Native American Artifact Information
Photo Page
Information on Cleaning, Cataloging, Displaying, and Maintaining your Artifact Collection

Cleaning Artifacts

How and why you should catalog your collection

Designing a great Native American Artifact display

Maintaining your Collection

Photo Albums

Photos of collections and various designs

Pictures of artifacts and collections that people are looking for information about

Other Archeological Information

Archeological Societies

Projectile Point Typology and Lithics


Research Links


Archeological Laws

Basic Information

Information about myself

Larsen Family Web Page

     There are many pages out there that talks about collecting Native American Artifacts.  They cover a whole spectrum of aspects from finding site, collecting, and personal collections.  One of the most important topics is also one of the most ignored.  This aspect is the preservation and documentation of artifacts.

     This page is dedicated to this aspect of artifacts.  Specifically this page deals with cleaning, cataloging and documentation, displaying, and maintaining a Native American artifact collection  I also address why these aspects are important.

    I also have a photo section on this page.  I will post pictures of different designs and displays.  This is to help you see what is out there and get some ideas on putting together a great display of your own.  If you have pictures of your displays or techniques then e-mail me and I will post them so others may learn, or gain some ideas.

     I believe that part of preservation is also knowing about the artifacts you have.  I have had many people send me pictures asking for help identifying artifacts, or more information on their artifacts.  If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.  I have answered every e-mail I have ever gotten and I will usually answer within a day or two.  If you have artifacts that you would like to see what information other people have about them I will post them.  I have a page that is dedicated to other peoples artifacts who are looking for information. I you have any information on any of the artifacts posted in this section please e-mail me so I can pass it on to the owners. 

   Now lets get to why I started this page in the first place;

   What is the difference between a good collection and a great collection? Answer, the presentation and maintenance of the collection. I was taught a little kid that a great presentation of a collection would be remembered longer and talked about more than a great collection in a box in the closet, or thrown together with no thought behind it.

     There are many different views on how artifacts should be displayed. Every collector has their own preference on what is best, but some of the basics are the same. There are also many different types of displays. I will try to touch on all of them.

     If you are visiting this page for the first time, please take a moment and visit the About Me page. This page will give you some insight to my line of thinking, and why specific patterns, styles, and colors that continue to show up.

      In the links section there are resources for researching archeology in every state. These links include projectile points, typology, dates, culture, and every listed archeology societies homepage. The links are broke down by states.  As you look at the displays please enjoy yourself. If you would like any closer pictures of any artifact please e-mail me and I will gladly send a picture to you.
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