Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Let us first take a look at the second part of that statement.  All Jesus was trying to say is that unless we go through Him, there is no other way.  No Christ, no talk.  End of story.  No heaven.  No Father.  No way.  Simple, short and sweet.  No other way to understand that.

Now, Jesus said that He is the way.  Let us understand this for a moment.  I can drive from Sydney to Perth and try to get to your house by either calling you for directions or reading the map.  I would most probably forget all the instructions you tell me and it will get to be too complicated to even describe in detail over the phone.  If I were to read a map, it may not be complete to the point to getting to your house.  A map is a good general guide but not a detailed one to get you to a specific destination like your house.  In either case, we’d get lost, lose heart and give up.

There is a third way.  I can ask you to join me since you know exactly where the house in Perth is.  You sit next to me and tell me where to drive next.  Up the street, down the highway, take the next left turn, go right after the next light, etc.  Somehow, with your step-by-step instruction at the right time next to me to show me, you have become the way to your house in Perth.  And why I trust you is also because you came from that house and now you are going to show me the way to it.  You don’t have to give me ten instructions but one after another when I carry it out.  You are the way.  Not the phone call, not the map but you.

Jesus is our way much like that.  He is with us each step of the way.  He tells us what to do next, not ten steps ahead but just the next step.  If we can’t walk sometimes, He will carry us.  But always beside us each step of the way.  He is the way.  There will be many things that we will not understand and that He will not let us know.  But we have to trust Him on it, just the next step.

Jesus is the truth.  He is the absolute truth, not part truth, not a lie in any shade but the complete truth.  In fact, He is the only one who is most trustworthy.  We can believe in everything He says because He is the truth and in Him is no lie.

We find it difficult to trust people because we are unsure of what they say is the truth and what is not.  Sometimes, even with our closet friend, it is not the case that they will lie to us but how much of it is the truth, the whole truth and not part truth and part guesswork or rumor.  We have seen how we can be deluded by rumors and we tend to say things as though we have seen it first hand when all we did was hear it from the fifth mouth.  We don’t intentionally lie but sometimes, we just don’t know the truth of what we say but we truly did believe in it.  That’s why many of us find it hard to trust people, afraid of being duped or used or manipulated in any way.
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