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Name: Donald Park
DOB: Nov. 30th
Systems Engineer
Lockheed Martin
Moorestown, NJ

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Dear Abby

Monday, August 30, 2004

So where do I start? Friday night after fellowship we all went to Manayunk Diner. There were 17 of us all together. The waitresses there didn't believe me when I said we had a lot of people coming. They squeezed us in the middle by putting togther several smaller tables. Dinner and conversation was good. Judy couldn't eat because of her wisdom teeth were extracted. Her cheeks were swollen. Got home and got to bed around 3am but still didn't sleep so soundly since I was still coughing my lungs out.

Then there the leaders retreat ALL DAY on saturday. Got home around 10pm and worked on the website and sermon stuff. Didn't get to bed until 2am, but I don't think I got very good rest because again I was coughing my lungs out. I missed my mom's call before they left for Peru. I feel bad I missed her call.

Then Sunday I woke up and went to church. Felt really tired all day. So tired in fact I had to pass up lunch with Billy Kwak's cute fobby cousin at a quaint, little, neighborhood restaurant that I really like. Well hopefully there will be other opportunities to hang out with her. I would totally go for her if it weren't for the fact that she's related to Billy Kwak....ha ha ha ha j/k

Need a gmail account? I donated 4 of my invites to this guy. It's kind of funny actually. I had a pretty good laugh. gmail Scratch Off

This sounds crazy but I'm going to go the Super G after midnight to pick up a copy of The Passion of the Christ DVD.

Friday, August 27, 2004

There are a lot of sick people in this world. Take for example the manufacturers of this plastic toy. That's just jacked up. I hate to wish anything ill on anyone, but I hope the maker of this toy really gets what's coming to them. MESSED UP YO!!!

And look at this loser...showing off his medal like it actually belongs to him, even though the president of the International Gymnastics Federation has asked that he give up the gold medal so it can be given to Yang Tae-Young instead. I hope he does the right thing and relinquish the gold. It'll show sportsmanship and integrity.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Paul and I had a HEATED debate over dinner about whether Hamm deserved his gold medal. Paul thinks he "deserves" his medal, and obviously I don't. I think the IOC should give the gold medal to its rightful owner. Obviously the diplomatic thing to do is award two gold medals, but I think that it not only diminishes but also demeans the value of the award. We kept arguing and arguing and before we knew it we were talking about everything from the Bush and Gore election to slavery. Quite honestly I wanted to punch some sense into that boy, but then again he'll definitely punch back.

This is what God does to a church that strays.

Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Had a prayer meeting at our place again. 9 people showed up. Man this is great. I think we had a great time of prayer too. John and Esther were talking about maybe opening up their place next time. I cooked PastaBake ziti with gigantic olives, which was soooo easy and tasted okay. Also prepared Hamburger Helper with potatoes. The potato slices really look like potato chips, but it taste REALLY good. I love that stuff. I'm hooked on it. I think they add crack to that thing because I'm not going to stop buying it. Completed it with some store baked garlic bread, and salad. I didn't want to slave myself over cooking which is why I bought a lot of easy to prepare food.

This is awesome. I just talked to my boss, and he said he didn’t see a problem with me taking a leave of absence!!! I’m one step closer to being in Korea. And then, last night when I was hanging out at Ed’s place to bid our friend David Choi off to Staten Island, I found out that you can just get a regular visitors visa and screw around all you want. I was under the impression that you could only visit for 30 days without a visa. Anything longer than that you would need a reason to be in the country, like a work or student visa. I didn’t know about the visitor’s visa, which I think is good for 90 days. I wish I would have known about this earlier.

Anyway my head hurts. I have a sinus pressure headache, in addition to the sneezing, coughing, and runny nose I have. I didn’t wake up feeling all that bad though so hopefully I’m on the road to recovery.

I have a prayer meeting at our place tonight, but I’m still not sure what to cook. I think a pasta dish and something else.

Monday, August 23, 2004

I think I'm coming down with something. Yesterday I woke up with sinus problems. This morning while I was in bed, I snorted in and caught this thick wad of mucus in my mouth. I was too lazy to get out of bed and spit it out...so I swallowed it...he he he. MMMmmm. Yeah I know, pretty gross huh? Too much information huh?

