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  Msg Board

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  Contact Info



You want to contact us! That's pretty awesome, and we appreciate your feedback, questions, comments, praise, criticism, chain letters, Viagra offers, etc. Luckily for everyone involved in this transfer of ideas, there are a number of ways to get in touch with us and they are listed below. We like (and check) email the most but the others will get the job done if they're more your bag.

EMAIL - This old chestnut is quite the classic and for good reason. If you want us to read what you've got to say, your best bet is to send us an email at and we'll get back to you with all deliberate speed. Which will actually be pretty fast. Way faster than desegregation.

FACEBOOK - We like Facebook too. If you want to friend/message me or Rich, you're more than welcome to do so. Just make sure you specify who the heck you are. There's also a global group called "Fooled Mommy Fanatics" which we'd really like you to join. The link is to that, but you can just search for it too. It's there somewhere.

MYSPACE - If you're a porn star or a band we've never heard of, we desperately crave your friendship! Please friend and message us here. Oh, and make sure you post lots of bulletins about how we need to do something or Tom will castrate us in the middle of the night. We love that stuff.

MTVU.COM - In addition to listening to some of our dance-inducing ear candy, you can leave us a public comment here and then rate us. We suggest a rating of 5, but we're a little biased.

FOOLED MOMMY MESSAGE BOARD - There's a link to this one on the left already, but you can talk to us here too. These last two ways aren't exactly ideal for confidential conversations but if you don't mind everyone seeing what you've got to say, post away.