Welcome to the Cosplay Sanctuary!
:: Keeper of the Sanctuary ::

Please allow Himiko-chan to guide you to your destination...

Cosplay Sanctuary has been serving plenty of customers and we are loving it!!! A special Domo Arigato to all those who have allowed us to transform them into the cosplay character they have always desired to be! *bows deeply* We are honored to have made your cosplaying experience a memorable one!! Thank you so very much for the loyal support and unwavering trust you have invested in us to keep us motivated and feel special for what we do!! *hugs* Thank you all!! We wish all of you the best and eternal fun at all anime conventions or parties you decide to cosplay at!! Keep on rockin' and cosplayin'!!

If you have bought an outfit from us either directly or from ebay and would like to submit your pictures on this page, please EMAIL US either the link or send the picture(s) as attachments!!

Customer Pictures (Page 1):


1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6


• Privacy Statement : All content, including graphics and text belong solely to Cosplay Sanctuary and may not be copied or reproduced without consent from Cosplay Sanctuary. Thank you.
Copyright © 2002-2003 Cosplay Sanctuary / FinalFantasyMiko Productions. All rights reserved.