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These Cokin filters add warmth to light and a pleasant tan to your photo. In general, they suppress blue casts on overcast days and on subjects lit by blue sky.
These filters correspond to the Wratten Series 81 (81 A, B, C) and complement the Cokin blue filters (023, 024, and 025) which create cooler or bluer tones.

 To get an accurate balancing of the light source to your film you can use the Mired System to calculate which filter or combination of filters you need to get "perfect color". Lionel Armstrong has made up a handy chart to explain The Finer Points of Color Correction

Helpful hints :
 Do not combine warm filters with other color filters as this will destroy the subtle effects. But you can combine them with optical effects filters, including Pastels, Dreams, Star, Speed, etc. Best used with a polarizer

Photo by Ken R Sheide
Cokin #28 (81C)

More photo's by Ken Sheid
The photo  shown above on this page  is the ownership of Photographer Ken R Sheide and is not to be distributed in any way which may violate his copyright without permission from Ken R Sheide .

027                                                                       No filter on an overcast day

My two feet at 200 feet (I still have the pair of Nike's that are 4 years old)
This was shot from my  Paraplane ultralite.
It is not the KC-135 (Boeing 707) or a Boeing 737  I did fly for many years but lots of fun

Common New Hampshire road Sign
Or, Do not brake for Moose, it will fill your freezer (if you survive)

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