Theatre: 1937 - 1944

Oskar Werner played in many theatre plays during his career. All of them were in German, that's the reason why the titles and parts are all listed in German. In the most of the first plays in which he appeared he has taken the part over from other actors, and played them for a while.

1937/38 or 1940
First appearances in the cabaret "Der Beißkorb"- in the 10. district of Vienna.

15. January
"Das goldene Vließ" by Ferdinand Grillparzer. Theatre "Die Insel", Part: 1. or 3. Argonaut
11. October
First appearance in the Viennese Burgtheater
"Heroische Leidenschaften" by Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Part: Giuliano Mocenigo
12. October
"Justitia" by Rudolf Holzer, Part: Hans Herzber
13. October

"Das Prinzip" by Hermann Bahr, Part: Peter Irle

27. August
"Das Kaetchen von Heilbronn" by Heinrich von Kleist, Part: Gottfried Friedeborn
31. August
"Was ihr wollt" by William Shakespeare, Part: Sebastian
2. September
"Don Carlos" by Friedrich Schiller, Part: Alexander Farnese
1. November
"Der Franzl" by Hermann Bahr, Part: Bauernbursch Lipp
17. November
"Florian Geyer" by Gerhart Hauptmann, Part: Ein zerlumpter Bursch, der Sohn der alten Frau

29. January
"Die Zwillinge aus Venedig" by Carlo Goldoni, Part: Florindo
10. March
"College Crampton" by Gerhart Hauptmann, Part: Schüler
26. March
"Maximilian von Mexiko" by Fritz Helke, Part: Francisco, Soldat
30. March
"Lumpazivagabundus" by Johann Nestroy, Part: Fludribus (Ü)
5. May
"Erde" by Karl Schoenherr, Part: Der Jungknecht, genannt "Das Knechtl"
12. May
"College Crampton" by Gerhart Hauptmann, Part: Kunstakademiker Popper
8. June
"Gregor und Heinrich" by Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer, Part: Hanno von Luthenbach
2. September
"Don Gil von den grünen Hosen" by Tirso de Molina, Part: Fabio
1. October
"Wallenstein" by Friedrich von Schiller, Part: Ein Bauernknabe

28. February
"Die beiden Klingsberg" by August von Kotzebue, Part: Ein Oesterreichischer Leutnant
4. April
"Iphigenie auf Delphi" by Gerhart Hauptmann, Part: Aikos
11. April
"Candida" by George Bernhard Shaw, Part: Marchbanks
29. April
"Maria Stuart" by Friedrich von Schiller, Part: Ein Page
15. May
"Die unheilbringende Krone" by Ferdinand Raimund, Part: Ewald, ein Dichter
10. June
"Der Nibelunge Not" by Max Mell, Part: Giselher


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