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Despite taking the drugs I was told to by Chest Specialists at the City's TB Sanatorium, my Tuberculosis, as well as the cough continued (although it was less compared to the time before I started any treatment) and one of my lungs was supposed to be removed surgically because it had been destroyed by fibro-cavities (X-rays showed the fibro-cavitory opacities). I then thought of visiting a clinic my friend had told me about (A Cure for Incurables Clinic) and within a few days, my cough stopped completely. To my surprise, even my lung healed completely (X-rays confirmed this) and there was no need to get rid of it.
- Ms. S.S.

I used to hallucinate (even if there was no cup and saucer in front of me, I was drinking imaginary sips of tea/coffee from it) and talk irrelevantly, according to my relatives (I don't remember most of the things I did at that time). The Psychiatrists my sister took me to diagnosed me to be Schizophrenic. She then happened to take me to 'A Cure for Incurables Clinic' and over night, I became alright.
- P.K.

I used to get cough, cold & fever frequently and tested positive for H.I.V. I surfed the Net, felt attracted by this web-site and ordered for medicines. To my surprise, within a few hours of taking the medicines, my cough, cold and fever disappeared and I started gaining weight (in the next couple of days) as well. Tests show that I am now H.I.V. negative.
- D.P.

Note: This person remains symptom free even 4 years after stopping the treatment.

My Random Blood Sugar was 432 mg/dl and despite taking Insulin injections, it wouldn't reduce (instead, it would shoot up sometimes). I then visited 'A Cure for Incurables Clinic' and was told I have Non-Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus (N.I.D.D.M.) and that Conventional (Allopathic) medicines wouldn't help. I took treatment there for 3 months (April 1999 to June 1999) which stabilised my Blood Sugar levels (Glucose Tolerance tests kept giving normal values). I was then told to stop all medicines by them and till date my Blood sugar levels are stable.
- J.N.

My whole body was yellow (jaundiced), and I had been diagnosed to have Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen was +ve). I was feeling extremely weak, with no appetite and my blood pressure was just 90/60 mm of Hg. My children then took me to 'A Cure for Incurables Clinic' and over night my appetite improved, the yellowness reduced and I was feeling much better and stronger. I took treatment for about six months and was cured completely (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen was -ve).
- H.R.N.

I had knob-like lumps/tumours all over my body and was diagnosed to have Malignant Follicular Lymphoma (Cancer of the Lymph glands). I started vomiting blood, but despite taking treatment at different Hospitals, it did not stop. I then heard about 'A Cure for Incurables Clinic' and decided to try my luck here. The vomiting stopped over night and in three months time, the lumps all over my body disappeared as well (the ultrasound scan confirmed that there was no residual lymphadenopathy).
- K.S.G.

I always had a fear of men, right from childhood - I wouldn't even hug my Father as a child. I then happened to visit 'A Cure for Incurables Clinic' and got a Past-life regression done. It turned out that I was gang-raped and killed in my immediate past-life. They led me through a process of forgiving and forgetting and I am happily married now!
- Ms. P.Z.

Other remarkable cases we have had :-
  • Ms. M.T. – Fibro-myalgia – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • B.J. – Leprosy – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • M.S. – Fear of new places/people – cured through Hypnotherapy.

  • M.A., Ms. R et al – Height increase – through Visualization-healing

  • J.N. – High levels of blood sugar due to stress related Diabetes (Non-Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.P. – Fluctuating levels of Blood Pressure & Blood sugar (probably due to stress) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S.R. – Recurrent Ovarian Cysts (three surgeries were already done)came to us because recurrent ovarian cysts can turn malignant (Cancerous) and wanted medicines to stop it – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.S.G. – Malignant Follicular Lymphoma - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • D.R. – Herpes Simplex Type 2 - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • B.V.K. – hearing voices – cured through Hypnotherapy.

