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The w'eb: midi2trommler

  Trommler lib
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midi2trommler converts a MIDI file to a Trommler song file. Here is the command usage, as obtained by typing the command alone:

Usage: midi2trommler <options> <midi file> <output file>
Options are:
 . --nogm or -g: do not name instruments according to General Midi
 . --track or -t followed by a track number; default is first track
     where a Note On event on the specified channel occurs
 . --channel or -c followed by a channel number; default is 9
 . --quantize or -q followed by a number of beats per base note;
     default: 4 beats per quarter note

The default drum names are taken from the General MIDI specification, and the default track is the 9th one (the one dedicated to drums in General MIDI).


Download midi2trommler

Please note:

Put both packages somewhere in your PYTHONPATH.

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