Submission Guidelines

1} Although your significant other was definately a loser, please use only their first names or nicknames. It wouldn't be polite to use their full name. Too bad, huh?!!

2} No vulgar language.

3} No graphic sexual content.

4} No graphic violence.

This is how your story submission may look:

Dear I'm Not Bitter;

I am a lonely female who found your site as I wandered, after I found out the truth.

You wouldn't believe what my husband did to me. He left me for the dog down the street.

It wasn't even a pretty dog like a Poodle or Irish Setter. He left me for a Bulldog. Can you believe he left a six foot, 200 pound, Italian dressmaker for a Bulldog?!! I was devistated.

Then I started seeing the cat next door. He's so warm and cuddly. He scratches my back. He sings to me. He even likes to drink warm milk on the terrace at sunrise as he gazes into my eyes.

That left my husband very upset.

I wish I had started seeing that cat long before my husband left me. I often wonder what my life would be like if I had met that cat first.

Don't you think that my story belongs on your Other page?

No longer bitter,

I.M. Shameless
A.K.A. ~ Cat Lover
Web Site:
Submitted: 2/28/98

Disclaimer: No dogs, cats, Italians or dressmakers were discriminated against or harmed during the completion of this story.

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