Over the weekend I received my package of DVD+Rs. I bought the 100-disc spindle pack for $47 + free shipping.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Friday night I rushed to church. I forgot we had a large group meeting. After large group, we all went to McCormick & Schmick's which has a cheap late night "happy hour" menu. You can get a pretty big hamburger for $1.95. The only catch is there is a two drink minimum. Tiny half-pint sized sodas are $2, and their martinis are up to $9. A couple of the girls ordered martinis and said it tasted like juice. I said that if cocktails are made well, you shouldn't really taste the alcohol. Anyway most girls don't like the taste of alcohol. Then to my suprise, one of the girls said, we are paying for the alcohol, we might as well get it. That was kind of funny. About 12 of us went there. We all had a good time eating and talking.

Saturday I woke up around noon and went to work until 5pm. Came home and cooked dinner and just chilled for the rest of the night. Watched The Butterfly Effect. I think it was a stupid movie.

Sunday, I attended both 1st and 3rd services. After that I went to the Sung's house. Then after that, I went to Joel's place for a house warming.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I bought it. I got the single-use digital camera at the mall. I was just so intrigued at the ability to hack this camera to be a mutliple-use camera. People are still trying to figure it out, but the earier models of this camera have been completely hacked out. The version I have is relatively new, and people are trying to reverse engineer the sucker. It's pretty cool I think.

Cool Product Update: Pure Digital disposable camera. These things can be hacked for multiple uses...I think it can even work as a webcam...ha ha ha :) I'm definitely sold. The have some other varieties without an LCD which I'm going to go buy today after work!!!
read the article from USA Today

Avoiding work on Friday the 13th proves deadly for man BUCAREST (AFP) — A superstitious Romanian, who refused to leave his house throughout Friday the 13th to avoid bad luck, died after he was stung by a wasp in his kitchen, police said.

Florin Carcu, 54, had even taken the precaution of asking his boss for permission not to go to work on the inauspicious Friday, the police in Cluj, central Romania, said in a statement.

"It was the strangest request I've ever received but I ended up giving him permission to stay at home because he seemed to be really scared of something bad happening to him on that day," Carcu's boss Gheorghe Domsa told the press.

Doctors from the emergency services in Cluj said Carcu had been making coffee when he was stung by a species of wasp nicknamed "the wolf", which is very rare in Romania and whose sting is very poisonous. He died on the spot.

Woke up a little past 11 this morning. Usually I'm able to get up before then. Damn crickets outside my window are loud. I mean LOUD. It sounds like a squeaky wheel. Finally got into work at noon.

For all you poor people out there that read my weblog and like to travel maybe this website will be useful for you. Chinatown Bus

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

When I was younger, I used to be amazed how in the world our body could separate the food and water that goes into our stomach. That is, I used to think that our bladder was connected to our GI track.

The new Yahoo! Messenger is kind of interesting. I can listen to Dance music while online. Cool.

This morning I woke up and went to Moorestown Mall. During the summer they play free movies on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. I thought they were going to play "A Cinderella Story", but they played ELF and The Muppets take Manhattan. I've seen ELF before, so I sat down in the Muppets theater. Then when that started I realized it was a really really old movie, and I think I've seen it before, not to mention there was this mentally challenged kid next to me who thought he was a horse, and kept blowing air out his lips, making them slap together. I got up and left to watch ELF again. I started to fall asleep in ELF, so I decided to get up and leave. Picked up Chick-Fil-A for lunch.

While at work, I picked up a crossword puzzle. The test shot I was at, was EXTREMELY boring. I had the help of some of my co-workers too. One clue was "captivate". I needed a 6-letter word and for some reason I thought "entrap" would work, but the P started another 3-letter word for "legal matter" and I already had two Es. Then my co-worker says, "That doesn't make any sense, PEE is not a legal matter". We all had a good laugh. I guess it doesn't sound so funny now. It's just one of those things where you had to be there.

This morning, local news headlines read, suspicious rental truck pulled over off of I-95. The article divulged few clues, but indicated a HAZMAT crew was called. The obvious concern was whether this was another terrorist. The illegal immigrant who spoke little English pulled over at a gas station and nervously asked for directions to Philadelphia International Airport. They called police. They pulled him over and cordoned off the area. They later found out he was an illegial alien from Trinidad making a shipment of bleach. Now the poor guy is being held at immigration all because of bunch of paranoid civilians. That really sucks.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

After work I went to a Michael W. Smith concert at the Mann Center. DUDE IT WAS AWESOME!!! David Crowder opened up the concert with a few songs. Michael W. Smith sang a lot of songs other than his own, like U2's "where the streets have no name". Here are some pics.