  • K.A.S. – Irritable Bowel Syndrome - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • T.S.S. – Ulcerative Colitis - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • M.V., Ms. T.G. et al – Myopia (short sight) - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • N.G.R. – Anxiety / Nervousness leading to sweating – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • A.B. – Allergic Bronchitis - cured by Homoeopathic treatment (symptom-free for at least 6 years)

  • Ms. S – Stiffness of whole body with inability to move (History of Rheumatoid Arthritis) - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • M.S.A. – Chronic Insomnia (Sleeplessness) - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • S.K., K.C., H.C. et al – Premature Ejaculation - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.B.M., Dr. S et al – Low Sperm count - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • A.K., J.F.S., Ms. G.R. et al – Alcoholism - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • R.P. – Lack of concentration – set right by Hypnotherapy.

  • K.K. – Pyorrhoea (loosening of gums, generally with bleeding, commonly caused by infection) - cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. A.S. – Hiccoughs caused by Oesophagitis – cured by using a combination of Visualization-healing & Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. U.S. – Uterine fibroids – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • R.C., Ms. P. et al – Gastritis (with burning in abdomen) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S., S.D, N.T. et al – Piles – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • C.R., Ms. S. et al – wanted to gain weight – brought about by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S., Ms. S.R. et al – wanted to lose weight – brought about by a change of diet and Hypnotherapy (to eat less).

  • Ms. N., Ms. S. et al – weight gain caused by hormonal disturbances – brought about by using a combination of Hypnotherapy and Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Y.D. – skin rashes after DTP vaccine – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.S.B. – Allergic Rhinitis – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. L.S., Dr. S.N. – Migraine – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • S.G. – Ischaemic Heart Disease – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.J. – High Cholesterol and Triglycerides with history of coronary By-pass surgery – brought about by a change of diet, Hypnotherapy (to eat less) and Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. R.A., Ms. D.I., S.K.M. et al – Renal Calculi (Kidney stones) – cured by using a combination of Visualization-healing & Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.S. – Recurrent fever – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. N.A., V.G. et al – Hair fall – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S.R. – Mouth Ulcers – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • N.M. – Paralysis – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • N.S.S. – Ankylosing Spondylosis of right Hip Joint – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • M.I., S.S. et al – Chronic Pain – cured by using a combination of Visualization-healing & Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. B.S., K.P.S. et al – Claustrophobia (diagnosed as Panic Disorder) – cured by using a combination of Hypnotherapy & Homoeopathic treatment.

  • K.N. – Low resistance – set right by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • L.H. – Tinnitus (Ringing sound in the ears) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S.D. – had come for breast enhancement – enhanced by 3 inches by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • M.G. – Gynaecomastia (enlargement of male breast) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • A.D. – Multiple Substance Abuse (Drug addiction) cured by using a combination of Hypnotherapy & Homoeopathic treatment.

  • N.J. – Bruxism (grinding of teeth) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • V.K.S. – Psoriasis – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • D.P., S.P. et al – Vitiligo (white patches) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • S.N. – Benign tumour inside the mouth – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. S.S. – wanted to marry a Muslim man who already had 2 wives – shifted feelings to someone else (a computer engineer, who she has now married) – set right by Hypnotherapy.

  • Ms. H.K. – Relapsing Malignant (Cancerous) brain Tumour (Relapsing Astrocytoma) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • C.R. – Recurrent typhoid fever – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • P.R. – Hypoparathyroidism – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Ms. N.S. – Hypothyroidism – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • H.R.N. – Malaria – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • S.R., Ms. I.C. et al – Haematuria (reddish urine due to blood cells in urine) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

  • Y.S., Ms. B.G. et al - Premature greying of hair - cured by Homeopathic treatment.

  • D.H.,I.E. et al - (Bronchial) Asthma - cured by Homeopathic treatment.

  • D.R. – Loss of voice (Aphonia) due to Human Papilloma Virus (three surgeries were already done & we helped avoid the fourth) – cured by Homoeopathic treatment.

    Note: Cancer can be cured permanently & completely with Homeopathy, unlike the Conventional approach where whether you do something (Surgery/Chemo-therapy/Radio-therapy) or not, it will spread (metastasis). e.g. If there is a Cancer of the Uterus and it is removed, one can develop Cancer of some other part, say, the Breast/s (but not necessarily the Breasts). Likewise, if a Man has Stomach Cancer & his stomach is removed, he can develop Cancer of the intestines (but not necessarily the intestines).