

Best BtVS Story
Dark Alchemy by Existential Scooby PG-13
"Very long and very enjoyable." " This was a really good piece. All of the parts flowed well together. The characters all seemed every much like they do on the show. I liked the new characters, the were well thought out."

Best Angel Story
Sole Survivors by Roxane Longstreet Conrad PG-13
"This fic would have made an excellent follow-up episode to "Billy." Great dynamics between the main characters; that was written extremely well." "Excellent story!! It was a great unseen ending to Billy. The author brought the chilling episode to a wonderful conclusion."

Best BtVS/Angel Crossover
Phoenix by Cynamin PG-13
"I thought this fic was really really original and the writing was beautiful! A totally interesting plot and after every part it was leaving me wanting more, had some good ole' angst and some B/A goodness ahhh perfect lol" "Wonderfully written story that just begs for a sequel... or ten. Great plot and characterization."

Best Short Story
Confessions of a Ho-Biscuit by Jody E. PG-13
"Hugely enjoyable, somewhat surprising, and highly original." " Jody has created an original character that dominates this story, but is far removed from the ever-present Mary Sue. After only a few sentences, I felt as if I were sitting at a bar, having a cocktail while hearing this fascinating woman’s life unfold before me. Utterly delightful! And Spike is right on." "A refreshingly cute and original story with a punch line that'll leave you grinning like a fool. Oh, and a great title too."

Best Humor
Days Of Our Unlives by Kita and Jess Walker NC-17
"I never fail to laugh while reading this series. ... The first person POVs sparkle with personality and bits and pieces of little surprises. I’ve read nothing else quite like it, and it’s delightful every time." "Personal favorite: Ch. 37, with Spike's re-enactment of Buffy and Angel's love story using lobsters he's pulled from a tank. "Aaaaa! I'm cursed! I must run off and buy paisley sheets!" ... nobody reading this expects Angel and Spike's love affair to make logical sense, just to be tremendously funny. .... Witty, edgy, sexy and insane, this is some terrific humor writing." "I can't wait to see what their Spike gets up to next... I mean, how will they ever top him bringing a reindeer home for Christmas?" "Well, this is definitely not the reality Joss created, but its one I wouldn't mind visiting! Angel and Spike never lose their appeal, I love watching them go through each new phase of their relationship--I laugh, cry and curse right along with them. Truly marvelous!" "... Days of Our Unlives is legendary, with good reason. The writing is whimsical, riotous, and witty. They have such clever ideas about Angel and Spike....I could go on and on about the cleverness of the plot, the steamy sex scenes, and the thoughtful insights into the characters (as well as the imaginative exploration of vampire nature). ... This is a total blast!"

Best Action
It's a Tie!
Trial by M. Scott Eiland PG-13
"... the characterizations are wonderful. Xander is just as amiable and irreverent as he is in the show, and his interaction with Willow was just priceless. The author truly did capture two friends who've known each other so long, they have secrets that nobody else knows." " A pleasant surprise. Starts of slow, but picks up speed and becomes much better as it goes along. Very intriguing concept. "
In Ev’ry Angle Greet by Aadler PG
"Now that is an interesting and unique story. Not only is it an alternate reality, but they know they're in an alternate reality. And picking out all the little things that were different was like a delightful scavenger hunt."

Best Romance
In This World by Felicity PG
"What a terrific story, and what a terrific idea. I'd never have thought of splicing together IWRY and "The Gift" like this, but it really works -- the confusion of the other universe's inhabitants is very well done, and both the connection and the division between the different-universe Buffy and Angel are very well done. I also liked the unusual-but-realistic take on Buffy's emotions in this ... I like this independent, strong Buffy, and because of that, I believe all the more in her choices." "An intelligent story that fully understands that nothing is easy in the Buffy-verse, not even when you get your heart's desire. The 'what if' approach, that had been practically chewed to death, has found a refreshingly new and believable outlet in this mature and fascinating story."

Best Unconventional Romance
The Way, Way Back by Liz Estrada R
"A wonderfully written story that once you start reading you just can't seem to stop. A unconventional point of view from an even more unconventional character with just the right amounts of anger, pity, humor and self hatred to make it all work together like a well machine? Oh, just read it and you'll understand." "This is a sensational story, one that dives deep into character and uses some classic elements of mythology (the fates, the minotaur) in new, dynamic, believable ways. Faith's characterization is absolutely, 100% dead-on. ... This is moving and gritty and fantastic on a number of levels. A great read."

