Dwarf Hamster Info:
Taming your Dwarf Hamster
      So many times I get people asking me why I got Dwarf Hamsters. They always say the same thing. They're too small, They bite and they're grouchy. Well All of these are true, but you have to work with them to tame them. People need to remember that when they're at pet stores, they're never handled. So when you purchase them, you're their first actual handling that they get. Dwarf hamsters become untame if they're not handled. You should bring them out of their cage and hold  them at least twice a week if not more.
Are you scared of holding your hamster? Scared he might bite you if you try. And you're right. He may try and bite you when all you wanna do is hold him. You have to gain his trust. Here are some ways to get him out.
           1. Wrap your fingers around his waist, but dont squeez him, and pic him up.
           2. Put your hand flat in his cage, palms facing up and let him walk onto your hand.
        If these two scare you, there's an easier and safer way.
           3. Use a toilet paper toob. Put it inside his cage and let him crawl in it. Bring the toob up to your other hand and let him crawl out and onto your hand.
      This is the way that I did it. It works very well.
For the first couple of weeks, try to bring them out a couple times a day. Pretty soon (like in my case) They'll be so tame and relaxed that when you put your hand in there, they will wanna climb up your hand really bad. It's so cute when they do this. Remember to give him some treats while you're holding him (make him eat out of your hand) and he'll grow to love and trust you.
Male or Female
Fighting or Squabbling
Hamster Names
Accessories/ Must Have
Taming your Dwarf Hamster
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