Origin place and return of the souls

English . . . Español


Is considered one of the most notable thinkers of the intellectual vanguard of the last decades.
His teleological concepts supported by mathematical and philosophical bases, impregnate his whole investigative, essayist and novelist works. In the nineties, he developed the EGONIC Theory, a philosophic argumentation about the nature of the human soul (which he calls Egon), of the possibilities of obtaining Eternity and of the dangers of reincarnation.

He was born in October, 1948 to a family of italo-Irishwoman origin.
During his childhood he received a Salesian education during eight years; once finishing high school (1966), he took simultaneously the university courses of Psychology and Philosophy and Arts, and later undertaking also (1972) the studies of Field Archeology and Egyptology.
His investigative spirit led him to study profoundly some areas of mathematics, like for example: Calculus; Partial Derivatives; The Decision Theory; The Chaos Theory; and Last Fermat Theorem.
Between the years of 1980 and 1988 he was taught at University and in the College of Arts he was the head of the department for History of Art and History of Styles.

Foto Egipto

Prezioso working inside a tomb Saqqara (Egypt) 1994

Prezioso also developed and extensive activity as a Painter, carrying out, between the years of 1978 and 1992, various expositions, having been awarded in various Salons of Beaux Arts, receiving his highest distinction in 1981.
Today his works are spread out around the world, making part of various private and official art collections in: Germany, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Egypt, United Stated, France, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Uruguay.

As a writer, the novels I, Tutankamón; Tui y The Bailey, have merited ample and complimentary comments.

His transcendental thoughts manifested in his works EGONIC Theory, DESTINATION'S Theory and Code: SOUL earned credibility by means of seminaries and conferences, directed to the intellectual and opinion forming layers of the western society; as well as the articles and documentaries which he writed for the North American television.

Finally he left this world together with Sonya, his passionate partner of many years of fights, trips and adventures. They with their death affirmed that they promulgated so much through the Egonism.

(The last two years they lived in María Farinha, a solitary beach of the Brazilian northeast, where died in August of 2003.)

Today the Egonism has own light and whith his clarifier message will continue displacing the absent information and waking up those who sense that beyond this empty reality the Other Reality exists, infinitely transcendent.
And "Without pocket neither medal" is a short, ironic and lucid story of who could not reconcile the eternal dream of the fools.

Lic. Catley Bonney


Prezioso and his Time Line

With Borges, in the year 1985, he exchanged "ideas and delusions" as Borges himself defined the long conversations maintained with -"this young man who paints the world the way my retina senses it"-


The original works of Prezioso, which mixes the fantasy, scientific curiosity and metaphysical search called the attention of Italo Calvino, with whom he developed -"an interesting exchange of thoughts about the human evolution"-


-"I believe we both share an imaginative dimension, inhabited by dreams, myths, magic and religion"- expressed in 1980 the then Cuban ambassador to France, Alejo Carpentier in a letter written to Prezioso -"it is our idea of reality"- he concluded


In 1986 at a symposium of Fantasy and Science Fiction Literature in New York, he met Isaac Asimov, with whom he established a sincere friendship which lasted until Asimov's death in 1992


Amongst his most fervent admirers was the actor Vittorio Gassman, who deeply analyzed the Egonic Theory


Literary Criticism to his Works

"Since Bram Stoker to Lovecraft I hadn't read anyone who expressed with so much lucidity the poetic sense of the tragedy of the human destiny "

Vincent D´Renzis
Le Monde

"Preziozo's thoughts are a successful mixture of nietzchean Zaratustra and Zen master.
He makes us suffer, makes us doubt; condole ourselves of our reality, he corners us with his intelligent vision and without any 'new age' makeup, but when desolation is around us, we discover with amazement that we are transiting thought the yellow path of illumination"

Mourice Parker (Filósofo)

"The literary works of Prezioso reflects the inane horror common to the human condition, nevertheless by the eyes of angels and demons"

Gustav Toff (Editor)
New York

"In the first half of the XX century, Aldous Huxley marked prophetically the future of humanity; but in this XXI century, who will tell us what tomorrow will bring?
Prezioso's thoughts retake the Huxley idea, but directed towards spiritual criticism and its validation for eternity"

Lic. Yammil Hanan (escritora)

"Prezioso proposes with his Egonic Theory a concept of extreme logic in the face of the irrational religious thoughts"

Zsenda Fleming
Il Correo


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