Russian Fighter Su-17 "Fitter"

Aircraft  Su-17 "Fitter" (SUKHOI)
Type    Ground-attack
Similar Aircraft  MiG-21 Fishbed, Su-7 Fitter, A-7 Corsair II, G.91Y. 
Engine One Lyulka AL-21F-3 afterburning turbojet: 24,802 lb thrust
Wingspan  45 ft (13.8 m)
Length  61 ft, 6 in (18.76 m)
User Countries Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, CIS, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary,
Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Yemen, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, South Yemen, Syria, Vietnam.
Max. Ceiling  59,055 ft
Range  1,100 km 
Crew  1
Armament  Two 30mm NR-30 cannons with 70 rounds per cannon, plus up to 9,921 lb
          including ASMs, bombs, dispensor weapons, rockets, drop tanks, and ECM pods on
          eight external points

Wings. Mid- to low-mounted (wings are mounted below the center), variable, swept-back, and
tapered with blunt tips. Wide wing roots.
Engine(s). One turbojet in the fuselage. Circular air intake in the nose. Large, single exhaust.
Fuselage. Long, tubular with blunt nose and rear section. Large bubble canopy. Prominent
dorsal spine on top of the body from the cockpit to the tail fin.
Tail. Swept-back and tapered fin with a square tip. Flats mid- to low-mounted on the fuselage
swept-back and tapered


Fighters: [MiG-17] [MiG-19] [MiG-21] [MiG-23] [MiG-25] [MiG-29] [MiG-31]
Experimental Fighters: [S-37] [MiG-1.42]
Fighters: [Su-7] [Su-15] [Su-25] [Su-27] [Su-33] [Su-34] [Su-35] [Su-37]
Bombers: [Tu-160] [Tu-128] [Tu-22]
Helicopters: [Ka-52] [Ka-50] [Mi-28]
Surface to Air Missles: [Sa 8] [Sa 10] [Sa 11] [Sa 12] [Sa 15] [Sa 16] [Sa 19]
Anti-tank: [At 9]