~Jokes and Riddles~

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Q: What kind of ties can't you wear?
A: railroad ties

Q: What always speaks the truth but doesn't say a word?
A: a mirror

Q: What clothes does a house wear?
A: address

Q: How can you get for suits for a dollar?
A: buy a deck of cards

Q: What do you get if you cross a telephone and a shirt?
A: ring around the collar

Q: What kind of bars can't keep prisoners in jail?
A: a chocolate bar

Q: What punctuation mark is used in writing dance music?
A: the polka dot

Q:What is the best thing to do if you find a gorilla in your bed?
A: sleep somewhere else

Q: Why was the belt arrested?
A: for holding up the pants

Q: What kind of a ball is fun to play with but doesn't bounce?
A: a snowball

Q:Where do fortune tellers dance?
A: at the crystal ball

Q:What is a tree's favorite drink?
A: root beer

Q: What punctuation mark is used in writing dance music?
A: the polka dot

Q: Why are four legged animals such bad dancers?
A: you would be, too, if you had two left feet

Q: What do you call a lion tamer who puts his right arm down a hungry lion's throat?
A: lefty

Q: What is the last thing a trapeze flyer wants to be?
A: the fall guy

Q:What do you get when you cross a stream and a brook?
A: wet feet


A:I have in my hand two coins. Together they total 55 cents. One is not a nickel. What are the two coins?

B:What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?

C:Two fathers and two sons went duck hunting. Each shot a duck and none of them shot the same duck. But only three ducks were shot. How can this happen?

D:If it takes 1 minute to make each cut, how long will it take to cut a log into ten equal pieces?

E:A man went to the store to buy something for his house. He asked the clerk, "How much does one cost?" The clerk said, "Three dollars." Then the man asked, "How much will twelve cost then?" "Six dollars," the clerk replied. Out of curiosity the man then asked, "How much two hundred cost?" "Nine dollars," the clerk answered. What was the man buying?

F:You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

G:A long time ago a man was dying. He called his three sons into the room. "I have not decided who gets the land. So I will hold a challenge," the old man said while giving his sons each a gold coin. "Whomever buys something that can fill up this room with just that coin will get my land." The three boys then left in search of things to buy. The first son bought a wagon full of hay. The second son bought large bags full of feathers. The third son bought two small items and put them into his pocket. When the three sons returned the father asked them to show what they had. The first and second sons dumped out there stuff, but each one's items only filled a corner of the room. Then the third son took out his two items and he ended up getting the land. What did the third son buy and what did he fill the room up with?

H:You are in a steel room. There is a locked door, which can be unlocked from the inside, a baseball bat, a saw, table, and a piano. Can you figure out four ways to get out?


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