Light of Love Healing
blue lotus
Ecological Resourcing

I have a vision/dream of co-creating a holistic eco-friendly community. This community would be a living example to the world of how to live in harmony with the earth.

This community would be run totally on solar, wind and hydro power. All the buildings would be made from eco-friendly materials such as straw bale, cobb, rammed earth, recycled plastics, etc.

This community would serve multiple functions. The community could include:

* Residency

* Organic bio-dynamic gardens
* Holistic health center and higher educational facilites
* Schools grades K-12 for the children of the community and neighboring communities
* Orphanage
* Hospice
* Arts, Music, Dance, Creative center
* Univerisal prayer/meditation/yoga center

As more visions and people become involved, it will grow.
The community would serve as an inspiration to the rest of the world. As more communities are created, there will be a global network of exo-communities dedicated to the preservation of gaia and her children.

If anyone wants to share their visions, dreams, thoughts, ideas, manifestations, land, money, wisdom, anything, please feel free to contact me.
Let's co-create a beautiful world for us and the next seven generations to come, to live in, in light, love and harmony.

Re-use. Re-cycle.

Buy organic food.
Buy ecologically friendly and sustainable products.
Boycott those who contribute to the destruction of this planet and inhumane treatment.

"The earth does not belong to us, we belong to the earth." - Chief Seattle


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Dr. Aaron Haas, Light of Love Healing, 8624 Magnolia Drive
Nederland, CO. 80466