Best Drama
Vivere by Rheanna R
"This is a fic about the real meaning of a lot of concepts tossed around lightly in these shows from time to time -- forgiveness, redemption, understanding, shanshu. ... This is about friendship, love and a truly hard-earned redemption. I think it's as emotional, insightful and ingenious a fic as I've ever read, in any fandom, and I've been in various fandoms for about seven years now. Exemplary work and a must-read for anyone who cares about the character of Angel." " This was an amazing story!! It was very original and imaginative. The emotions and feelings were so real and the writing was soo incredible. This is one of the best stories I've ever read. Rheanna is a very talented writer." "An intelligently written story that maturely observes a unique group of people dealing with a unique set of events. This wonderfully written story takes us to the land of 'what if' leaving no room for speculation or doubt - THIS is how the characters would have reacted, and THIS is how they would feel - leaving the reader with no choice but to deal, accept and move on. Much like their beloved characters. Highly recommended."

Best Future
Just Human by Jill NC-17
" ... it was great. There was some yummy goodness and I did like how she had to get her life back together. There was a lot of work put into this story. The writing was well done, there was a perfect plot." "I always enjoy human Angel fiction. We had angst, we had fluff, and we had a happy ending!"

Best Past
Affectations by Chrystler R
"The mirroring between Darla's confrontation with her past and Angel's disillusionment with his future is subtle and convincing. This is a stunning look at New York as both past relic and futuristic marvel, and at Darla as savage predatory and needy woman. Convincing, vivid and deep, this story succeeds on every level." "A wonderfully insightful story that experiences the world from a monster's point of view, observing without judging, proving that the undead can live in denial just like the rest of us. Highly recommended."

Best Crossover
As Time Goes By by Yahtzee PG
"An amazing story that somehow manages to believably combine Angel, Buffy AND Casablanca as if it's the most natural thing in the world. Zigzagging through a horrific alternate reality, jaded former heroes and a breathtaking plot, this story is bound to give you the ride of your life. Go ahead and try to find a hole in this well thought out head spinning plot. I dare you. Highly recommended."

Best Characterization
Another Peaceful War by Mariner PG-13 (Riley)
""Another Peaceful War" is the Riley who should have been. I totally believe in this Riley, broken-up and disbelieving after the events of Season Four. We didn't see this onscreen ... but we could have, and even more importantly, we SHOULD have. I consider this the real Riley, in a way."

Best Episodic Story
A Raising In the Sun by Barb Cummings PG-13
"This AU story, set 4 months after Buffy’s death at the end of S5, deals with the Scoobies’ attempts to foil an evil wizard’s plan to resurrect Buffy for his own nefarious purposes. This synopsis, however, does not even begin to capture the essence of this wonderful, complex, and insightful story. Like many BTVS stories these days, “A Raising in Sun” is focused largely on Spike and, to some extent, the possibility of his redemption, but in a far more believable and thought-provoking way than anything else I have read. Furthermore, there is plenty of wonderful dialogue (including some seriously LOL-provoking humor), action, angst, and character insight and development. Even Hank Summers is developed a bit here, a feat which other authors might fear to attempt. While this story too long to fit even into a two-part episode, it never drags; I found myself racing through it to find out what would happen next. In sum, this is a well-rounded, thoughtful, and exciting piece that I would recommend to any BTVS fan."

Best Alternate Reality
Doyle Investigations by Mike Dewar, Roseveare, etc. R
"A delightfully different take on the Wishverse. Instead of changing what's already happened, this takes a look at the fates of other, unseen characters. And runs with it. Delightful." "Very, very, very lovely AU stuff, done by a talented and *disciplined* group of writers who have managed to maintain focus and believability in a world almost entirely their own. Doyle lovers adore this story -- but there are compelling portraits of Faith, Wesley and Kate as well. This is really what a fic series ought to be -- something with purpose and direction, but still allowing real exploration and invention on the part of the authors. A little-discovered treasure in ATS fandom."

Best Series
Sands of Time by James Walkwithwind and Wolfling NC-17
"Very well written story ... The premise is unlike any I have read elsewhere. I never got bored with this series, and am in fact still looking forward to its continuation. I loved the emotions that were presented, and really felt that I got to know the characters. A delightful, cohesive whole in which each story is still obviously its own unit." "The authors here took a lot of time constructing this series, and it shows. The dialogue is delightful in parts, the writing sharp and flowing."

