you can't have troubled teens without having troubled teen poetry. here is the alseid poetry collection composed by our many talented scops and troubadors.

o glorious nymph
who dances before my eyes
the serpentine beauty
that writhes and struggles
against the unforgiving breeze
that threatens to extinguish thy life
the image burns itself into my mind
as it had burned into my palm
my hand extended
but not daring to touch
all i can do is watch
seduced by your beauty
yet i am not as stalwart enough
to reach out and embrace
your enigmatic form
i fear not the pain
o to feel pain from you would be gratifying
but no
i fear the scar of your kiss
the searing daemon's mark upon my skin
so here i stay
watching you
fearing you
woshipping you
loving you...

pyro prose
1999, dilandeau

untitled as of yet
by eertai

you look at the world around you
and spit in disgust
it has been spited by evil,
hate, and distrust
you see your once friends
who left you aside
alone, cold and scared
to wither in the tide
you look at the ones
who you once held most dear
and now at the sight of you
they cower in fear

Inspired by 'Scars on the Heart':
'With The Sunset'
The sun is lowering
Lying on the beach
Your red blood
Spills onto white sand
Blood comes
From the slit throat
Your throat
Blood stained
The knife
Lies beside you
Life became to hard
So you slit your throat
So you can fade out
With the sunset
White ocean water
Mixes with blood
Red blood Y
our blood
As it laps over you
You lay
On the beach
Fading out
With the sunset
--Jessica S

alseid [ a b o u t | d i l a n d a u | f u n s t u f f | l i n k s | c o n t a c t | m a i n ]

alseid and alseid 'naruto @' logo © 2000 hanako
we do not claim to own escaflowne, dilandau, serena, dr. evil, or any other fictional person, place, thing, or idea we might have made reference to. they are the property of their creators, yadda yadda yadda, you get the point. this is a disclaimer and stuff.
all images are made by me [hanako]. all pictures of dilandau used on this page are scanned by hanako [except where otherwised mentioned]. all 'official' dilandau art is obtained from the 'vision of escaflowne' art book released by sunrise.
alseid was created by both dilandeau and hanako utilizing raw html. we don't believe in editors mainly because html is fun ^^
please ask permission to use anything on this site. thanks!