Red Line, an exhibition by Yachin Kochba.


I am proud to host the exhibition of Yachin Kochba, a friend and an artist, at my Virtual Gallery. Here are ten of Yachin canvases, a part of the whole exhibition that took place at The Kibbutz Art Gallery in Tel Aviv, Israel, till the end of June 2001. A beautiful catalog accompanied the show.


Most of the canvases are large scale, very clean, a craftsman's work, you don't see the marks of the brush, it gives the impression of a glass surface, the viewer enters a quite, peaceful and a meditative state of mind. One can call these works spiritual paintings.


These paintings belong to the tradition of " Color Fields" , " Grid" , and " Minimalist" Art.


Here is an extract from the article Ms. Tali Tamir wrote for the catalog of the exhibition at the Kibbutz Art Gallery: " Sisyphean labor, ceaselessly repeating a foreknown, pre - dictated course, never desisting, characterizes yachin Kochba's painterly practice. " I leave Sisyphus at the foot of the mountain!, " Albert camus challenges his readers at the end of " The Myth of Sisyphus ", " One always finds one's burden again ". Unaware of the underlying Literary - Philosophical metaphor, Kochba yields to the human instinct of which camus has spoken, likewise finding his burden again - the heavy, total weight of early Modernism, which strives for the vanishing point, where fullness and emptiness converge and become a single entity. "


Oil and Graphite on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 1999.


2 a

Oil and colored pencil on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 1999. 2a. detail.



Oil and graphite on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 1999. 3a. detail



Oil and graphite on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 1999. 4a. detail.


Oil and ink on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 1999.



Oil and graphite on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 2000. 6a, detail.


Oil and felt marker on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 2000.



Oil and colored pencil on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 2000, 8a, detail.



Oil and ink on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 2000. 9a, detail.



Oil graphite and ink on canvas, 144cm x 144cm, 2000. 10a, detail.

For more information please,

E-mail the Artist Yachin Kochba.

Haruv st. 45, Yavne, 81512, Israel.

Tel: 972-8-943 6255

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