Strength of God
The Lord God walks with His child in the dead of night, as well as in the light of day. The sun does not always shine in the Valley of Sharon, but the child of God draws strength from trials. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." Psalm 23:4
God Is Love

Have you ever seen your house on fire?
Have you ever watched it burn?
Or seen the timbers fall to ash,
Not knowing where to turn?

Have you ever seen a baby die?
Have you watched the dead being born?
Or seen its lifeless eyes meet yours,
Or watched the mother mourn?

Have you ever seen a hopeless man?
Have you seen him laying in the street?
Or watched him cold and shivering,
Without a bite to eat?

Some questions have no answers.
Some wounds can't be explained.
Sometimes you can't find a pill,
To take away your pain.

Its not the path you're walking.
It's not your doctrine or creed.
It's not the bylaws that you follow,
Or the scripture that you read.

God is not just a religion.
He is not politics or a social club.
If you are looking for something to believe in,
God is love! God is love!
The Baby Never Held

Fleeing shadow and long lost dream,
I knew you once.
Cheeks unkissed and face unseen,
I loved you so.

Ears unformed and speechless mouth,
I spoke to you.
Your life I promised, but couldn't give,
And now you're gone.
Haven from Despair

Pulled tightly between
The physical and the spiritual;
Attempting to count the grains
Of sand on the seashore.

Believing often that I could succeed,
If the wind would but pause
And the surf would recede.

Never realizing that even as the surf recedes,
More grains of sand are revealed;
Compounding the task.
Soon, I'm in over my head.

Because the tide comes in.
I feel the spray as it saturates my skin;
The salt as it bites,
The cold wind leaving me shivering.

No, you can't resist the elements.
You can't turn back time and tides.
But, it seems likely
A refuge would appear;

A haven for the soul
Where fear can't overcome.
A place of shelter
For a heart in despair.

Piece by piece,
We sift through the puzzle of life.
Where do they go,
How does each piece fit?

Like the shrapnel of war,
We see so many fragments,
And shake our heads,
Wondering if there is hope.

But, God holds the puzzle.
Our life is in His hands.
If we just lay down the pieces
And yield to His design.

He'll restore our brokenness
And make our lives whole.
He'll join each of the fragments
To make us complete in Christ.
The Weight of Silence

Can you understand the words not spoken?
Heavenly Father, do you know my heart?
If a picture is worth a thousand words,
Then who can measure the weight of silence?

Can you hear my silence?
There is so much hidden inside of me,
That the world can't see;
That no one can touch, but you.

Pain and sin built this wall.
A chasm of emptiness surrounds it.
I will give to you this empty cup,
And drink from the grace that you pour.

No longer will I withdraw in fear,
Or harden my heart and hide in its shell.
For you are a Rock, my only hiding place.
My heart has a haven in you.

We must lay down the weights that burden us,
Casting all our cares on you.
For we can leap the walls we hide behind,
Only by the strength of your love.

Cleanse me with your Holy Fire.
Wash away my sins.
I pray Dear God, that you will save me,
And carry my weight of silence.