<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/englishkor/howdeepisyourlove.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
                              ABOUT THE FEES:


1.  Prices quoted are in Malaysian Ringgit only.
2.  Prices quoted are by the hour.
3. As can be seen from the table above, the more students you get, then the cheaper the cost per hour/per student.

(Tuition is only being offered at the moment on Saturdays from 9am - 6pm and on Sundays from 2pm - 6pm. If you would like to contact Wayne for an arrangement for tuition, you can contact him via email or via his phone on 012-2278761.  If there is no answer, kindly leave a message on his voicemail and he will get back to you as soon as he can).


Payments are to be made
strictly in cash only, thereafter, an official receipt will be issued for services rendered.  Receipts must be retained in the future for possible discounts should the student re-register for further tuition.  No receipt, no discount!  This offer is a once only offer, unless decided otherwise.

PLEASE NOTE: The discounts that will be offered in the future are at the sole discretion of the tutor.  The tutor reserves the right to decide when the discount will be offered and how much discount will be offered.
Kindly do not under any circumstances abuse this priviledge!

If you are found to be guilty of abusing this priviledge in any manner unbecoming that of a student, you will be expelled immediately from the class and any monies you paid will be forfeited.  Furthermore, you will not be permitted to re-enroll in any future tuition classes.

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RM 50.00 1
RM 40.00 2 (in a pair)