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The Bush Book can be orderd very easily by doing the following:

Special Note: This book is made available with absolutely no profit to us. While any donations would be accepted with appreciation, none are necessary.

Due to our move from Columbus OH to Nickelsville VA we are no longer close to a printer. The nearest source is about 50 miles away and I have been quoted a printing price of $52.00. The cost to mail would be about $6.00.

Send it with your name and address to:

Julie Adams

P.O. Box 405

Nickelsville, VA 24271

Your book should reach you about 15-20 days after you have mailed your check to me.

No updates will be made to the existing book. All updated info will be documented here on the website.

If you should have questions about the book or its contents, please email us at:

The book contains almost 300 pages of genealogy, pictures, stories, cencus records, wills, deeds and other misc. records. It is spiral bound with a front and back protective cover.

We both have put a lot of time and effort into this project and hope that it helps to preserve the heritage of the Bush family for generations to come.

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