Andres Serrano's " America ", at Gimpel Fils, 30 Davies street, London, England, from October 25 till 30 November, 2002.

This is a part of the press preview from Gimpel Fils Gallery, 24 October, 2002.

" Gimpel Fils is pleased to announce " America ", a new series of work by Andres Serrano. America is a series of portraits representing the different faces of USA. America evolved from Serano's reaction to the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington DC last year, and his questioning of who is American and what his country sands for. The series is driven by the idea that America is a community of communities from a large and varied geographical and cultural map but who are united by a common bond and continuing beleif in the American dream.

Since Andres Serrano's Piss Christ caused outrage amongst the fundamentalist Catholic right and the US Senate in 1988, he has been branded controversial, exploitative and disgastind. However, the scandal fueled by Senator D'Amato's opinion that Seranos art not only dishonoured God, but the American people, has became hackneyed and irrelevant in the light of this new work. America proves that many people already know: Anders Serrano's continuing preocupation with colour, form and composition in combination with a willingness to tackle the big issuses at work in contemporary society makes him one of the most thought and interesting artists working today.

"Boy scout, John Schneider", Troop 422.

A blond, blue - eyed boy smiles at you. Aged about 9, his chubby dimpled cheeks and neat boy - scout uniform represent all that is wholesome, innocent and good in American society. In another image a man of about 60 stands proud, gazing out in the distance wearing nothing but a flag bandanna around his neck. Bathed in golden halo he appears as an American saga ".

Museum De BEYERD, Breda, Holland, 9 June - 11 August, 2002, the opening on Saturday 8 June at 1600 hrs.

Orna Wertman, " Photography, Airplanes & Sheep ", photo works, installations.

The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, Canada, Till May 26, 2002.

Bruce Mau Design, " Three Moving Projects, 1991 - 2002.

Bruce Mau Video installation.

Eva Penny: L. Faux and No One - In Particular.

Penny's Hyper realist sculpture.

Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada, till the end of May, 2002.

Yoko Ono, " YES YOKO ONO ". This exhibition is the first ever large-scale multimedia retrospective of
Yoko Ono''s work to be mounted in North America. The 150 works in
the exhibition are from the 1960s to the present with a focus on her
early work, and establishes Ono as a pivotal figure in the
development of the post-war international avant-garde. The
exhibition includes objects and installations, works on paper,
including the 22 historic Instructions for Paintings of 1962,
interactive pieces, and video and photo documentation of concerts
and performance art events.

The Art Gallery of Ontario has created four applications on-line to
coincide with the exhibition Y E S YOKO ONO at the AGO from
February 23 - May 20, 2002.


Reva Brooks, Photography.

Ultra baroque - Aspects of Pos - Latin American Art.

JosÈ Antonio Hern·ndez-Diez
Venezuelan: born 1964
Kant, 2000
C-print, ed. 5
190 x 140 cm
© 2001, JosÈ Antonio Hern·ndez-Diez

" Frank Gehry - Architect ", Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, May 18 - August 26, 2001, 5th. Avenue 89th. st. Manhattan, NY.

" Frank Gehry's mentors were Rudolph M. Schindler and Frank Lloyd Wright, while the molded plywood chairs of Charles and Ray Eames inspired his experiments with furniture. Gehry produced a number of significant works in his early career, but it was not until the 1977 - 8 transformation of his Santa Monica residence - a small, pink, 1920s wood shingled house - that he gained the attention of the architectural cognoscenti. Opening the kitchen and dining areas to the sky with cubistic windows and building a house around the house with layers of chain link fencing, plywood, and corrugated sheet metal placed Gehry in a unique position among his peers ". From the museum catalog.

This is an extensive exhibition covering this whole beautiful museum, one climbs and sees the models and plans of his architectural masterpieces from early to the most recent and un built buildings.

This exhibition is not to be missed.

A photo of Gehry's future home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Chelsea, Manhattan, NY, 31, June, 01.

What is Art? Marcel Duchamp said that every one is an artist, every thing someone does is art, it's right, I think it's personal, for me an art work is a work that inspires me, doesn't leave me un touched, I keep thinking on it and on art in general, I'm not the same after seeing it, it's rare, it happened to me twice this month, the first were the works of Vermeer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NY, and the second the video works of Shirin Neshat at Barbara Gladstone Gallery, 515w 24st in Chelsea.

A still from " Passage ", 2001, 35mm film shot in Morocco, audio visual of Shirin Neshat and Philip Glass ( Music ).

A group of bare - headed men, wearing black, carrying a corps for a funeral, a group of chador - clad women digging a grave with bare hands and a young girl looking from behind and building her own small site from local stones, they all meet at the site, marked with burning fire. The whole peace is accompanied by the music of Philip Glass that gives us a feeling of us participating an ancient mesmerizing ritual.

While I walked back from the gallery I passed by the shop of " Comme de Garconne " with it's unusual fassade.

A new exhibition by the artist Orna Wertman, " Recent Photo Works ", at Arttra Art Space, may 7 - June 3, Staalstraat 28, Amsterdam, Holland,



" Commited to the Image - Contemporary Black photographers ", Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY, U.S.A.

Mayor Rudy Juliany did it again by condemning this new exhibition he is helping the museum, the artists and Brooklyn to be famous like he did at the last " Sensation " exhibition, some people say he doe's it on purpose.

