Stories Jacqueline Michelle Lincoln ~ 1 | ~ 2 | ~ 3


Jacqueline Michelle Lincoln & Money

Dear I'm Not Bitter;

I am a lonely female who found your site on my own, after I found out the truth.

You wouldn't believe what my boyfriend did to me. After 5 years and 8 months Jason started to shove, push, and pull hair. He left me with his car payment and the payment to his student loan, because "it was all my fault."

He of course waited until I put him through school and financed a car for him. I had put up with a lot but that was going too far. I forced him to move out and I tried to get on with my life. But Jason had other plans. He stalked me. He tried to run my car off the road. He accused me of sleeping with my female roommate, my male first cousin, a construction worker that worked in our building, and the doctor I worked for. At this rate I was getting more use than a Kentucky Derby winner and not having an ounce of fun at it.

It finally culimanated one night with his breaking into my house, ripping my phones from the wall, throwing my roommate into the wall, trying to strangle me, and then being arrested. His parting words were, "Now see what you've done, you b****." I hoped that was the end of it, but I wasn't so lucky.

My landlord served me with eviction papers because he feared the house was being trashed. Then, Jason ran the car I finaced for him into the back of a salt truck and refused to pay the loan on it. He also refused to pay back his student loan which I had placed on my Visa card. He wouldn't pay child support or help to pay my son's tuition at his expensive private school. Having lost my job at the doctor's because of his constant stalking and my fraying nerves I took a minimum wage job at my son's school. With little income and more bills than I should have we live from check to check.

Then I entered therapy. I learned to take a step back and look at my life in a more objective light. I started taking one small task at a time and completing it before starting another. Most of the bills are now paid and I am working on saving money and finding a house of my own. I took control of my life and have watched as Jason's hold and fear have withered and slipped from my back.

That left me elated.

I wish I had not given so much trust to Jason. He could have financed his own school and car and I would have been much better off. I've learned to not give more of myself than others give to me.

Don't you think that my story belongs on your Money page?

No longer bitter,

A.K.A. ~ Jacqueline Michelle Lincoln
Web Site:
Submitted: 2/28/98

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