Best Fanfic Site
Slashing the Angel
"Can you say "Oh my!" I absolutely LOVE the picture of Angel on the main page. It's absolutely delicious, and I'm not even talking about the naked tushy. ... It is a definite bookmark for those who are into Slash fiction." "I just dig this site. First of all, the frames show Angel in leather pants, and the splash page shows Angel naked, so, right off, I'm on board. Second, this is a very focused site (Angel slash), with selected fic of generally high quality, and yet there's something here for almost everyone, thanks to the Schizm section (where non-ship or even het fic is archived as well). It's easy to navigate and to find exactly what you're looking for. Handsome, functional and sexy, like Angel himself. :)"

Summer 2001 Winners:
186 stories and 16 sites nominated!

Best BtVS Story
Ave Misere by Trixie PG-13
"A riveting and poignant glimpse into Buffy's last thoughts..." "I thought it was brilliant, I like Trixie's fic a lot and all of it is quality writing that really holds a lot of emotion."

Best Angel Story
Reconstruction by Diane Harris
"I really do love this story, and I have no clue how many times I’ve read it over at this point. The character interaction is wonderful, the plot is interesting, the surprise ending…plus, I’ve got this massive soft spot for “poor Angel” fics." " ... Definitely a well planned Jossian plot. I could SO see this one as an episode."

Best BtVS/Angel Crossover
Bittersweet Legacy by Vatrixsta Cruden NC-17
"...I generally don't like Buffy-as-a-vampire stories, but this one is excellent. Vatrixsta keeps the plot moving with edge-of-the-seat cliffhangers and still manages to explore the character¹s feelings and motivations. I can't wait for the next installment, and the next, and the next....."

Best Short Story
It's a tie!
Echoes by M. Scott Eiland PG-13
"Aww it was sad, I like sadness in my fics. ... I can actually see Spike continuously calling just hear her voice."
Glorious by Tara LJC O'Shea R
"Ah, how I love flashbacks! This was a delightful fleshing out of the time period (shown in "Fool For Love") between when Spike was turned and when the four of them were hiding in the sewers. Wonderful little details and great vampiric interaction. Plus, it was like seeing the characters "younger," but they still were the same people/vampires they would eventually become...but weren't quite yet. Now that's a trick." "Wow, just wow. ... this is the best 'William is turned' story I've ever read, she obviously did her research into the time period and, unlike some people who just put any old babble in, Drusilla's dialogue was very believable." "All of the characters are drawn magnificently. Tara paints a portrait of them with words, their personalities laid with vivid strokes of clarity and eloquence. Drusilla is the perfect supporting character in this story and every trait is subtle, yet true to the Buffyverse creation."

Best Humor
Pure Emotion by Mike Dewar PG
"Oh dear, that was funny! Wonderfully unexpected character interaction, actually a bit reminiscent of “Sense and Sensitivity.” Made my chuckle more than once." "I love the Wesley of today--he has grown tremendously and now seems comfortable in his own skin. But the Wesley of yesterday was definitely entertaining. Mike's rendering of Wesley's fears, bumbling, and clumsy determination are right on the money."

Best Action
Something Old Book 4 by Ducks NC-17
"Can't this woman write ONE thing that isn't perfect?!" " Sometimes, I don’t know whether to love Ducks or hate her. She constantly has me both dreading and eager for the next part."

Best Romance
Water Under the Bridge by Adia PG-13
"Very interesting writing style. I liked the present tense, and the mood was quite sweet." " This is the most believable version of Angel becoming human I've read." "I loved this fic, it brought a little light into my world ..."

Best Unconventional Romance
Out of Time by Monique NC-17
"A true romance from beginning to end...we can see the progression of Giles and Willow from people who care for each other, to those who share a deep and abiding love, with enough passion thrown in to make your mouth water. Brava!"

Best Drama
Phoenix Burning by Yahtzee R
"Can we hear a great big ‘awww’ from the B/A shippers in the audience? That one will keep a smile on my face for some time now. Wonderful cast of original characters, plenty of twists and turns, and a fully developed, detailed world. I am officially in awe." "I was hooked from moment one. I stayed up late and read it straight through-much to the dismay of my husband and children, who got very little attention from me! It is one of the best pieces of fiction I've seen! "Really, really wonderful. When Angel gets accused at the end of the story, I had to get up, walk away from my computer and take a couple of deep breaths before finishing the story. Great plot, well thought out. The drama builds slowly and steadily throughout. The end was completely satisfactory and tied up all the plot lines. Excellent!"

Best Future
On Ancient Wings by Cynamin PG-13
"This was such a beautiful story, it was really heartfelt and true. The description was really well done, and I thought Buffy and Angel were very well written." "I’m not much into stories that take place centuries in the future. In fact I’ve started this one before and stopped when I saw how far in the future it was. I couldn’t help think that it wouldn’t have Buffy, so what’s the point of reading it. ... I read it. And I really liked it. Now I’m looking forward to the sequel. Be forewarned though, if it’s not a happy one, I’ll be so upset."

