F Met:                                                    Date:                                             Lucky fan(s):

Jerry                                                        6th - 14th July 2003                             Ross
Vanness' MV's premier                              28th      August 2002                             Jing Yi
cute Jerry stories                                                      July 2003                   From: Ross
Ken and Vic in Thai.                             September 2003                             Emmy
F2s Ultra Concert wth ASOS                      13th September 2003                             Renz
Ken and Vanness' first Philippine concert           "             "                                      Louie
Vanness and Ken's concert was great!!              "             "                                     Katya_alex
The event with
Vanness and Ken                       "             "                                      Mia
F2 and ASOS in Philippines                              "             "                                      Rosanna
Brilliant Concert in Manila with
F2 and ASOS     "             "                                      Gabe

If you have met F4 before or any of them please send the story
f4@f4ifc.zzn.com and share your happiness...If you have
some photos with go with the thing that happened then email it
zoe_chan68@hotmail.com instead of our club email. Thanks.
F4's International fans family
E-mail F4'sIFF