Home Dr. King's biography Serving:
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About this page

This page was created by Dennis Wilson, a student at Tri-North middle school in the 8th grade. This site was made for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Web Page Design Contest. This site was made purely from HTML and CSS. Please disregard the add posted by Yahoo!, as this site was created outside of MCCSC and therefore could not use its web space.


  1. King, Martin Luther, Jr.. The Measure of a Man. Philadelphia: Fotress Press, 1988.
  2. King, Martin Luther, Jr.. Why We Can't Wait. New York City: Penguin Group, 1964.
  3. Frady, Marshall. Martin Luther King, Jr.. New York City: Penguin Group, 2002.
  4. King, Martin Luther, Jr.. A Knock at Midnight. New York City: Warner Books, 1998.
  5. King, Coretta Scott. The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr.. New York City: Newmarket Press, 1958.
  6. King, Martin Luther, Jr.. Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.
  7. King, Dexter Scott. Growing Up King. New York City: Warner Books, 2003.
  8. Dyson, Michael Eric. I May Not Get There With You; The True Martin Luther King, Jr.. New York City: The Free Press, 2000.
  9. Oates, Stephen B.. Let The Trumpet Sound; The Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.. New York City: Harper & Row, 1982.

This site was created by Dennis Wilson. About this page