Best Past
Still Time by Nynaeve R
"Truly one of the best past fics I've ever read." "This is an excellent story. I love the double meaning of the title and the clever way she foreshadows Riley’s involvement. I also appreciated that Buffy and Angel could remember their 'past lives.'" "...I loved it! I was completely taken in... I laughed, I cried, it was great."

Best Crossover
Predator Vs. Slayer by Gyrus PG
"Well thought out, excellent plot that flowed together and made perfect sense. Spot-on characterization. If you told me Joss Whedon had written this story, I wouldn't have been surprised. Excellent mesh of two shows, no need to know anything about Predator, everything explained and put together well. When I saw the title, I was very wary, but this was an unbelievably good story. Fast-paced and gripping, full of excellent imagery and "visible" characterization. It was like reading an episode."

Best Characterization
Many Loves by Jessica Walker (Spike) NC-17
"He draws you in, makes you view humanity through eyes fired by bloodlust, and takes you on the roller coaster ride of a lifetime. You wind up crying with him over Buffy, and knowing, no matter how the story ends, that he'll pick himself up and start the ride all over again." "I loved this story. The whole long, sordid history of Spike.... Fascinating, amusing, heart wrenching… A delightful way to see a character grow and change. Subtlety done at times so that you didn’t even realize it was happening until you realized that the feelings were different than they’d been in the beginning."

Best Episodic Story
For One Night Only by Rheanna PG-13
"I thought it was a incredibly funny story. It's a good read if you wanna read something that's funny but kind of dives deep." "Great command of character. I'd SO love to see the actors take this one and run with it!" "Now this is where Rheanna excels. Everyone of her stories I've read of this length I could see as episodes. This one would probably be hysterical as an episode, with just the right amount of 'bigger issues' to come from the pen of Joss." " This story is funny, exciting, touching, and very, very ANGEL. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a winner."

Best Alternate Reality
Masters and Minions by Medea NC-17
"Excellent storytelling. I loved Willow's proactive response to her situation. I loved the exploration of Buffy's reaction to her best friend's turning. I loved the support Willow continued to receive from Tara. I appreciated how Willow's relationship with Angel didn't really begin until after Buffy's death. I read with awe the vengeance visited upon the WC by Willow, Spike, Ripper and Angelus. (It was truly disturbing descriptions of horrific torture. I may actually have nightmares.) I loved Willow's quest. I would love to read more details about Willow's adventures on her quest. Each part of the story was creatively conceived and well executed. I consider myself a pretty die-hard B/A shipper, but I liked this story."

Best Series
Seventh Son Series by Michael Donovan PG (series continues here)
"Stories are good with well thought out plots. It’s hard to sustain an extended series built around an original character. This series is one of the best of those." "I have to admit it, I was not expecting to particularly enjoy this series. But it just got better and better as it went along. The stories are creative and the characters are interesting. Very well done."

Best Fan Fiction Site
It's a tie!
Land of Denial
Amor Numquam Finit

Winter 2001 Winners:
166 stories were nominated! I am amazed!

Best BtVS Story
Buried Alive by Rebecca Carefoot R
"This is one of the best story's ever. In the past two years I must have read it about 50 times" "One of the best versions of the groups reaction to Angels return from hell I have read. Engrossing."

Best Angel Story
Blood and Water by Rheanna PG-13
"I was asking for a good story, and this one truly delivers. It had the exact right mix of action, humor, and angst that makes Angel episodes so engrossing." "It's the best Angel series fic I've read to date, no contest. ...this one is really, really good."

Best BtVS/Angel Crossover by Peri Smith G
"I loved it. Laughed my way through the whole thing..." "Very clever story ... well executed. ... Really a well crafted story."

Best Short Story
Stay by Ducks PG-13
"What can I say. Excellent story." "I'm convinced Ducks could write a decent B/A fic while being held captive by wild monkeys."

Best Humor
After Dark by A.E. Berry PG
"This story kept me giggling--when I wasn't outright guffawing at the situations in which our Giles finds himself. Ann mixes danger and humor in much the way Joss and Co. do, and throws in supporting characters that endear themselves to us at the same time that they make us glad we don't know them--at least, I hope to never meet some of them without Buffy by my side! By far, my favorite comedy--I would love to see this on T.V.!"

Best Action
The Dark Slayer Series by Avatar PG
"It's the equivalent of a set of novels really--but it was worth it. I don't think there's anything else in "Buffy" fanfic to compare in scale. ... manages to work in conceptual crossovers with everything from "Twin Peaks" to "Blade Runner," and throws in more pseudo-mystico-physics and military ordnance than you can shake a stick at. It's mind-boggling in scope, really well written, and a pretty engrossing read overall."

