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Gradual Blue
122 B1 Blue Graduated     Weakest

123 B2 Blue Graduated     Stronger

123-L  B2 Gradual Blue  - Light graduation for a subtle effect

123-M B2 Gradual Blue  - Medium graduation

123-S B2 Gradual Blue  - Soft graduation

123-F B2 Gradual Blue  - Full graduation from top to bottom

Without filter
This Upstate farm in Madison County New York needs color and balancing with the contrast of the sky.

122 Graduated Blue B1
A Gradual Blue tones down the sky and adds color. The Modular Hood (225) was also used to shade the lens from unwanted reflections

Note that both photos have slight vignetting (dark edges) The P series would of prevented this.

All of the photos on this page and this entire site will remain the exclusive property of their original owners. No photo may be reproduced or used in any way without the authorization of the owner.

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