Monday, August 16, 2004

What a GREAT DAY! Took the day off and went to SIX FLAGS. It was me, Paul, Yujin & Lynnette, Sujin, Jimmy & Jeanie, Esther, and Nancy. Brought our soda cans for Buy 1 Get 1 Free admission. Admission is normally $46, but we each only paid $25. We were lucky enough to find a 10th person at the gate to split the normal admission price. We got to the park around 10:30. It was sprinkling rain, but it held back, and eventually in the afternoon it cleared up. We all started on the Superman ride. Then the Great American Scream Machine. That ride was very bumpy and gives you a lot of whip lash. Rode on that twice since there was no line. Meanwhile a few guys got some stuff to eat. Then rode the Pirate and a carosell which was kind of gay but still fun. The other guys played some kind of baseball throwing game, and basketball hoops. Had some lunch and did some bumper cars. Then to the Batman and Robin ride. That ride made me lightheaded. After that ride we went to the Batman ride which was a little different. Jimmy had the great idea of playing Movie Tennis. Basically you name an actor, and each team goes back and forth naming a movie that he has been in until you run out of movie names. The last team to name a movie gets a point. You keep score as if you were playing tennis. Then the next team serves another actor, and each team goes back and forth naming movies they've been in. It really made the time fly by and the long lines didn't seem long at all. Then rode the NITRO. I think that ride is by far the best one in the park, because it's long and fun. Sujin, Paul, Nancy and myself rode the NITRO twice because it was so fun. On our way out of the park, we ran to Freefall because that too didn't have a line. Ran back to the entrance where we met the rest of the guys and left for home. It was 7:30pm when we left. Had dinner in Chinatown. I think it was Tai House. Today has got to be the funnest day I've had all summer. All day long I was pumped and was constantly surprised at how late it was. What a day to remember.

more Six Flags pictures

Sunday, August 15, 2004

First service at church was pretty empty as usual. After service a few of us grabbed a quick bite to eat at the Vietnamese Restaurant down the street from church. Food there still ain't that great, but at least it's convenient. Rushed back to church for the 12:45pm service. Attendance at that service was even worse but actually I think we had more new-comers. I hate to admit it, but I think it helps that I attend a different service when I can just sit and concentrate on the sermon. I think I might just do that from now on.

After 3rd service, we had a short meeting to go over use of a new worship software that will REALLY enhance the worship experience. God willing. After that Sujin and I went to see the Liberty Bell and then to Penns Landing. On our way to Penns Landing I spotted a person leaving a parking spot to my right. I stop and signal for that parking spot, but as the person was leaving another car tried to sneak in and take the parking spot. I start honking liberally and finally decided to get out of my car and walk over to the car. I told that inconsiderate black lady, in a very annoyed voice, that that was MY parking spot. She says, "Oh, I didn't know that!" Thinking we came to an understanding that I was going to park there, I walk back to my car. Just then I hear gun shots ring out. I drop to the ground and roll over for cover. I'm just kidding. I walk back to my car and prepare to take the parking spot, BUT TO MY SURPRISE that @#%@#% continues to parallel park in that spot. Honestly if Sujin wasn't right there with me, I would have gotten back out of the car and made a scene. Just then a Duck Tours vehicle, that had seen the whole thing passed by, and someone shouted out "Kick her ass". Both of us had a good laugh. It's funny that tourists, wanting to see the city of "Brotherly Love", would see the city of brotherly HATE. We walk around Penns Landing for a little while. There was a Caribbean festival going on there.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Had small group at my place. Cooked Turkey sausage stir-fry with cabbage and other vegatables and . I realized during dinner that my small group has incredibly poor eating manners. I couldn't believe it when I saw someone digging through the food with his chopsticks to get to the sausage!!! And then I was equally dumbfounded when I saw another person doing the same thing!!! I was shocked. I really was. Then again what the heck was I thinking when I decided to put so many vegetables in the stir-fry to feed a MENS small group. I should have just left out all the vegetables to begin with.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Man...just lost a game of Texas Hold'ems. It was just 4 of us. Ed fell out first, then Yujin, then it was like the clash of the titans. But alas, the bounty of great cards I was getting in the beginning, turned into a bounty of crap cards. I mean what the heck. Oh well. We just finished and it's one in the morning. Dang...another night wasted. I wish Paul wouldn't have dragged me into this stupid game. I was really determined to finish up the webpage tonight. I guess that'll have to wait for Saturday night since Friday night I'll also be having small group at my place.