Best Romance
Letters to Whistler by Harpy NC-17
"This story should be subtitled 'Angel's Tips on How to Treat a Woman' . I loved it. Lovely premise, well written.... It was wonderful. Yeah Harpy!"

Best Unconventional Romance
In the Company of Wolves by Jonquil R
"Very very well done. Excellent characterization. very gripping"

Best Drama
Broken Wings by Melinda S. Dawney & Lil-Wolf PG-13
"Broken wings was able to capture a possibility in the Buffy-verse . .. a possibility Joss didn't grasp. But hey, that's what fans are for, aren't they?. Maximum recommendation: a real tear-jerker, for those who like angst and romance, all thrown together in a delicious mix..."

Best Future
Lifespan by Yahtzee PG
"Oh, wow! That’s about all I can say about this one. Beautifully told from the point of view of one of Cordelia’s grand daughters, just after her death. I really enjoyed seeing the possibility of what life would be like for the still-vampire Angel ... and how he has chosen to remain with this human family. Absolutely lovely."

Best Past
It's a Tie!
Back in Time by Mariah NC-17
"I loved this story, I laughed, I cried and I cheered."

Painting the Sun by Spyke Raven NC-17
"Very unique! I almost never like Angelus based stories, but I was impressed by this one. Gory, disturbing...and I liked it!"

Best Crossover
Never Throw Your Life Away by Hgh PG
"As a fan of both Buffy and Highlander, I adore this story. This is a crossover in the truest sense of the word. Both shows get equal amount of weight in the plot, complete with little episode references. Quite helpful – and rarely done – the author has taken the time to create background pages for people unfamiliar with one of the two shows. This story was already saved as one of my favorites to read over and over."

Best Poem
Never Forget by Rae G
"Sniff! Sad, but lovely rhymes ... and nice content."

Best Series
Years Later Series by KNS PG-13
"Wow. ... this was just so good! The story was interesting. The characters were true. I loved that even twenty years from now, Xander still has the ability to push Angel's buttons. And Giles still believes that Buffy's happiness is what's best for her. Wesley as the evil head of the Watcher Council was just lovely. One of the best things was that the last twenty years didn't happen in a vacuum. ... My eyes were so tear-filled at the end, I had to re-read the 'Buffy comes back' scene again. This series is just perfect. It has angst, it has love, it has a plot, it has sadness, it has action and, last but not least, it has a happy ending. I think I'm going to go read it again."

Best Fanfiction Site
Addictive Stigmata

Summer 2000 Winners:
120 stories were nominated! Thank you everyone for the incredible turn out!
A huge thank you to all of our judges. I could never have done this without you.

Best BtVS Story
The Cure by Ducks PG-13
Our judges said: "A really original story with lots of interesting and enjoyable plots. Brilliant is the only way to describe it."

Best Angel Story
Second Coming by Carla Kozak PG-13
Our judges said: "...truly original, well thought out concept."

Best BtVS/Angel Crossover
Letters From Ireland by Harpy NC-17
Our judges said: "It's incredibly well written... Great combo of ancestry, angst, and happiness."

Best Short Fiction
Study in Darkness and Light by Hannah R.H. PG
Our judges said: "...DEEP thinking combined with great imagery."

Best Humorous Fiction
Spanked by Echo PG-13
Our judges say: "Hilarious! Spike and Cordelia were absolutely delightful."

Best Action Story
Remember Me by Rae Summers PG-13
Our judges say: "Lots of fun... The plot twists kept me guessing all through this story. Definitely caught my attention."

Best Romance
Because by Ivy PG
Our judges say: "I loved it! Angel was so sweet!"

Best Unconventional Romance
Sew the Chicken by Kim Wylie NC-17
Our judges say: "This is a hilarious read. There is a 'randomness' to the events and dialogue that defies predictability. The supporting characters...are done very well."

Best Drama
Shattered by Annie PG-13
Our judges say: "Nice characterization. The POV switching-off was well executed."

Best Future Story
Something to Remember by Perri Smith PG
Our judges say: "This was really sweet, ...kinda sad."

Best Past Story
Penance by Michael Donovan R

Best Original Character
Best Kept Secrets: The Rosenberg Archives by Kate NC-17

Best Crossover
Spring Break Slayer Style by Valerie Meachum PG
Our judges say: "Completely captivating."

Best Poem
Random Patterns by Saber ShadowKitten NC-17
Our judges say: "Great imagery. Powerful rhythm. Unusual topic."

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