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Update on January 14 2004 by Informer Jar.
I couldn't put up more Random Facts today, I'll
do it later. Come Sunday the 16th to the Random Fact
chat at our chat.
Update on January 4 2004 by Informer Jar.
OK this is a new section started by me.
Every week, I'll be putting up new random
stuff. So here's this weeks stuff lol
lop a bunny is not as super cool as you would suspect that little rascal to be. in fact once you get to know him he is quite the little faggot.

Did you hear about a credit card scam? its not what you really think it is. in fact it is a message from the PE blasters, mr. K. Hachlaf and Moe

Freejavachat is not what it is widely believed to be. In fact, it is a top-secret government program made to investigate the young minds of today. If it senses anything out of the "ordinary", it immediately dispactches a unit of professionally-trained vcrows to investigate the matter.