Don's Spanking Pages

What`s New On this web site

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What's New Here
Actually this is really a change log, so that you can see what has changed when.

14 Jan 2003
Added a new story by Sampast: Please, Please a Dog.
2 Dec 2002
Added a new story by Sampast: The date; Added a new story by Jessie: Summoning ; added some links; cleaned up the guestbook.
15 Nov 2002
Added a new story by Jessie: One Night and Forever; Updated the links page.
4 October 2002
Added a new story by Jessie: Beyond the Darkness
3 October 2002
Added a new author, Jessie, with 3 stories, an Essay on Punishment, and a delurk; Updated the links page
23 Sept 2002
Added the new story Analise and John 2 by Don Landhill; added the new Lizzie story Lil Bears by Sampast. Revised the old story Analise .
10 Sept 2002
Added the new story Attitude Adjustment 2, by Don Landhill & Sampast; Added the new story The Halloween Caper by Jewel.
30 August 2002
Updated the links page
29 August 2002
Added Verse Parody Miss Sally's Gardens; Added a new Lizzie story: The ; Added two new Little One stories:
The Difference... and The Laser; Added the third Kimberly story: The ; Updated the links page; Removed Nadia Salem's story IM (edited version)
12 August 2002
Corrected Jen's email address; Minor fixes in the Lexie stories; added stories by sampast: Imagine; Belted;
Safety First ; The Dream; Nadia Always Wants More; Wet World; and all the Lexie Stories.
Added A Day with Uncle by Jewel;
Added Morgan's Discovery, How to torment a Top, and
A Sunny Day in Asssville, all by Jen;
Updated the links page somewhat.
9 August 2002
Added a 4th story by Jewel;
Added new SSC stories All Wet, Everybody Always lies; Anticipation; and Lost . added new parodies:
You're my Top and I feel her Butt Squirm
Added SamPast's new Pam Story: Being Careful
Added information about PGP and My PGP Key
1 May 2002
Added 3 stories by a new author: Jewel
29 April 2002
Back after a long gap; Revised about Don Landhill; added a page about my ; New parodies Handspanks and Spanking ; New stories by SamPast: Rules, , Allergies, Little Girl, Looking ,
What to do with Nadia, Two Lexie Stories; Hot Hot Hot, and Danger; added the new joint story
Attitude Adjustment; added several new links .
7 June 2001
Added Sam's new Pam and Al story "No ID"; Revised the page for SamPast's .
31 May 2001
Fixed some typos, and updated some changed links.
30 May 2001
Added Sam's new "Pam & Al" story: Troublemaker; Separated out "Pam & Al" as a new series.
28 May 2001
Added my story Joanie's Day; Sam's The Train;and a new "Stephie" story: Going ;
Added "SSS Restored" to my set of Double ; ;
added Sam's last "Missy" story:Looking Back;
revised About SamPast; added several new links .
30 April 2001
28April 2001
Added the parody Assville Welcome; Updated the links page; added the notice of the Update mailing list
22 April 2001
Updated the links page; Added story Goody-Goody; Added the new parody Big .
21 April 2001
Hurrah! This site is One Year Old today.
18 April 2001
Updated the links page; Added the story SuperGirl
9 April 2001
Updated the links page; added several new parodies:
I Feel Fine, Look for, and The Sounds of Spanking
added stories Flush and A Clash of Wills, fixed some broken internal links.
1 April 2001
31 March 2001
Added A Special Halloween, and Battle of Wills by Jen; Updated the links page; Updated About This site; added About Laura's Spanking Corner;
25 March 2001
Added several Missy and Little One stories. Added About HuggedLots. Added a new Chapter of
Growing Pains.
21 March 2001
Added "Little One" stories The Trade, The Diner, and Tom the Turkey. Reordered the Twins stories slightly.
Added the non-series story Red Letters.
20 March 2001
Added several stories by Sampast: Evil Stepmother;
Holiday Visit; No More Princess; Daddy's Gone; and
Little One and Missy Meet the Twins. Added a new chapter of Growing Pains.
11 October 2000
Added the "Missy" stories "The Long Week",
"Found Money", and "The Treehouse". Added the "Little One" story "Baking ". Added a new Parody: "Are "
9 August 2000
Added the "Missy" story "Leave Me Alone";
Revised the About FetBot page;
Added some new links.
6 August 2000
Added the first two "Missy" stories by SamPast.
2 august 2000
Added a new Jessi story: The Wanderers;
Added information about FetBot;
Added a link to "Goldies Tales"
31 July 2000
Added a new Little One story: Comming Clean;
Added a new link to Rick O's stories.
30 July 2000
Added Sam's new story The Mall;
Added Kayley's new story Too Lil;
Added a new link to SpamCop;
Updated About This Site;
revised the Intro to the Twins.
25 July 2000
Added my short story Susie's Spanking;
Added my double-dactyls;
Added some new links.
11 July 2000
Added About This Site;
Added Part 2 of Growing Pains;
Added new links, and fixed some errors in jumps;
Added a new parody: Bad Girl
Added more counters to top-level pages.
3 July 2000
Sorry for the long delay between updates.
Added my short story Busted;
Added several "Little One" stories by SamPast;
Added 3 short stories by Jen;
Added 2 stories by Kayley, plus a joint story with SamPast & myself: Playing ;
Updated and added several links.
4 June 2000
Added Short story Loving by SamPast;
Added new parody "My Gradfather's Strap";
Added several new links;
Added borders to tables on many pages.
30 May 2000
Added two SSC stories by Jen
Added the first chapter of Growing Pains by Sam;
Added several new links, including to the 2000 SSS site.
28 May 2000
Added the Little One/Megan story We Just Had To; Added several new parodies;
Updated About Don and added a list of my CF stories and my Unfinished
Added Book 1 of Nadia A. Salem's Innocentata Medicalos;
Added several links to the links page.
18 May 2000
Added stories by Kayley;
Added the story Dilemma by Sam;
Added the Story Guilt by Jen;
Added several new links.
14 May 2000
Addded Sam's story Change of Scenery, this is the last of the "Maggie" stories written so far: The original site design is now COMPLETE!
Added Sam's story Taking Little One to Work;
Added new parody Paddles are a Dom's Best Friend; Also added Bird's varation on the same original:
Paddles are a Sub's Best Friend;
Added several new links.
10 May 2000
Added two more stories by Jen;
Added Sam's story New Beginnings;
Added Sam's story Cradle Time
9 May 2000
Corrected Jen's story Safe;
Added a new parody Hey there...;
Added a link to Tasha's new website
8 May 2000
Added three stories by Jen;
added The Dude Ranch by Sam;
added Duckies by Sam;
added Back to the Ranch, by Sam
27 April 2000
Fixed some formatting & typos;
Added new parodies Naughty Jean
and Look What they've Done;
Added "Little One" story Mud Pies
26 April 2000
All of Sam's Stories to date are now online, execpt the Maggie saga;
Twins Trivia now online
added more links;
Added content ratings
24 April 2000
More of Sam's stories on-line;
cleaned up the links page;
added a link to the Deja Archive of SSS, and one to CF Pubs.
23 April 2000
SSS WebRing
More of Sam's Stories on-line, including the "Little One" stories;
Added a guestbook
added About SamPast
22 April 2000
Site moved to GeoCities;
More of Sam's stories included.

21 April 2000
. Site first posted publicly
16 April 2000
Started work on Website

This site copyright © 2000-2002 by Don A. Landhill. All rights reserved
This page last revised: