Dad's Hobbies

Dad AKA David, Mr Dave, Ole Man, Bubba, Daddy, David I

The song playing is I will always love you.

My Father wasn't a lazy man. He worked everyday of his life almost til the end. There were times when he could have layed around watching T.V. being lazy, but instead he was outside working of something.

Dad's noseup For probably the past ten or twenty years, Dad's thing was garage sales. He would buy and resale merchandise. He loved to wake up early and go out and buy tons of things. He would buy beautiful picture frames and cut big pieces of mirror and put into them. They were awesome. He loved to scrub pots and pans, don't ask me why. He just wanted everything to be perfect. I remember once he had this red glass candy dish and the red paint was coming off of it, so he sat there and scrubbed that dish and scratched it with a knife until all of the red paint was off and it was clear. I think he probably sold it for a few bucks. He wouldn't resale anything that was broken or chipped. Also there were times when he would let people buy things on credit and would be so trusting in them. You know what, everyone of them paid him with the exception of maybe one or two.

DAD Dad loved church and would go just about everytime it was open. He was saved when he was in his late 50's at First Assembly of God Church in Paris, TX. Our Pastor Tom Calk was a great inspiration to my Dad. I can still remember when Pastor Tom came by and picked Dad up one day to go buy him a suit to wear as an usher. Dad loved that. He loved being a part of the church and helping out in it. He also drove the church bus for quite a while and believe me that was a chore. He would haul a ton of loud kids to church every Wednesday night for Youth, and on Sunday's it was usually adults that he would pick up. He loved the Lord so much. There was about a two year period where Dad had got discouraged with the church and decided to quit going, but he still lived for God. He would watch the religious programs on T.V. and read the bible. About a year ago, Dad started attending Pastor Tom Calk's new church The Lighthouse and he really liked it. Shortly after starting there was when Dad got sick with the lung cancer. He still went as often as he could. There was one day when Dad was in so much pain from the tumor on his hip that he could barely walk, but he went anyways. He even walked up to the front to be prayed for. He was such a strong, brave man.

TX RANGERS Dad also loved sports. His two favorite teams were the Texas Rangers and the Dallas Cowboys. The day of Dad's DALLAS COWBOYSfuneral the Rangers won and I know that Dad would have been so happy about that. He also loved going to the races and watching my brother Charles racing. Back when we lived in Dallas, Dad would go to Crandall Speedway with my brother and stay in the pit helping out with the cars. He was really proud of Charles.

DAD MOM ME ROBERT Dad loved the holidays. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas Dad would make the biggest meals. He loved to get together and see all of his kids and grandkids. He made the best turkey and dressing. I know the holidays will be so hard this year without him.

In conlusion, my Father loved his Lord and his family more than anything. He believed in hard work, and never had to ask for help. He always made sure his family had food on the table and a roof over their heads. He was an honest, hardworking person. He will never be forgotten, ever.


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