Today worked a 11-7. Took my time in the morning and even had left over pancakes from Saturday. Ha ha ha. Can you believe almost one week old pancake?!!?!? Hey man. I can't waste food. My parents taught me better. Time to go to bed.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

HOLY COW!!! Korea wants a new capital!?!? I feel an added sense of urgency to go to Korea now. Check out this article in USA Today.

South Korea plans to raise a new capital, away from North SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea has decided to shift the seat of its capital from Seoul to a rural area further south from the tense border with communist North Korea. Prime Minister Lee Hai-chan on Wednesday unveiled a $39.2 billion plan to build the new capital in the Yeongi-Gongju area, 100 miles south of Seoul.

During his election campaign in 2002, President Roh Moo-hyun vowed to build a new capital to take pressure off the overcrowded Seoul and "for balanced development of the nation."

Work to build the new capital will begin in 2007. The government plans to relocate most of its agencies to the new capital by 2014.

About 10 million of South Korea's 48 million people live in Seoul, 40 miles south of the border with the North and within the range of its rockets and artilleries.

Over half the South's total population live either in Seoul or in its satellite cities.

Last year, the National Assembly passed a special law on the capital relocation. But the political opposition has since opposed the plan, saying that building a new capital will tax the economy and damage the reputation of Seoul as the centuries-old cultural and economic hub for the Koreans.

The inter-Korean border is the world's most heavily armed, with 2 million troops deployed on both sides. The two Koreas remain technically at war after the 1950-53 Korean war ended in a truce.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I love competition. Just signed up for Walmart's free 30-day DVD rental program. You can only rent 2 DVD's at a time...but we'll see if it's worth it or not. The king of online DVD rentals, netflix.com, has grown an enormous infrastructure with over 24 distribution centers throughout the US. You can select a DVD and in as little as one to two days you can be watching your movie. That's incredible! I'm sure Walmart doesn't have overnight delivery of movies, but what's an extra day? It's gotta be a lot faster than snail-paced cinflix.com. By the time you get the movie, it's already last years news. And when I tried to sign up for their 15-day free membership, it wouldn't accept my AMEX card due to problems on their end. Only thing they have going for them is that they specialize in Asian films. So anyway the point being that I HAVE ANOTHER MONTH OF FREE MOVIES. And after that's done. I'll sign up with Blockbuster for another month or so. Competition is GREAT :)

Slept in today. Got into work around noon...but only because I had to work until 8pm. Had chinese for lunch, then came home and cooked some pierogies with onions and hotdogs. I boiled them first and the sauteed them with onions, hotdogs, and a little bit of spices. Then cooked some mac and cheese with canned salmon. Ha ha ha. That was kind of an odd combination. But mac and cheese with canned tuna is pretty good. Oh well.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Had McDonald's for lunch. Then Chick-fil-A for dinner. YUCK. My belly is sticking out so much it bothers me constantly. I feel so gross. I need to trim the fat from my belly.

After work I went to church for a committee team meeting. We talked about way to try and get people more involved or to take ownership of the church. I'm not sure we came to any kind of a solution.

So you want to know what that picture was? My brother got it from the wedding. They were center pieces at each table.

Here is a picture of my goldfish that I've had for like 2 or 3 years.

Monday, August 9, 2004

Woke up early and got to work at 8:30am. Turns out I didn't need to be at work so early. While I was there I started to fall asleep, so at noon I went home for lunch and took a nice long nap. Went back to work at 3:30. Stayed at work until 8pm and headed to Edwin's house for a BBQ. I missed the Hwe-dap-bap though. Was a bit surprised to see beer there, but it was a good time. I'm glad my small group isn't always so uptight.

So you have to guess what this is a picture of.

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Friday night my brother and Debby came up to my place. They had a wedding to go to on Saturday morning. I didn't do a whole lot on Saturday. Invited Allen and Laura over for dinner and they spent the rest of the night chit chatting about stuff. They talked so much I even got bored.

Sunday after church, a few of us went to Vietnam Restaurant for lunch. Brian and Debby went to visit a friend, while I hung out with friends. After that I was about to go home when I decided to go to Penn's Landing. It was a gorgeous day. But as I was driving there I decided to stop by the Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Constitution Center area. I learned today that the Liberty Bell was moved to another building just a few hundred feet away. Then I walked through the Independence Hall area, and to the newly constructed Constitution Center. Wow...that place is nice.

For dinner. Yujin, Lynnette, Ed, Brian, Debby and I went to Mikado and enjoyed sushi dinner.

