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With just a quick email to us (check out the Contact Info page), you too can join the Official Fooled Mommy Fan Club. It's safe, it's easy, and it's absolutely 100% FREE! Members of the Official Fooled Mommy Fan Club receive exclusive email newsletters from time to time informing them of the very latest in Fooled Mommy happenings, including all sorts of secret stuff we can't tell you on the website. Really secret stuff. I can't even begin to hint at what sorts of forbidden knowledge might be conveyed to you if you join, but maybe this next sentence will give you a hint. Adam likes inventively engineering nautical submersibles. Oh, that crazy Adam. I wonder if he likes looking at the first letter of each word in a sentence too. I'll bet he does.


Below is an example of the kind of incredible picture you might be able to lay your eyes on if you're a FM Fan Club member! This is only a sample!!!