The photo " Yo Mama's last Supper " by Renee cox depicting Jesus as a nude black woman with the Twelve Apostols.

One of the photographers, Renee Cox, born 1960, " The photo addresses the issue of race and gender, and particularly care of power and sublimation, calling attention to the constraints of classification imposed by Western patriarchal constructs my images demand enlightment trough an equitable realingnament of our race and gender politics, trough my photography, I also strive to unleash bisexual duality of the human psych ".


The Brooklyn Museum.


Rodin in the museum collection.


The catalog with the photo of " The Last Supper ".


The catalpgue cover.

Matthew Marks Gallery, Chelsea, NY, Nan Goldin: " Memory Lost ", till February 17, 2001.

100 new photographs, reflect the artist travels to France, Italy and Switzerland. The subject continues to be her friends and family, many of whom are familiar from her earlier photographs.

Dia center for the Arts, Panamarenko Experimental Flying Machines, till June 17, 2001.

Panamarenko, a very famous Belgian artist, born in Antwerp, Belgium, 1949 where he lives and works.

The experimental flying machines modeled on the motion of birds, insects and human craft are well known all over the world, The monumental " Aeromodeller ", powered by four engines in 1969 - 1971 established the artist significant reputation.

This is a very important exhibition rarely in NY these days.

Before 6, February 2001

Frankfurt, Germany, Change of Scene XVI, Museum fur Moderne Kunst, June 11 - Jan 9 2000.

On the 9 June 1999, the opening of the Venice Biennale in Venice, Italy. The Israeli pavilion.

After the visit to Venice for 5 days I found a good organization, the best pavilions to my taste are the Israeli and the Taiwanese, both of these pavilions relate to the end of the millennium, I think this was the motto of this Biennale.

The pavilion that got one of the first prizes was the Polish, there was nothing special about it, a young artist, a woman disguised her self as a naked man, entered a male sauna with a hidden camera. We see the procedure of the makeup, putting on hair and a false penis, nobody recognized her, I don't know what was the reason, why is it important and why the first prize.

What left a bad taste was that the jurors selected their own pavilion, the Italian to get the first prize, they deserve it because it's the biggest and the most comprehensive but it's funny giving your self the first prize.

The best part was the " Aperto ", the open pavilion, the artists were selected for their art and not for their origin or country, we have seen there a lot of very good young artists and a lot of Chinese, they well represented this huge population.

After that we took a visit to Rome for a week, the Sistine chapel by Michelangelo after the restoration, I was afraid because I remember how I liked it, I think I like it better now, this is closer to how it looked when it was painted. Afterwards we visited most of Bernini's works all over Rome, it is magnificent, this artist had a divine touch, he is now my all time favorite, it's worthwhile going to Rome to see his work.

" Between Art and Life ", Shirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany, 1 May 1999 - 11 July 1999.

" Global Conceptualism: Points of origin, 1950 - 1980 ". Queens Museum of Art, flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, NY, U.S.A. From May 04 - August, 1999.

Frankfurt, Germany.

Bill Viola, a major exhibition at the: Schirn Kunsthalle, Museum fur Modern Kunst, The Church of the Holly Ghost in the Dominican Cloister and at the German Stock exchange, from February 5, 1999.

Paris, France.

" Un ami de Cezanne et de Van Gogh ", Le Docteur Gachet, Gallery Nationales du Grand Plais,from 30 January, 1999.

February 1999, Chelsee Ny, Max Protech Gallery, Zhang Huan, works 1994-98, Feb, 3 - 27.

" FEVER " : The Art of David Vojnarowicz, 1955 -1992, The New Museum, 583 Broadway, New York, January 21 - June 20, 1999.

Frankfurt, Germany, "INNENLEBEN ", Die Kunst des interieurs, Vermeer bis Kabakov, 24 sep. 98 to 10 jan. 1999. The Staedel - Stadelsches Kunstinstitute.

Vancouver, Canada, Zhu Jin Shi, Art Beatus Gallery M1-888 Nelson St. Nov. 6 - Dec. 31, 1998.

New York, USA, Man Ray ( 1890 - 1976 ) - "Photography and It's Double", at the I.C.P, Midtown, Nov 18 - Jan 24, 1999. The exhibition organized by the Musse National d'art Modern - Centre George Pompidou.

Frankfurt, Germany, Alberto Giacometti ( 1901 - 1966 ), at Schirn Kunsthalle, 6 Oct' 98 - 3 Jan' 99.

November 17, 1998, Chicago, USA

Mary Cassatt at the Art Institute of Chicago, till March 1999.

October 18, 98, In Paris, France.

Issey Miyake at the Foundation Cartier pour L'Art Contemporain, 13 October - 17 January, 98.

Sophie Calle at The Centre National de la Photographie, Paris, France.

David Tartakover and Boris Carmi at the Passage de Retz. 24 Sep. - 5 Nov, Paris, France.

Igael Tumarkin at the Galerie Claude Samuel, 1 October till 14 november, Paris, France.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York: Alexander Rodchenko, all media works from 1915 - 1939 by this very known Russian Avanguardist, till Oct. 6,1998.

Pierre Bonnard, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, till Oct. 13.

Mark Rothko at the Whitney Museum of American Art, NY, till Nov. 29.

" Cornell and Duchamp ", The Philadelphia Museum of Art, till Jan. 3.

" Levitation ", on Sunday, Oct. 5, 98, NY

Double click to view the previous exhibitions