
On 13th of November, 1922, Oskar Josef Bschliessmayer was born in the Marchettigbasse 1A in Vienna Gumpendorf (a part of the 6th district of the city, not far from the place where Johann Strauss was born.) His parents were divorced when he was 6. His mother supported them by working in a hat factory. In his childhood he spent much of his time with his grandmother who told him stories of the Burgtheater, the Austrian State Theater.

He attended grade school and the six-form high school ("Realschule"); his first stage role was in a school play. Before he went onstage he thought that, since he wanted to become an actor he should remember his first line. He played a fireman and his only line was "Where's the fire?". Other than this he had no acting instruction.

His Uncle Franz provided some small "walk-on" parts in such films as "Geld faellt von Himmel", "Hotel Sacher" (in which he played a bellhop) and "Leinen aus Irland." For some speaking roles on the radio he received speech instruction from Helmuth Krauss. He appeared in the cabaret "Der Beisskorb" and in the theater "Die Komoedie".

He left school without graduating. At the age of 18 he was accepted by Lothar Muethel to the Burg Theater. He was the youngest actor ever to have received such an honor. He made his debut under the stage name "Oskar Werner" on the 11th of October,1941.

On the 3rd of December, following his 19th birthday he was drafted into the Wehrmacht. A dedicated pacifist and anti Nazi, he hated his uniform and hated himself. In what may have been the greatest performance of his life he convinced his superiors that he lacked the capability to become an officer by pretending to fall from his horse and making deliberate mistakes in operating cannons. So, instead of sending him as an officer to the Russian front, the army put him to work peeling potatoes and cleaning latrines. So, despite military service, Werner was able to gain further experience on the stage of the Burgtheater.

He marriage to a fellow performer, Elizabeth Kallina had to be kept secret because she was half Jewish. The Gestapo was watching them closely. In 1944 their daughter, Eleanore, was born.

During the Allied bombing of Vienna at this time he saw many friends killed. Afterwards he would say he knew the exact number of bombs dropped on his native city. He himself was buried for three days under rubble. On December 8, 1944 he took his wife and baby and deserted from the Wehrmacht. Until the end of the war they hid in a shack in the Vienna Woods, as he always said afterwards, "Without Johann Strauss."

During the Russian advance into the city he and his wife, carrying their baby between them in a basket, ran from the Russians right into his old regiment. In the confusion they successfully escaped behind the lines. This was followed by many months of terrible depravation. At one point, he recalled his wife sold her valuable watch for "a can of filthy dirty grease."

Back on the Burgtheater stage, nearly starving he would nearly fall over from weakness. He recalled he" might have have weighed 110 pounds wearing my winter coat." After this he made many appearances at the Burg- and Akademietheaters, in the Ronacher, Redoutensaal of the Hofburg, and at the Salzburg festivals. He also appeared in the people's and Rainmundtheater and The Theater in the Josefstadt. In all, he appeared in 30 roles. Learning his craft by often playing old men and other character parts. He always said afterwards "that is the way to learn your craft."

He signed with Karl Hartl for the film "The Angel With The Trumpet", the story of a Viennese family of piano makers. He played the dissolute "black sheep" of the family.

He made his debut as a director and star with the theatre plays, "Jugend" and "Der Feigling", to benefit the reconstruction of the Burg Theater. Then he played the part of "Karl", Beethoven's nephew in the film "Eroica." Early the following year he played the part of the student in the film "Ruf aus dem Aether."

Following this he went to England to play his part for Alexander Korda's English version of "The Angel With The Trumpet". Having left the Burgtheater without permission he was dismissed from the Burgtheater Federation without notice.

He and Elizabeth Kallina were divorced at about this time but remained lifelong friends nonetheless.



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