Vote for East Central Region PEO Councillor

P.Eng. banner Dear fellow engineers:

In these times of emerging new engineering fields, a true Revolution in Engineering Affairs is taking shape.

PEO faces a challenge to effectively demonstrate its value to society and its relevance to its membership by embracing these fields into the definition of engineering.

We, the engineers, are widely acknowledged as belonging to a profession that stays at the forefront in the creation of real economic wealth and technological excellence in Ontario. We contribute effectively to the security and enhancement of Ontario's social, economic, cultural and environmental well being.

The foundation for the value offered to society by professional engineers lies primarily in our members' high standard of qualification and adherence to our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as stated in the Professional Engineers Act and Regulations. However, we need to build on the strength of a growing and continuously diversified profession, while correcting weaknesses that may threaten its credibility with the public and legislators.

More than ever, our profession needs wise leadership and strong member involvement. It is necessary to take action now, before our profession becomes irrelevant to society.