l i e s

ALRIGHT people. i've had just about enough of this screeching at me that dilandau is a girl. you wouldn't believe the amount of email i get on this subject. the simple truth is that DILANDAU IS A GUY. if you disagree, then please read on about him. *hanaks' note: YES, I HAVE SEEN THE WHOLE SERIES AND THE MOVIE. i know dilandau like the back of my hand. thank you.

let me re-iterate this point: I HAVE SEEN THE ENTIRE SERIES AND THE MOVIE. you do not have to warn me that *uh-oh!* your email to me contains *uh-oh!* spoilers because, well, since i've seen everything, what's left to be spoiled? i'm not trying to be a snob, but this is my view on things. this is my opinion *actually it's not an opinion, it's a simple fact, but then again i've had people argue with me on the color of the sky and other such things* and, as you are, i am entitled to it. if you don't agree with me, then, well, you don't agree with me. but please, as i say at the bottom of this as well, don't email me about it. you're not spoiling the series for me nor are you swaying my opinion. let's just agree to disagree and be friends and enjoy life, alrighty? but on to my arguments:

in the english translation, you can't tell. everyone talks in the same way. however, in japanese, males have a different way of speaking than females. there are different words for 'i' and 'you', and there are different word endings and sentence structures that distinguish the difference between a male and female speaker. for instance, dilandau only says 'boku' which is reserved only for males and sailor uranus.

since when have girls been flat-chested? it's almost unheard of in anime *grin* but the point is that when his shirt is off, he has no boobs. he has no hips. he is, well, a guy.

i don't think i've ever heard girls with such a scary, deep voice, with the sole exception being a petite russian girl i saw at a fruit stand in portland. i don't think the producers did that just to make a scary girl character- i think they had 'boy' in mind when they decided on the voice.

so with all of these observations you think the people in escaflowne didn't notice, either? all of the characters refer to dilandau as a guy- in the english translations dilandau is always referred to as 'he' or 'him' and so on.

now, please stop emailing me about dilandau being a girl. dilandau is NOT a girl. who are girls in the series? hitomi is a girl. merle is a girl. serena is a girl. millerna and eriya and nariya are all girls. please get this straight and stop emailing me about it. you will not get a response from me.

alseid [ a b o u t | d i l a n d a u | f u n s t u f f | l i n k s | c o n t a c t | m a i n ]

alseid and alseid 'naruto @' logo © 2000 hanako
we do not claim to own escaflowne, dilandau, serena, dr. evil, or any other fictional person, place, thing, or idea we might have made reference to. they are the property of their creators, yadda yadda yadda, you get the point. this is a disclaimer and stuff.
all images are made by me [hanako]. all pictures of dilandau used on this page are scanned by hanako [except where otherwised mentioned]. all 'official' dilandau art is obtained from the 'vision of escaflowne' art book released by sunrise.
alseid was created by both dilandeau and hanako utilizing raw html. we don't believe in editors mainly because html is fun ^^
please ask permission to use anything on this site. thanks!