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Freedom was attacked and freedom will be defended!

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Two tweety birdies

Running Rings Around Us
If someone came up with a proposal to increase traffic safety and reduce traffic noise without lowering speed limits or making you buy a new car, would you be interested? They have. Build more traffic circles, says the department of traffic planning and engineering at Lund University in Sweden. As reported in the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention, replacing regular intersections with traffic circles has a lot of benefits. Because the car is traveling in a circle, drivers have to slow down even if the speed limit doesn't change. And because of the lower speeds and a clearer understanding of who has the right of way, there are 44% fewer accidents at traffic circles than at regular street corners, research shows. Even at lower speeds, cars get through the intersection faster because they don't have to wait for traffic lights. Because fewer drivers are racing their engines, street noise is reduced by 25%.

Americans achieved high literacy rates accessing God's word in common language for salvation. Literacy is achieved when people value it regardless of teaching method or quality or its presence or absence.

Shakespeare's vocabulary was larger than that of other writers. He used over 25,000 different words in his work, including technical terms from every profession, sport and trade.

Modern physics' most embarrassing secret: its two pillars, quantum mechanics (atoms and subatomic particles) and general relativity (astronomical phenomena) are incompatible. Laws of big and small conflict with each other. Physicist Brian Greene

Time has no divisions to mark its passage. No thunderstorm or blare of trumpets anounce a new month or year. Even when a new century begins only we mortals ring bells and shoot fireworks. Thomas Mann

GHOUL: Evil spirit that eats corpses from graves; someone who enjoys unpleasant things such as accidents, things that shock other people.

GHOST: Spirit of a dead person others see and hear

Greatness noted by comparison. A ship looks huge when in dock but tiny when seen at sea.

Beachsand is only a few feet deep. Below it is ordinary dirt.

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We Are the Strange

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