Friday, August 6, 2004

Sushi dinner. MMMMmmm....
I should have taken a picture, but actually I don't think any of what we made looked very good...but it sure did taste good.

What a B-E-A-UTIFUL day it is. The air is cool and crisp, with an ever so slight breeze, and with fluffy white clouds dotting the bright blue sky. PRAISE GOD FOR A BEAUTIFUL DAY. It had a first day of fall kind of feeling. Today is such a relief from the last week or two of constant humidity and rain.

Thursday, August 5, 2004

After work, I stopped by ACME supermarket to pick up some food items that were "buy 1, get 1 free". While I was there I bumped into Paul. It was kind of neat to see him there. Mad props to Paul for cooking a T-bone steak dinner. It was delicious.

Since I've been cutting down on my medicine or mindlessly forgetting to take my medicine, my throat has become sore again. Swollowing is becoming a little more painful.

Last night, me, Paul, and Hans went to watch The Village. I thought it'd be an okay movie, but throughout most of the movie, I kept thinking that this movie SUCKED. It just made no sense how the aliens from outer space came and invaded the small village. Just kidding. I didn't think there would be a surprise twist ending, but there was! M. Night Shyamalan did it again.

On a somber note, I found out a co-worker of mine passed away today. Sue was one of the first persons here that really tried to help me get started. She was very helpful and extremely kind...and ALWAYS wore a smile. She was pleasant to work with and had a very effervescent personality. Then we moved to different baselines, and didn't really get to see her at all. I didn't even know until now that she lost her battle to cancer. Our department has lost a great team member. She will be missed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2004

Today was another busy day at work. Left work around 5:30pm to drop off Laura's new Hello Kitty pillow that Carolyn and myself picked out. Then did some shopping at Han-ah-reum. Came home and cooked some salmon, bul-goh-gi, and spring rolls. Tried to steam some cabbage leaves but ended up over cooking it and it turned to mush.

After dinner we had a prayer meeting with my roommates, Lynnette, Soo-jung, and Dental Ed. Again it was pretty cool to pray together. Praise God.

Monday, August 2, 2004

Wow...what a long day at work today. Got in at 9am. During the afternoon I took my car to P&R autobody shop to get an estimate on my front right fender (see my Feb. 9th and 17th post). Pedro quoted me $225. Not bad. Thanks, Dental Ed, for the referal. Now I gotta contact the lady that hit me and see if she's gonna pay or not. Hopefully she won't try and pull one over on me.

Currently watching Joint Security Area. I really like the actor ¼Û°­È£ (Song Gang-Ho). I love the way he talks. It's so funny. He was HILARIOUS in YMCA Baseball. I think he's my favorite Korean actor.

Here's a picture of my Morning Glory. It finally decided to bloom. They bloom in the early morning and by late afternoon the flower folds back in...thus its name MORNING Glory. It's one of my favorite flowers.

Sunday, August 1, 2004

On Saturday at the mall with Carolyn, we took the Lay's challenge. We aren't sure what the competitor's chip was, but as soon as they brought it out, Carolyn said, "I can already tell which one it is" just by the color of the chip. We crunched down into what we think is the competitor's chip and cry out how delicious it was, just to play around with the Lay's representative. We bite down into the last chip which was tastier. We chose correctly.

This morning was CRAZY. For a brief time, it poured cats and dogs again. As I was going to church some of the roads got flooded out and were closed. As a result I had to take detour after detour to get to church. My first encounter I drove through a puddle pretty fast and sprayed water all over the place. It freaked me out and I realized I might actually have trouble getting to church. There were three times I had to drive through deep waters and each time I was soooo scared I was going to get stuck in the water. Thank God I didn't get stuck and even more thankful was the fact that I wasn't late.

When I got to church, I noticed the power to the projector was off. Usually it's on. Then just as service started the power must have surged again because the circuit breaker tripped. We had to go reset that. It turns out those were ominous warning signs. Right at the end of first service the power went out throughout the whole church and stayed off throughout the rest of the day. Second service had to be held outdoors because it turned into a baking oven with some hundred hot sweaty bodies crammed into the small chapel.

For lunch we went to Vietnam Palace with Carolyn, Grace, and DE Dave. After lunch we decide to watch a movie at King of Prussia. I pick up Hannah and go to watch "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle". WHAT A DUMB MOVIE. I want my $9 back. Don't waste your money, but even more importantly don't waste your time.

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