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-Info put up June 22 05 by Ali Baba
WE BUSTED THE BDF!! :D Now that it's over, I can explain everything. We got the password at Handsworth to their site. Then, an anonymous source, who still doesn't want to be named, gave us a decoder program to decode their site, which was encrypted. (They probably found out somehow that I got the password.) The site is here and the username is cpfs88 & the password is sfroe. Their site told us when they were planning "The Plan", but didn't tell us what it is, probably cause all the BDF members already knew. They sent people to five schools: Handsworth, Braemar, Larson, Ross Road, and Sherwood Park. We got people to four schools at 1:00, when they were doing the plan at all the schools except for Ross Road. We successfully stopped them at all four locations by screwing up or throwing away their equipment. It was some weird black metal boxes and a bunch of wires at each place. They hooked it up to the water system of the schools. We still don't know exactly what they were planning. At Ross Road at 2:30, was their main goal. We were there and they pulled up in their car. They tried to go in the front door, but we told them it was "off limits". (They thought we were people from the school.) The back door luckily had construction all around it, so they couldn't go that way. They tried the three side doors, and one of them was open. We climbed the roof and threw stuff at them, but they were determined to get in. One of the people that was with us, ran into the school and started running around and being annoying to the teachers and staff. Then the office put on a message that there were unauthorized people in the school. The BDF thought they had been discovered, and ditched. We egged their car when they were going away. So finally, the BDF were stopped. But they might try the same things again next year. And if they do, they probably won't be stupid enough to put a site up with all the info, even if it is encrypted. But we'll stop them somehow.
-Info put up June 10 05 by Ali Baba
The Larson meeting didn't give me a lot of info....probably because, even though they hired people (I saw them) to look for me and other people who came, they were still suspicious I would somehow get past them, which I did. I was very close to getting caught, but this was the last meeting, so I don't care what they read now. Unless they try this next year....or succeed....An anonymous source gave me some very improtant info. Their Plan will be held next week. So keep posted for updates.
-Info put up May 14 05 by Ali Baba
I went to the Handsworth meeting and found a very important piece of information. I can't say what it is, in case the BDF are reading this, which they probably will. With this imformation, maybe the plan can be stopped. June 8 @ Larson will be the final meeting. But the plan might be held before or after then....
-Info put up Apr 15 05 by Ali Baba
This has been my first chance to go online after the meeting at Ross Road. They have found us. We got in on the day of the meeting, but were almost discovered and had to ditch. We later got onto the portable and sort of saw the proceedings from there. The next day, we went in and found the itinerary in the recycling bin. Its contents were: SNV-Opposing Site Discovered, New Formats, Idea Addition. They've discovered us! This means what I'm writing right now could be read by them. Because of this, this update will have to be the least public update I make in the Braemar Files, until we stop the plan, or fail. At the bottom of the itinerary was their site, http://cpfs.zx81.at. I've gone there, but it's not online yet. It just says, "Dear sisters and brothers, pelase be paitent. The site will arrive soon." I'm not sure what New Formats means, but I think Idea Addition means they are thinking up some additions to The Plan. Handsworth, and one May 11 at Larson. I'll be at both of them. We still don't know what the Plan is, but hopefully we'll find out at Handsworth. A source, which I will not name, told me that they are planning a big event at the end of May, and in the beginning of June....That event is probably The Plan. But what exactly will it be? And why are they going to do it? If they're planning to do it before their last meeting this year, what are they planning at their last meeting? Handsworth is our last chance to get info. And if we fail at Handsworth, there is pretty much no hope.... Now that I've made all this information public, everyone knows. And everyone knows about the site. If you notice any updates to the site, email lilfox14@lycos.com ASAP.
-Info put up Feb 16 05 by Ali Baba
Finally, a week after the meeting at Dorothy Lynas, I could finally get onto the Internet and update. Everything makes more sense now, and I think on April 13 at Ross Road. I got almost caught this time. Here's the info:
-They are planning to make a diversion with the electrical system. This will also help them in another way (I don't know how though).
-They are going to carry the plan out in 1 or 2 schools, maybe even up to 3. It will all be simultaneous (though I don't know why.) -Braemar is the school they are most likely to attack (though Dorothy Lynas is a close second). Cleveland will almost definitely not be attacked but Ross Road has a chance. I have no idea about Larson yet. Sherwood Park could very well be attacked.
-The Plan, when it is carried out, will be pretty much unnoticed by the people in the school except for the electrical system part. If you notice something strange with the lights, or some lights not working, it might be The Plan being carried out.
They are hosting a Film Festival soon, but probably they won't do anything ususual there. But why did they cover the ditch up? And what's inside the cache boxes?
-Info put up Jan 14 05 by Ali Baba
2 days ago, I snuck into the secret meeting at Cleveland. Here's the new info I found out:
-The people were driven away because the group had bad connections with their families and/or they could ruin The Plan.
-They are planning on some sort of scheme. It has something to do with water or the force of water.
-They consider people not part of the group unworthy and worse than themselves.
I will go to the next meeting Feb. 9th at Dorothy Lynas. Hopefully I can find out more about The Plan there before it's too late.
-Info put up Nov 17 04 by Ali Baba
I just got back from their 2nd meeting at Sherwood Park. I got some new info.
-They were handing some strange sheets of paper around. Seems like they're planning on something.
-We have to open the Braemar Boy Box and get the stuff inside it. It just might be those sheets of paper.
-It seems they have several caches like the Braemar Boy Box throughout North Van. We have to find them.
Its around 2 months till their next meeting at Cleveland. This is starting to get more than suspicious.
-Info put up Oct 15 04 by Ali Baba
OK on Wednesday, October 13, I secretly went to the secret
meeting in Braemar. I snuck in and listened to the meeting.
Here is what I could find out:
-Some people were DRIVEN away from some schools by the group, but they just said they wanted to leave.
-They REALLY don't want outsiders listening to their meetings. Good thing I was well hidden.
-The ditch was covered up because they thought the water was something that could ruin their plan...but what is their plan?
-The Braemar Boy Box contained their own stuff, but it was masked as just a box that holds school property.
-They have a lot of contacts inside the schools.
-New members are sworn to secrecy about the meetings.
-They don't have anything to do with the jeans that were on the roof.
-Their plan has something to do with the creek at the back.
-Maybe the Mithril Mines were a threat to them...
That's all I could find out...at the next meeting I'll find out more.
The thing is, not all the members support The Plan...maybe we could use
that to our advantage.
We'll call them the Braemar Dark Force (BDF) and we'll call ourselves the
Starlight Alliance. If you want to join, email me at lilfox14@lycos.com .

I'm Ali Baba. I want to discover the mystery of Braemar.
There is some dark, haunting secret here. For example, why did
they cover up the ditch at the end of the year? And what is that
strange box on the field? I don't go there anymore, but I intend
to find out.