Russian SuperManoeuvrable Fighter Su-37 
"Fighter 711"

Aircraft  Su-37 (Fighter 711) 
Type  Fighter 
Year  1996 
Engine  2 x AL-37FU, turbojet 
Wingspan  14.7 m 
Length  21.96 m 
Height  5.9 m 
Weight  28000 kg/35000 kg 
Max. speed  2500 km/h (2.35M) 
Range  3700 km 
Crew  1 
Payload  8000 kg 
Armament  1 x 30 mm gun: GSh-301 (150 rnds), 
14 x Air-to-Air missiles:
AA-10, AA-11, AA-12 

The Su-37 is a supermanoeuvrable version of modern Russian fighter Su-35.

For the first time the new Su-37 fighter, whose reversible thrust engine makes it highly maneuverable, was shown in public display on 1 August, ITAR-TASS report. According to the engineers at the Sukhoi Design Bureau, the plane has no equivalent in other airforces and is "the first plane of the 21st century."

Speaking at the demonstration, Sukhoi test pilot Yevgeny Frolov said that unlike aircraft with conventional thrust, this vectored-thrust model could be recovered from spins or from stall attitudes at almost any altitude. Frolov has made 30 flights on the Su-37 in the past four months. Air Force Commander Petr Deynekin was also at the presentation. He announced that the Russian Air Force will definitely be a purchaser of the Su-37.

Fighters: [MiG-17] [MiG-19] [MiG-21] [MiG-23] [MiG-25] [MiG-29] [MiG-31]
Experimental Fighters: [S-37] [MiG-1.42]
Fighters: [Su-7] [Su-15] [Su-17] [Su-25] [Su-27] [Su-33] [Su-34] [Su-35] Bombers: [Tu-160] [Tu-128] [Tu-22]
Helicopters: [Ka-52] [Ka-50] [Mi-28]
Surface to Air Missles: [Sa 8] [Sa 10] [Sa 11] [Sa 12] [Sa 15] [Sa 16] [Sa 19]
Anti-tank: [At 9]