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poem - BLACK
poem - DEATH
poem - FREE
poem - HATE
poem - MESSIAH
poem - MORPH
poem - TRUTH
long - NO TITLE
long - WRITTEN


I exist on the line between hate and violence
I crave the clarity of dark night
I come to you in your dreams shatter your sleep

The worlds stolen my space
Exist between two worlds now
The strains violence seep through my ears
I believe all I hear I forget all I believed in
Your chants in praise of the other
Influence my choice
I am but a pawn in your game
If you say I exist I live for you
For you I exist
Your prophecies are my future
Your stories my history
You are my creator my master
My lord and ruler
You control my actions
My thoughts my dreams

But when night comes I set me free

I exist on the line between hate and violence
I crave the clarity of dark night
I come to you in your dreams shatter your sleep
I am your lord your master

The society you create for me
Helps bind me down
There are others like me
You enslave my kind
You dictate our actions you rule our time
Our individuality stolen
Our minds plundered
We exist as the stereotypes you created
Seeking freedom
You condemn me
Society practicing ostracism
You isolate my kind

But when the bright night comes I set me free

Free to indulge in my thoughts free from you brain washing
Relaxing your hold I set me free
I no longer exist in the world you created
No longer adhere to your definitions of right and wrong
I gain what you keep from me but only just
For when day comes I am ensnared in you web once again
Those who dare to differ those who dare to disobey
They are held captive
Not allowed to enjoy the conditional freedom you provide