Click on any of the voting links to be able to vote -- please put down your e-mail address or else the vote will not be counted. If you see that a link is not working it is because I'm not allowing people to vote for fics with less than 3 nominees -- they will go on to the next round. Click on the story to read the fanfiction... Please be aware that some fanfictions are rated NC-17.

~Vote for best poem~

~"The Tale of the Toasted Telephoner," by Meltha

~"The 31st and 32nd Pilgrims: The Lovers," by Baby Blues

~Vote for best humor in a fanfiction~

~"BtVS in the Hands of an Insomniac," by Venus Blue

~"Home for the Holidays," by Meltha

~"See the Moo," by Kasiya

~"The Bloody, Horrific Death of Connor," by Matt

~"Buffy Just the Way It Should Be," by Mr fic 2k

~Vote for best action in a fanfiction~

~"When The Bough Breaks," by S J Smith

~Vote for best fluff in a fanfiction~

~"Afterglow," by Sienna

~"Yours," by Matt

~Vote for best AU/AR fanfiction~

~"King of Swords," by Callista01

~"Lost Slayer Series," by Nicky

~"Wolf Pack," by Baby Blues

~"High Demonic Activity in Cleveland," by Venus Blue

~"I Still Miss the Sun," by Anna

~"The Beginning of Her Destiny," by Ashley

~"A Husband's Chance," by Britanyca

~"Protector," by Tango

~"Irresistable," by Michelle

~"Monuments," by S J Smith

~"Penile Codes," by Heidi

~"Time Out of Mind," by kittyb90

~Vote for best future fanfiction~

~"Total Recall," by Babywillow

~"Infinitely Gentle," by Sienna

~"Angelic Memories," by Lady Sirona

~"Epilogue," by S J Smith

~Vote for best B/A Crossover~

~"Tonight and the Rest of My Life," by Venus Blue

~"Lazarus's Tears," by Matt

~Vote for best conventional romance fanfiction~

~"I Will Love You Till My Dying Day," by Venus Blue

~"Every Night I Save You," by Anna

~"Not Nearly Perfect," by Ashley

~"Fragility," by Tango

~"Jocasta Revisited," by D M Evans

~"Watermark," by Rebecca

~Vote for best unconventional romance fanfiction~

~"Worn and Faded," by Venus Blue

~"Music Box," by Anna

~"A Kiss Before Waking," by kittyb90

~Vote for best all around fanfiction~

~"A Future's Past," by Cheri (Jossfan28)

~"Bathwater," by Ashley

~"Psychedelic Butterfly," by Dana Evans

~"Strangers in the Night," by Sara Pridmore